I'm playing Dragon Age Origins on the 360 (I'm having a really hard time), but I have to ask: was Dragon Age two really THAT bad?
I think that depends on what you really wanted out of Dragon Age 2.
For every step forward DA2 takes, it takes three steps backwards.
If you want + expect more DAO - i.e. strategic-style CRPG where you control an entire party - then you won't like DA2 as much.
The famous overhead tactical camera from PC version of DAO (which is NOT in console versions of DAO) is NOT in DA2.
Even though you still control a party - DA2 is more action-orientated, combat-wise.
If you wanted flashier, faster, more action-y looking combat, and action-y feeling combat - DA2 is where it'll be at for you.
Also, you can only be a human version of Hawke, whether you decide on male or female.
You don't have options of different races in DA2; DAO had different races.
And in DA2 - you don't have different openings like there were in DAO, either.
In DA2 - there ain't nearly as many choices and endings, when compared to DAO.
Each Act (there's 3 of them) in DA2 [base-game] feels like its own actual story.
DAO's more epic in its storytelling - as it's basically ONE big, long epic story.
IMHO - While I liked Act 3, I do think Act 3 was nowhere even close to being as interesting as Act 2 in the main quest; and Act 2 was the best Act in the game.
These DA2 stories are smaller in scale than DAO; while DA2's much more personal than DAO.
You basically are mostly in one city (Kirkwall) most of the time or going to locations nearby it, in DAO.
Also, customization of your equipment is MUCH more limited in DA2. Certain equipment works only for Hawke; certain items are character specific; certain items cannot replaced at all; certain items that cannot be swapped-out can ONLY be upgraded.
Worst of all - level recycling is BAD in this game. They try to pass off a lot of areas as different areas, but those barely changed much of the enemies or the map itself. Bleh. Also, you'll revisit same areas that have not changes much, over time. Or you'll visit an area in a main quest, then re-visit that area later in a side quest.
Also - it ain't super-important to even really import your save from DAO to DA2. ME series does a much better job of making importing from game-to-game important. The hanging storylines from DAO about Flemeth and Morrigan are pretty much left barely even touched upon in DA2.
Though, there's something about DA2 - and I still really liked it, even despite it list of flaws. I just didn't wholeheartedly love DA2, since it has its laundry list of issues.
I love DAO - and think it's one of the best RPG's ever made period. Hard to follow-up a masterpiece like that - and not disappointment the world.
I prefer the graphics style and technical quality of DA2 over DAO by a mile (keep in mind, I played this on the PC - higher DirectX 10 settings); and I love some of the characters in this game (especially Merrill; Varric is pretty cool, as well). I also really liked the experimental "Each Chapter is its own Story" and the personal nature of the story - i.e. the focus on immigration; and what Hawke's family goes through throughout the entire game.
If you love DAO and you want to get DA2 -I suggest you get DA2 cheap and think of it more of an experimental "expansion" or as a "spin-off" kind of game.
They're both much different, in many regards - and I think that's why the fan-base was so divided on DAO + DA2.
Many prefer DAO (especially PC gamers); while some indeed prefer DA2.