Haha, way to take things too far.
Apple is doing what it has to do to keep itself competitive. Everything they are doing is within the bounds setup by the current patent system. Nobody is breaking any laws or acting immoral here. Like others have mentioned, if it wasn't Apple it would've been someone else.
No I'm not saying that this is the way it should be, because I do believe many patents are a detriment to innovation, but it's not like this just happened overnight. There are plenty of patents that prevented companies from doing cool things. MS, Adobe, etc. all hold some crazy patents on what you can and can't do. Heck, LinkedIn (if I'm not mistaken) has the patent for adding friends via email, you know, the system used by pretty much every social website. Heck, there's a patent for storing user information in databases.
Going back to Apple, I'll add that there's nothing preventing other companies from doing something original or radical, in the same way that Apple did with the iPod or the iPhone (which at the time was a step in a new direction that everyone has since copied). And yes, I do think the Samsung tablet is very, very, very much inspired by the iPad, to a point that I confused it for a new smaller iPad when I first saw the commercials.