Fuck, whatever. It looks more like the internet is blowing up over nothing. If it was a story about a blind date with Bo Jackson, it wouldn't be a big deal. He's in the public eye, blah blah blah. So's this guy in his own shitty way. Sure, she kind of comes off like a bitch for saying she isn't in to him for a shallow reason, but she has a great fucking point; we're all pretty much shallow. Especially me.
Types of girls I judge:
-Overweight ones
-ones too into sports
-ones who want to do date things involving sports (If I'm throwing down big money on a ticket to something I sure as shit am going to maximize my fun by going with a friend instead)
-girls who are on facebook too much
-girls with blogs
-girls who like horses too much
-girls who are Australian
-Girls with bad teeth
-girls involved in fashion
-girls who are too into music
And probably a million other things. Literally. A million.
She judged this guy for liking Magic. But that's not really the full story. It sounds more like she judged him for liking Magic, decided he was probably socially awkward, he was (tickets to a one-man show? About a serial killer no less. Brah...you're doing it wrong), and decided it wasn't for her. He was somewhat famous in a nerdy geek community, she writes for a blog that somewhat appeals to that community, and she made an article about it. It wasn't good, but whatever...almost nothing on these blog sites are.
I found the backlash to be more funny than anything else. And the Kotaku story in particular (it may be the worst thing I've ever read).
The fact that you don’t know when you’ve had too much alcohol already says a lot about you. Any guy will tell you that there’s nothing more unattractive than a drunk girl falling all over the place and having no idea how stupid she looks. The fact that you don’t know your limits when it comes to alcohol — or that you might have even deliberately got yourself drunk — doesn’t make you look very credible.
.... THIS bitch is retarded. She got all uppity about an article, decided to ride the backlash wave and just proved that she's completely fucking socially retarded. Yeah, the liqour industry and entertainment districts in every city in the world thrive on people going out for nightcaps. No, you fucking moron: people like getting fucked the fuck up. Not everyone, but most. That's why prohibition failed, not because the general population were angry that they couldn't have a casual scotch after a game of golf. THIS is a point you're going to focus on in your critique of this chick's article? You might as well just title your shit article on your shit blogsite "Socially Awkard Angry at Possibly Socially Awkward for Criticizing Socially Awkard". Where the fuck are you from? Utah? No, this bitch is from Australia. AUSTRALIA. Drink like goddamn fish over there. It gives them what they refer to as the "Stealing Nerves". She doesn't know shit about shit that's going on in the social culture around her.
I should have stopped there, but I went a bit further.
here’s no point wondering what terrible things could have happened. The worst that did happen in this situation was that you joined OKCupid and f**ked with some poor guy’s head and then publicly humiliated him.
2 creepy dates is "fucking with some guys head". Not only does this bitch have no idea what the fuck people around her like doing, she's a fucking nun who's either never dated or married the first goddamn guy she slept with because she didn't want to "fuck with his head" after she decided she hated him three weeks in. She was a bit put off and went on a second date, I don't know what the fuck else this chick wants. Does she have to stick around until the guy pulls out his level 6 Awkward Charm of the Desert SeaDragons card and clumsily beds her before she can ethically and non-judgementally decide he isn't for her? I honestly don't think the kotaku bitch has ever decided she needed to sever a motherfucker, because sometimes you decide that 15 min in, hang out for the night and then either avoid them or just tell them whats up a few days later. Maybe it's because she has man hands. Maybe because he's wearing a suit to a first date. Maybe because your date declares that they have the world's largest collection of plush baby seals....or clubbed seals - who gives a fuck. Someone isn't for you, you get the fuck out sooner rather than later. And chances are that if the guy has the least bit of fame and you write for a blog, you may use him as an example in a story (which I'm guessing was intended to be humorous rather than hard-hitting) on the perils of online dating during a slow news day.
But seriously: Magic Cards are totally fucking lame. So is this guy:
Trust me, this article should be this guy's least concern in the category of public humiliation. I don't care what the fuck your shitty "profession" is. The second someone somewhere gets commissioned to paint you as a wizard you deserve what you get from that point forward.