HAHAHA I read half of the thread (up until D posted that the game would come to PC at some stage)... Come on guys this is just typical stuff you should expect this by now, a game on the 360 is an exclusive up until they release it on the PC some months later!
Or in some cases, like Halo 2 and Jade Empire, some YEARS later.
But, at least it comes over here -- especially for when I want something to play, when it hits the Bargain Bin.
I read the title and I knew it would come to the PC eventually, I just enjoyed read the emotionally charged responses But the general feelngs towards PC ports is well founded though.
Any the last Wolf' game wasn't too bad but... better than Doom 3 but (to me) that's not hard
I liked RTCW: Original. The SP was good, though the MP was great.
Actually, I liked RTCW better than Doom 3 -- which I figured would've never happened, in a million years, myself. I never could really get into Doom 3's MP.....I've yet to begin the Doom 3 expansion.
Though, I'll take Quake 2 and Quake 4 over all those.
Now, let's get to RTCW: ET....
RTCW: ET was great -- how could you go wrong for free download to play some kick-ass MP??? I'm sure many gamers would've paid for that, since that was going to be in the original RTCW: Expansion Pack anyways -- until they realized the SP part for the expansion just wasn't coming together too well...I'm sure if it was just a MP and was going to sell that component for a reduced price (since it wouldn't have a SP piece), gamers would've ate that up.