Author Topic: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?  (Read 7017 times)

Offline gpw11

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Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« on: Sunday, October 09, 2011, 12:38:57 PM »
That shit was nothing.

I recently had a bit of a rash on my belt line.  Whatever, no big deal.  But I've been seeing this girl that I actually like and it might have freaked her out so I decided the best course of action would be to get a doctor to look at it and get some sweet ass rash cream.  Because, you know, when you work construction, you sometimes get a rash where your tool belt meets the buckle of your pants belt.  Or at least I do.  Or at least I thought.

"That's herpes"

Seemed kinda callous. Worst bedside manner ever. 

"You sure?"

And that's when the guy realized I didn't have herpes...previously. So he asked me some questions.  "Is it itchy?"  No, it hurts.  Like a friction burn.  "Is it anywhere else?" No, just there.  Where my belt digs in. "How many sexual partners you have?"  (English wasn't his first language).  What, like right now, or in total?  Now, one ongoing.  In total, fuck me, I don't even know. "Have you had any flu like symptoms recently? "  No. And then I noticed the guy on his iPhone as he was filling out whatever sheet was on the clipboard and just kind of blacked out again.

So, they do a swab test and send it to the lab.  The next week was kind of fucked as I was trying to come to grips with two things:

1.) Possible herpes
2.) How does such an assclown become a doctor?  Like, you need a certain type of personality for that shit and that guy should have been weeded out in first year.

I went about the week as per usual.  The rash ended up being exactly like a friction burn.  Exactly.  Except it wasn't.  It was totally herpes.

I got the test results back yesterday.  The second doctor I saw had a far better bedside manner and was pretty awesome in general.  Here's a very scientific picture of where it is:

As the picture so clearly illustrates, it's not actually on my junk. It's like half way between my junk and my belt line...where the bottom of a belt buckle would fall. This doctor went out of his way to point out that it was a shitty roll of the dice in this case:  It doesn't matter if I was wearing condoms:  they don't go up to your waist.  So, how does this kind of thing go down?  Well, a break in the skin.  From an aforementioned belt buckle digging in, from shaving in the area, ingrown hair, or from whatever.  The guy then cited the stats on herpes.  A fucking lot of people have it, and a lot of people don't know they have it.  AND type 1 (traditionally oral) and type II (genital) aren't really confined to specific areas.  They fucking swap, so motherfuckers are out there with type 1 on their junk and type II on their lips.  Either way, it was a shitty roll of the dice and there was pretty much nothing I could have done.

I talked to the chick I was seeing at the time, being all like "Hey...maybe go get checked out.  I might have gotten this from you". She was amazingly cool about it and I'm still kind of seeing her.  I say "kind of" because I wouldn't be surprised if it was more of a case of her being understanding and thinking "Well, I don't want this guy to go kill himself.  I'll let him down easy once it's all set in". That's probably the worst part because I actually like this girl quite a bit, which is pretty unusual for me.

So, where do I go from here?  Well, it's not that big of a deal, but it's tough.  I mean, the fact that it's not on my lips or my junk is either the best or worst part about it.  See, the shit usually only comes back in the spot where it initially started.  And it's GENERALLY not contagious when it's not on the surface.  I don't know if it's because the skin is different or whatever, but it never got to that gross open sore/whatever stage that people talk about with cold sores/ g-herpes. Literally more like a friction burn or maybe even a bit like a chem burn.  Small blisters, and then healing. The physical aspect isn't really anything that traumatizing, and I'm sure far less painful than actually having a cold sore on your's just like chaffing. The shit side is the social stigma.  I mean, I'm not a piece of shit so I'm going to have to tell girls that this is going on before sex.  Every time.  Whether it's there or not (it's not always recurring and hopefully it doesn't come back).  If I got, say, lip cold sores, it wouldn't be an issue but there's a certain stigma associated with this shit anywhere else on your body (and trust me, I'm happier with where it is than on my lip). So, casual hook ups...probably out.
I've been kinda wrestling with the idea of telling everyone I know or doing the usual and keeping it under wraps and I'm still not sure.  Like I said before;  shitty roll of the dice.  I don't feel any shame or anything.

And that's that.  Y'all be careful out there because it's a dangerous game we play. All in, I'm not that bad off.  Shit's not on my junk or my lip, and if it wasn't that bad the first time (typically by far the worst), then it's hopefully either not going to come back or won't be bad at all.  It was out of my hands and fuck, it's not the HIV. Plus, I've slept with a lot of girls, I might as well leave some for the rest of you.   I'm determined to find a way to turn it into something positive, or at least trick myself into doing so.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to walk out of this with huge arms and awesome abs.   Fuck, who am I kidding, I already have that shit on lockdown.

Offline scottws

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, October 09, 2011, 02:13:21 PM »
Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
Unfortunately, yes.

In all seriousness, that sucks.

I remember I messed around a few times with one of my friend's sister years ago and then later (well after we stopped) found out she had picked up herpes somewhere and in that instant I suddenly, totally found her completely unattractive.  I remember my friend telling me in front of her and she had a look of horror/sheer anger on her face because she was still after me.

Sorry, I guess that's not very supportive but it's football Sunday and I've drank quite a bit.

All I've ever had was chlamydia and scabies.  Luckily one is bacterial and the other is a mite so it wasn't too much effort to get rid of them.  Actually, I'm not even sure about the chlamydia.  At the time, a recent ex-girlfriend called me and told me about her infection and I was having some burning urinations at the time so I figured that's what it was.  Never went to the doctor and it went away quickly.

My playing days are pretty much over and Jennie doesn't have anything so I'm not too worried about anything else.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, October 09, 2011, 04:00:44 PM »
that sucks, man!  :( i really should get myself checked out, but i'm a fucking chicken.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, October 09, 2011, 04:31:41 PM »

I remember I messed around a few times with one of my friend's sister years ago and then later (well after we stopped) found out she had picked up herpes somewhere and in that instant I suddenly, totally found her completely unattractive

Ha.  I had that exact same experience years ago.  I guess I gotta go find this chick and marry her now.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #4 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 12:11:48 AM »
I'm too chicken shit to get myself tested, either.  No symptoms, though.  Maybe I'll do it when I'm single again.  It's scarier when you are in a relationship..
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #5 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 12:57:18 AM »
Keep in mind that they can't really broadly test for herpes.  They can test for antibodies in your blood, but they'll show up if you've ever been in any sort of contact with either strain of the virus.  So, if you've ever drank from a cup that someone with a cold sore used and didn't wash properly, the antibodies may show up in your blood.  Apparently, two many false positives show up for the test to be all that accurate. But don't just rely on not having symptoms meaning that you're clean of shit.  A lot of people are asymptomatic for different things...and that's probably how I got into this mess in the first place.

And facebook girl did not take the news all. She's also my primary suspect.  The girl I'm currently seeing took it amazingly well.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #6 on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 05:56:42 AM »
Sorry to hear that, man.  Non-specific urethritis is the worst I ever had to deal with, in college.  In an age before AIDS, herpes was my worst worry.  I guess if it stays where it is, and only comes back mildly, it won't affect your life too much?  Still sucks.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 11:43:39 PM »
Sorry to hear that, man.  Non-specific urethritis is the worst I ever had to deal with, in college.  In an age before AIDS, herpes was my worst worry.  I guess if it stays where it is, and only comes back mildly, it won't affect your life too much?  Still sucks.

The only real downside here is I'm going to have to tell every single girl I'm involved with.  DATING POOL JUST MOTHERFUCKING SHRANK. LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER. And I left unfinished business on the table.   Honestly, aside from that, I can't see it being something that would get in the way of any other aspect of life.  There'll be a stigma to overcome, and I'm not opptimistic that most people would be able to look past it, even if it's not transmissable most/ all of the time.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 07:06:43 AM »
One of the many reasons I've never slept around. Much.

Sucks though, man. Best of luck with all that. That must be incredibly irritating if nothing else.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 07:30:31 AM »

The only real downside here is I'm going to have to tell every single girl I'm involved with.  DATING POOL JUST MOTHERFUCKING SHRANK. LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER. And I left unfinished business on the table.   Honestly, aside from that, I can't see it being something that would get in the way of any other aspect of life.  There'll be a stigma to overcome, and I'm not opptimistic that most people would be able to look past it, even if it's not transmissable most/ all of the time.

Makes sense. The social stigma for this kind of thing may be pretty bad but all things considered, it's not that bad as far as illnesses go.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 10:08:09 AM »
Honestly, considering what I know about the amount of people that have and the fact that you can get it while protected even without any visible signs, I'm kind of surprised I made it this far.

But physically, it's pretty much nothing to sweat over, so I guess I lucked out in that regard.  At least so far.  The other part is starting to get to me a bit more now, but I'm sure I'll deal with it okay.  Besides, I probably needed SOMETHING to slow me down.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 10:00:42 PM »
I just realized something.

1.) The herpes virus actually infects your nervous system.  Specifically, it lives in your nerve endings...or spine or something.  Either way, that's why it generally affects the same specific area all the time: it travels that nerve network and only surfaces on the skin supplied by it.  So, some people get it in the exact same spot all the time.  Others, just on, say, one side of their mouths and not the other, and others all over their lips but never anywhere else.  It's obviously capable of living anywhere on your body, but usually only inhabits the area of infection.


Dermatomes. Should herpes ever travel, which is apparently rare, it's actually limited by the dermatome which the axons serve.  As you can see from the diagram, I'm most likely in the t12 or l1 zone, but not the actual junk zone (s2/3).

3.) You can't really self-infect yourself in other places.  Usually. Apparently you can when you first get it, but luckily, I've been on anti-virals because I'm not a pussy and have no qualms about going to the doctor to get some rash cream....and then finding out it's herpes.  Also, it helps that the doctor is free here.  Or I pay my $60 a month anyway so I'm going to fucking use it.

4.) People apparently gauge their herpes by their initial outbreak.  It's a.) usually by far the worst, and b.) a good indication of how bad you're in for it.  Mine wasn't bad at all.  I didn't get sick (most people have flu-like symptoms), it's only in one spot, and although it sucked, it could have sucked waaaay worse.  The pictures of herpes on the internet?  I didn't get that.  I got what I thought was a rash and then a friction burn.  Ulcers?  fuck no. Maybe a tiny blister stage in what I thought was the friction burn, hard to say.  I'm hoping for no recurrences here.

5.) You usually have to actually have a sore in order to pass that shit on.  There are exceptions, and that's one of the reasons that way more women have it then men (1 in 4 compared to 1 in 5).  Because their genitalia is generally a giant entry point of thin membrane.  Unless I stuff my waist into a vagina, it's unlikely that it'd ever be passed on without symptoms showing.

6.) Once you catch herpes, you can't really get it again. Herpes couples hook up without turning into giant herpes clusters for this reason:  they can pass the virus off to each other, but their immune system (antibodies yay) fight it off before it can make a home in the nervous system.

Put those things together and what do you have?  I have herpes on my waist area, not a prime region to pass it on.  Also, not a prime region for it coming back due to thicker skin there and a not so bad initial infection. It should stay in the region and my body should be able to fight off any new infections.


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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #13 on: Thursday, October 13, 2011, 06:58:42 AM »
How'd you get a news article from the future!?   My future.

I'm kidding.  Obviously, you fucking tell people.  Or you're supposed to (skank).    I just hope girls can differentiate between waist herpes and junk herpes.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, October 16, 2011, 09:23:47 PM »
Oh god. I'm not dealing with this well.  at all.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 05:06:38 PM »
Go on....

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 09:19:47 PM »
Me:  "So, I kind of get the impression that this thing has run it's course from your perspective.  I can totally understand where you're coming from.  My "pants posse" probably isn't something anyone wants."

Girl I've been seeing for the last little while:  "Well, I know why you might think that, but it's totally not for the reason you think it is. That's not a big deal at all.  It's kinda because I'm in love with this guy.  In California (*note:  No shit, you go down there once a month and you're a broke ass student.  Something was obviously up).  I don't know if he's really all that in to me and I'm too scared to ask because I think he won't want to see me once a month anymore. He must be kinda into me to fly a girl ten years younger down to see him all the time?  Anyways, I met you and thought that I'd get over him, but I guess I kinda didn't and I think you're pretty much perfect for me, but it's just how I feel and it wouldn't be fair to you at all to do this, but it's something we both need to think about.  I know I have to talk to him sooner rather than later and I know it's not going to end well for me.  Oh, and even if you don't want to see me anymore I'd like to still be able to hang out because of whatever fucking reasons."

Me:  "Oh yeah, that's way fucking better than the std thing."

Oh, hey: there's a text message.  My work mentor for the last 5 or so years just died.  I hope his service isn't on the same day as the guy I was friends with in highschool who killed himself over the weekend.    That goes oh so well with the email my sister sent me expressing how she thinks my dad's slowly becoming a vegetable and probably going sooner rather than later so we should start looking at plans for either both or just one parent to move in somewhere smaller.

Fuck you and your lemonade

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #17 on: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 08:04:31 AM »
Well... damn. That sucks, man. That's a pretty tough run... hang in there, things have to get better before too long.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 07:41:47 PM »
OR WORSE.  I'm just waiting for that last straw. 

I think the thing is that I can usually find some target with problems, and have no idea what to swing at here. I guess sometimes things just get the drop on you.  I'm sure you're right though and things will be looking up soon enough, even if they're not actually any better. 

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 07:40:19 AM »
I know what you mean. I've had some serious shit dump on me over the last couple years. But it does get better, and even when it doesn't get a lot better, you learn to deal with most of it and life goes on.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 07:47:19 PM »
Actually, I think I kind of had my swagger back today.  I mean, I figured shit couldn't get any worse, now just to make it better.  Waist herpes?  Pfffft.  Ain't no thing.  This chick?  Probably wouldn't care if it wasn't for the waist herpes.  If it ain't no thing, then this isn't.  And the rest of it?  What can you do?  That's life, grab that shit by the balls and make the best of it I guess.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #21 on: Saturday, October 22, 2011, 12:13:32 PM »
Too much information. Thanks.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #22 on: Monday, October 24, 2011, 10:06:29 PM »
Oh, sorry.  I thought all of you loved my dick stories.

Anyways, the run continues.  Uncle died suddenly on Sunday. I was never close so it didn't really affect me all that much, but it's kind of heart breaking to see my dad.  Last of his family now, and pretty much house bound.  He's a really social guy, so he was kind of having trouble with it already (they had to sell the island home they were going to move to because of his health and mobility problems made it an impossibility and they haven't found anything else yet).  Like, he's just waiting for something but it's not coming. Dude's now fully broken pretty much, although he puts on an awesome cover-up face. I'm just glad this shit didn't go down last week when I was all shaken up.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #23 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 04:38:08 AM »
Sorry to hear about that.

I'm curious, what sort of health issues does your dad have?  My dad died earlier this year of a rare disease that affected his cerebellum and hampered his motor control.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #24 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 07:58:02 AM »
Guys, I'm so sorry about your loss.  You have my personal sympathy.  My father's side of the family is all gone now, uncle, aunt, and my dad.  Grandparents have all been gone for a while.  Getting older sucks, and this is not the least of the reasons.  We watch our loved ones sicken and die.

Scott, I didn't know about your dad.  The loss of my father was heart-wrenching for me.  It took a while to recover.  Best wishes, man.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #25 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 08:53:34 AM »
Sorry to hear about that.

I'm curious, what sort of health issues does your dad have?  My dad died earlier this year of a rare disease that affected his cerebellum and hampered his motor control.

Wow man, I'm really sorry to hear that. I couldn't comprehend the emotional impact of losing either parents at this point in my life.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #26 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 10:03:14 AM »
My dad's been gone about 9 years now. It's never an easy thing... sorry to hear, guys.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #27 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 11:26:04 AM »
Jesus this is the most depressing thread about Gpw's dick, ever.

I am so sorry about your father Scottws. I can't comprehend the emotional impact of losing a parent either.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #28 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 01:53:26 PM »
I didn't tell anyone here?  It happened in January.  It sounds a little callous, but I'm past it by now.  He was slowly declining over the course of years, so I knew it was coming.  Even then it was a little tough, but I've made my peace and moved on.  Thanks though.

I was just curious to see if maybe gpw's dad had the same thing mine did.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 06:27:09 PM »
Sorry to hear about that.

I'm curious, what sort of health issues does your dad have?  My dad died earlier this year of a rare disease that affected his cerebellum and hampered his motor control.

Sorry to hear about your dad, for sure.

The issues with mind are a bit up in the in no one seems to fully know.  He had prostate cancer years ago, which is no big deal, but his body reacted pretty heavily to either the hormone or radiation therapy and he kind of started to wither away and lose all of his muscle.  Years later, I found out he was falling down all the time and he finally agreed to see someone about it.  Initially, they thought it was either Parkinsons or MS, but have since come to the conclusion that it isn't either. They do know that he had spinal fluid pooling in his brain (Hydrocephalus) and has since had a shunt installed to help with this.  Cat scans (or MRIs...whatever) have also revealed that he's been having a ton of liiiiiiittle mini strokes. No one seems to know if these two are related but the end result is that his actual range of mobility is way down, his balance is shot to shit, and a slew of other problems.  Losing all the muscle and whatever else has also thrown his body off kilter, bringing back a ton of back pain that he's had from past injuries.  To the point where that in itself is almost immobilizing. Nothing seemed to touch it and he was given the option of morphine pills or some weird pain killer patches.  He took the patches and had a horrible reaction to them (like a stroke in itself) and is now on the waiting list to see a pain specialist. Also, he's bought a vaporizer and some weed but hasn't actually hit it yet....I think.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #30 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 07:26:24 PM »
That is very different than what my dad had.  I have to be very careful about what I say because this is a public forum and there are some very unfortunate insurance practices.

My dad had a rare degenerative nervous tissue disease similar in some ways physiologically and a lot of ways symptomatically to Lou Gehrig's Disease.  Basically his cerebellum started to wither and slowly die.  The cerebellum is what controls all of your autonomous and muscular systems.  So basically in some ways it had symptoms like what your dad had.  Progressive loss of motor control seen symptomatically as poor (and then extremely bad and then basically non-existent) balance, loss of dexterity in the hands, and loss of the ability to speak with any clarity.  Around the middle of his disease progression, it was basically like he was ridiculously intoxicated from alcohol.  Except it was a permanent condition that would never get any better.  No pain that he complained about though, but then again my dad never complained about anything.  By the end he was mostly using a wheelchair or a walker on his good days.  He could speak, but his speech was very slurred and a struggle.  He couldn't write or type either so that wasn't a solution.

He basically died of extremely poor health because most of his food would end up in his lungs (since the muscle that controls the flap that covered his bronchial tubes basically did not work).  So on top of not getting the nutrition that he needed, he essentially had chronic pneumonia which also led to decreased oxygen in his system.  Doctors recommended a feeding tube for a long time, and we were pushing for it too, but he was stubborn as an ox and refused.  He finally agreed to one a few weeks before he died, but they never bothered to implement it because he was in rapid decline almost as soon as he made that decision.

It must have been very frustrating for him because it was an incurable disease that he knew would kill him at a relatively young age and he had full consciousness - the disease has no effect on the cerebral cortex so his thoughts, memories, and senses were unaffected - but he had trouble physically doing things he wanted or even needed to do and had trouble communicating.

Honestly, it was a blessing he finally passed.  It started getting really bad back in 2005.  Before that he struggled a little with balance here and there but that was about it.  After that though it was a real daily struggle that basically got worse a little bit every day.  I just can't imagine the toll he must have suffered emotionally, but he was never one to talk about anything like that.

I had no idea you were going through something similar with your dad.  I am really sorry to hear that.  Believe me when I say that I understand and I will definitely have your dad in my thoughts.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #31 on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 08:32:52 PM »
Wow, that's brutal; if you don't mind me saying.  Must have been hard to watch, and I can kind of understand:  It sounds like a more accelerated version of what's going on here even though the root cause is very different. And I totally know what you mean with the intoxication thing:  One of the things that always gets me is that my dad seems like he's always a bit drunk because he slurs, isn't nearly as bright or witty as he used to be, and is so awkward moving. The worst part is that it seems like he's fully broken since hearing about his brother, especially because he can't go to the service or celebration of life. 

The upside is that we're hoping that at least some of it can be corrected or slowed with the proper help and therapy.  I know it's pretty much futile (my mom pushes hard), but what else can you do?  I've been thinking about giving his eulogy at times lately because I kind of doubt it's that far off.

But thanks for the concern, I totally do appreciate it.

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #32 on: Wednesday, November 02, 2011, 09:00:03 PM »
In the midst of another maelstrom of shit news, I got some very unexpected awesome news.  I talked to another doctor, somewhat unofficially, and they're of the opinion that what I have, while still herpes, and thus gross, isn't actually genital herpes but Herpes gladiatorum.  Basically, same virus but makes it's way into your system through some sort of skin trauma instead of through mucous membranes during sexual contact (as oral or genital herpes tends to). It gets it's name from the fact that wrestlers, mma douches, and rugby players (forwards I imagine) are often the ones who come own with it.  Apart from the title, what are the differences?   Because of the location (trunk more than junk) and the difference in the skin (thicker, not a mucous membrane), it's obviously a lot less of a concern regarding passing on (unless you're a wrestler and often have repeated skin trauma in the same areas during competitions.  Gross).  Also, while it still can recur, the chances of doing so are far less due to the skin being thicker.

But all that can kind of be seen as splitting hairs. The best part is I know have an awesome name to use when telling people that doesn't sound as much as a dirty STD.  As the guy said; Look, you pretty much won the herpes lottery here. Nowhere sensitive, nowhere visible and I'd personally be less hesitant if a partner told me that they once had a case of herpes in some weird area which is classified as a contagious skin condition than if they came down with coldsores all the time.  But, I might be more informed than most."

BAM!  Herpes lottery!

I hope. Kind of a crapshoot as only time will tell if it comes back and it's severity.  I'm buying a gun and a single bullet just in case.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Remember that time they tried to freeze my dick off?
« Reply #33 on: Friday, November 04, 2011, 12:24:01 AM »

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