Since the .com name is parked, I think we would have had a good shot to register it when it went back to ICANN (available for sale to the public). I wouldn't have done the auction but I wouldn't say the fact that you did is A Bad Thing™.
If you win the auction, we can always transfer the domain away from GoDaddy to another registrar like eNom,, Network Solutions, Nettica, etc. after the cooling-off period. If the auction falls through somehow (never did an auction so I don't know what to expect) and the site goes back to ICANN, we can just buy it from one of the aforementioned registrars.
You know, I am really pretty annoyed that Antares has been such a failure in this regard. I always thought he was a stand-up guy. I understand that maybe he could care less, but like Cobra said he has to understand that there are people that care a lot and that at least some of these same people he knew pretty well. Why doesn't he just help us transfer the damn thing? He should have done it last time.