Woah, was that a Gamestop exclusive? I haven't seen it anywhere else. It's not even in the official UbiShop.
Good question! I...don't know. I just knew GameStop had it for PC download, for sure.
Cobra, I can justify a Season Pass sort of bundle if it offers notable savings. There has to be some advantage to buying in advance. For example, the Season pass costs $20 for DLC that would individually accumulate to $35, it make sense. The savings could be worth it even if one of the DLC sucks, well you didn't pay more per DLC than buying them individually.
I think this also does depend on what you're getting for the price-tag of the Season Pass, as well. Since Season Pass DLC's are pre-orders (normally) and often released AHEAD of the actual DLC releases (that'll be in the Season Pass DLC Pack), so you often don't knows exactly what you're going to be getting for content. You just know - you'll be getting some DLC.
One example of a poorly planned one, that is not really worth it, is the Saints Row 3 Season Pass. The season pass gives you access to 3 DLC, individually at $7 each + a bonus $3 bit of NyteBlade DLC, total $24. The season pass costs $20, so not much savings there, plus if any one of the DLC sucks or is something you don't care about, it negates the advantage of getting the Season Pass. For example, Genki Bowl VII sucked and I wasn't interested in it, so I could buy all individual components without Genki Bowl VII for $17. So this particular Season Pass is practically useless.
For the record, I bought the Saints Row 3 Season Pass when it was on sale a couple of months back for $6; at that price it was totally worth it 
I think the SR:TT Franchise Pack at $13.29 USD (87% off) on the final day of Steam Summer Sale was the better deal (SR:TT + Most of the DLC except the brand new Genki Girl Pack DLC). I don't think most of expected that, since SR:TT Franchise was $25 on most days it was on sale during Steam Summer Sale. And, well - I already bought SR:TT base game from Amazon DVG for $10. Oh, well.
BTW - I probably should discuss SR:TT in the SR3 Thread, but that game's bleeping AWESOME!!!
From a business perspective, the idea is to convince people to see the value in shelling out the cash for the bundle rather than buying one or two individual components for a few dollars.
Plus, they want to take advantage of completionists and collectors. For me, I know I'm gonna want the most complete Assassin's Creed package, that's why I usually wait for GOTY/Gold edition that includes everything for the game. A season pass for AC3 will surely appeal to me, though I'll have to gauge its value or just wait for a price drop.
I still think it's smart for them (dev's and publishers) to say they're done w/ all DLC for the game and then for the gamer to gauge what's actually in the Season Pass DLC Pack. Otherwise, if you buy a Season Pass DLC ahead of time, who knows what you're getting in the Season Pass DLC pack.
It's probably still best to wait for the final ALL Content Inclusive Re-release Edition (they have so many re-released editions names, it ain't funny - Gold Ed, Platinum Edition, Ultimate Edition, GOTY Edition, Franchise Edition, etc etc). Though, often when you buy a great game -- for me, I'd think like Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas -- it can be hard to wait for that Re-Released Edition that includes EVERYTHING.