My only big problem with it was, and still is, the mandate. Think about it. We voted for the man out of a desire to get a comprehensive healthcare system paid by progressive taxation, to achieve parity with the better industrialized nations, and instead what we got was a state-enforced obligation to enrich the same abusive private system we wanted to abolish or at least neuter. (The value of insurance stocks has ticked upward since the Court's ruling.)
I don't know yet how this will all work, but so far, indications are that the rules will be similar to Medicaid's: It doesn't matter what I earn, but what the household that I'm a part of earns. In other words, although I cannot in any way afford medical insurance, and no one in my family can afford to pay for it either, if my mother's household earns enough income, then I don't qualify for free insurance. I'll still be obligated to buy it as of 2014, which equates to paying the penalty (since I won't be buying what I can't afford).
The net result is that while I hate both political parties and their agendas, the Democrats are currently scaring me more than the Republicans. I'll learn as much as possible about the upcoming rules before November, and see if my fears can be laid to rest. Otherwise, ironically in the extreme, given our country's history so far this century, I may end up voting a straight Republican ticket.