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FoxNews.com's style and beauty editor Amber Milt found an article for children, stole it, and presented it to Fox News readers as erotic material.
I read that part. The woman should be fired for plagiarism, or at least horrible writing. Having said that, this writer at Cracked is going too far afield here. Fox News makes a lot of idiotic mistakes, but his scathing attacks unrelated to his piece lowers him to the same level as his perceptions of the conservative outfit.
[Amber Milt] and Fox News are such a drain on society that when they're done murdering and eating their victims, the children they leave behind don't even bother becoming Batmen.
My criticism is not about his style, which is witty. I'm denouncing the gratuitous attacks against Fox News. The woman deserves every bit of ridicule he can muster, and Fox deserves to be red faced about hiring her and keep her on board. All other tripe he dishes out has no merit within the context of his piece. He does not support any of it with facts. As a result, he is no better as a journalist than his low opinion of the very outfit that he so despises.
I do agree. And yes, as Tox said the writing style is very annoying in a "Look at me" kinda way. But it is typical cracked. I don't consider them journalists. While their writing standards are OK in terms of grammar etc., their work is blog style at best.