Wow I write posts extra badly when I am struggling for sleep.
Haha try doing it with an autocorrect that just won't agree with you

Before you know it, you've involuntarily typed all sorts of strange things to people!
I've found a few select proprietary drivers/software that are not compatible with Win8 but for most I can find workarounds, such as my Seagate GoFlex network drive and its management software (luckily, I can just make my own network drive mapping in Windows and manually manage its settings and access rights). It's minor and for the most part it's stuff that the manufacturers will have to address eventually in updated drivers and patches etc.
At $15 the upgrade to Windows 8 is totally worth it. Mine upgraded while retaining all my software and settings, I was using it within half an hour without skipping a beat, it almost feels like I just applied a new visual style.
Even at $40 the upgrade would be a worthwhile investment, considering the behind-the-scenes OS improvements and especially if you're keen on the new UI.
The full retail price is $70, while it seems high compared to the digital upgrade options it' still the most affordable Windows OS to date.
Microsoft are really pushing for people to adopt it