It makes me wonder how many people actually even know how this shit came about. Women love
Twilight, and women love
50Shits, but I honestly haven't read anything about how many people understand where the latter originated. It's basically creative plagiarism, cannibalizing someone else's characters, but this sort of thing is becoming increasingly common. Unfortunately, these are also what sell the most. If you look at a lot of what's "hot" on different sites, you've generally got a bunch of other series someone shat out in a weekend to capitalize on the craze, with covers almost exactly like the
50Shits books and similar "stories" (if you can call bestow that title on something without a plot).
In fact, a couple of comedians "wrote" a fake book by passing it around on the Internet and having random people write completely disjointed chapters that had no relationship to each other, compiled this into a book, took a picture that looked similar to
50Shits and crew, and then put it up for sale. I want to say it made it to #4 or #5 on iTunes for a while. According to
this article on, it was selling for a buck and made almost 20 grand in 3 days. God knows how much they've made in total. I'm too depressed to research it.