I have these weird anger issues, which I now thankfully have significantly more control over, but I still have a question.
When I get upset, I don't get violent or anything (nor do I have violent impulses), but I get really flustered and upset, and can say really mean things which I regret later. What I do is take a time out for myself and use all my self control not to respond. It works for me, but here is the question, eve though in that moment it seems like the end of the world. Because I react in this way i.e. over react, how do stand up for myself when my space is actually being disrespected?
I guess the lesson is that it is better to take a time out than say something you will regret later. But I don't want to be a push over either.
Anyone else have this issue?
A few days ago I had an incident with the new editor of the online section of the paper who has clear person space issues, and has been crude with me for a while. She told me very late on Saturday that she wanted a piece on Monday. On Monday I told her that I got late notice and that I could finish it on Monday night. When she responded and asked me something, I simply explained why it was too for me to finish on Sunday.
There was some miscommunication, and she thought I was asking her for confirmation if she needed it on Monday and shouted on Facebook chat, "NOMAN HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TELL YOU DO THE PIECE DO THE PIECE JUST DO IT!"
I got pissed. I guess she has a history of acting like a spoiled brat, so I responded with, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
I instantly regretted this. It was really unprofessional of me.
Then she told me she was joking. Then I apologized. She apologized etc. She has some anxiety issues that have popped up before, but this is the first time I got upset. It is water under the bridge.
But I shouldn't have reacted like that, especially with an editor. She is really really cool about it and hasn't reported this to anyone.

But yeah... I am thinking the lesson here is that it is better to always be calm, even if you are being disrespected.

But I need to find a balance so I don't become a pushover or an apologist.
Thoughts? Similar issues for anyone?