Author Topic: Has anyone dealt with UPS and damaged packages before?  (Read 2543 times)

Offline shock

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Has anyone dealt with UPS and damaged packages before?
« on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 04:50:13 PM »
I just moved and I shipped my desktop computer to myself via UPS and they damaged it.  I can't do a full diagnosis, but they broke at least the video card, RAM, and motherboard (and maybe more).  Fortunately I put $600 of insurance on it.  I built this computer a few years ago for about $1k so the $600 was just a quick estimate of what I thought it might be worth. 

I am shocked, but UPS actually accepted my claim and is going to pay me for it.  The annoying thing is that the UPS rep said that they "may" schedule a time to pick up the damaged package.  I understand the reasoning for doing this: they don't want people making false damage claims that things, get paid out, and then then keeping their non-damaged items.  That said, I think some of the components still work and I could save a fair amount of money if I kept them.  So I don't really want to give them the package back.  Also, I'm pretty sure they are just going to throw it away anyway.

Has anyone dealt with this before?  Is this just a veiled threat or will UPS actually come pick up the computer?  Any thoughts?
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Has anyone dealt with UPS and damaged packages before?
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 06:38:16 PM »
I dunno, pull the stuff you want to keep and let them take the broken stuff?

Offline Xessive

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Re: Has anyone dealt with UPS and damaged packages before?
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 09:38:31 PM »
I work for an insurance company, so I'll lend you whatever experience I can :)

They may send an insurance agent to assess the extent of the damage and the validity of the claim. The investigator may collect the damaged item too (it may be up to his discretion unless it's a set company policy). You can technically salvage some miscellaneous parts as long as it doesn't compromise the fact that there is an "insured item that was damaged during shipping."

Do you know what they listed in their inspection when you insured it? Basically as long as it fits the description they have you're in the clear. Bear in mind, if it looks like parts have been taken out of it (anything significant like the power supply or the mobo) they may reject the claim, so you'll have to be discrete.

Honestly though, based on the extent of the damage you mentioned, it might be not be worth it to risk using a potentially damaged part on new hardware, which could possibly lead to damage on the new hardware and cost you even more in the end.