I just moved and I shipped my desktop computer to myself via UPS and they damaged it. I can't do a full diagnosis, but they broke at least the video card, RAM, and motherboard (and maybe more). Fortunately I put $600 of insurance on it. I built this computer a few years ago for about $1k so the $600 was just a quick estimate of what I thought it might be worth.
I am shocked, but UPS actually accepted my claim and is going to pay me for it. The annoying thing is that the UPS rep said that they "may" schedule a time to pick up the damaged package. I understand the reasoning for doing this: they don't want people making false damage claims that things, get paid out, and then then keeping their non-damaged items. That said, I think some of the components still work and I could save a fair amount of money if I kept them. So I don't really want to give them the package back. Also, I'm pretty sure they are just going to throw it away anyway.
Has anyone dealt with this before? Is this just a veiled threat or will UPS actually come pick up the computer? Any thoughts?