So, BIG INTERNEWS has been going down over the last few days. You see, Matthew Inman, the dude behind The Oatmeal, released a comic with a rape joke in it. Aparently, up until this point the internet was completely rape joke free because some people freaked the fuck out. And by "some people", I think we all know I mean "those people". And by "those people" I mean "Militant feminists and white knights".
This was a single panel in a comic (And not necessarily a punch line, although it was the last panel) and, as you can see, uses the term "rape" in pretty much the most non-offensive way possibly. Whatever, feminists and white knights need something to freak out about and if that means boycotting an online comic strip for using "rape" as a verb, so be it. I'm just glad that they're not doing more damage to know, by spreading ideas and procreating.
Anyways, it was a pretty big non-issue in the "people gonna bitch" sort of way. And then this journalism school dropout
an article on "Buzzfeed". I don't know what the fuck "Buzzfeed" is, but the name and the little buttons at the top make me hate it. So, I never read the article because who the fuck cares, but apparently it got a fair ammount of support from the feminists and the white knights. It was all a big circle jerk of hating on an internet comic. That is until Inman released
this gem which is hillarious and basically tears apart the Buzzfeed article point by point. Like, to the extent that they weren't even talking about the right guy for half off it.
Who cares, right? And I agree. Except it's pretty funny because a.) people cry about stuff and it's hillarious, b.) Many internet journalists suck, c.) I know think The Oatmeal is more funny than I did before, and finally d.)The Oatmeal guy may actually be a genius because he single handily took all the attention and bad "press" off of himself and splattered it all over his detractors.
Thanks internet!