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Savarian_Syan to a football player
« on: Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 10:59:28 PM »
Saw this on CNN and then on K-Man's FB page:

So... read through it all. Very interesting. Took the Sav (which in hindshight was amusing and mostly unintentional) thing to a really sick level. :P

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 09:09:35 AM »
wtf, that crazy.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 09:47:54 AM »
What about the claim that he met her the one time? Wouldn't that mean that he had to know about it? He'd seen pictures of her, so there'd be no way of using an imposter.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 01:28:55 PM »
There is no way he wasn't in on this.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 11:06:08 PM »

I laughed really really hard at this.

Also, Atheist groups suck balls.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #5 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 12:39:07 AM »
I don't get it.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #6 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 12:42:25 AM »
Tim Tebow is praying when he assumes that position. The joke is that both Tebow and this other football player are acknowledging something that isn't there. (e.g God, a girlfriend)
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #7 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 04:27:15 AM »
This story is really big here and it must be even bigger than I thought since you heard about it in Pakistan.

I heard that the Internet girlfriend faked leukemia and her death because she wanted to break up with Te'o. If that's true, that is pretty depraved since you would have to decide well in advance and drag it out over time until the final "death".

I have no idea what to believe here but no matter how you slice it, it is a crazy story.

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Re: Re: Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #8 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 08:13:08 AM »
Tim Tebow is praying when he assumes that position. The joke is that both Tebow and this other football player are acknowledging something that isn't there. (e.g God, a girlfriend)

Also, I just really don't like Tim Tebow.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #9 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 12:09:04 PM »
This story is really big here and it must be even bigger than I thought since you heard about it in Pakistan.

Dude... it is the internet. We are all connected to it.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #10 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 02:39:28 PM »
I don't understand why anyone cares about this. Have men finally turned completely into women? Sitting around bars lately all I've seen are these sports shows with roundtables discussing some dude's girlfriend, and I can't help but wonder if I'm watching The View.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #11 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 03:53:38 PM »
Star linebacker for a prestigious football program, potential high NFL draft pick, who should have no trouble pulling chicks, ends up (presumably) caught making up a girlfriend and then killing her off with leukemia?

Yeah.  Clueless why anyone would find that the least bit interesting.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #12 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 06:00:31 PM »
You say that sarcastically, but I fail to see what's interesting about that. Why does anyone even know or care that he has a girlfriend in the first place? I honestly don't get it.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #13 on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 06:07:31 PM »
I dunno, maybe because he played up her death and got a national story made of it among about a thousand other facets of the story?

I know you're not this obtuse.  Come on dude.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 01:24:34 AM »
It's not about being obtuse. I don't watch sports or news. I haven't heard anybody mention him making it a big story, so that part escaped me. I didn't hear about it at all it until it was determined that she didn't exist; though again, I can't imagine why anyone would care if he did make a big deal since I don't understand why anyone would care that he ever had a girlfriend in the first place. It wasn't even his wife or fiancee, for fuck's sake.

I expect people to react this way about celebrities because... well, I don't know why. I guess I just accept it because that's how it is. But never before have I happened to see all the news channels and the sports news talking about whether or not some sports guy did or didn't have a girlfriend. Seems more like what chicks do with gossip rags and Entertainment Tonight than what I associate with male behavior (okay yes, I know women watch sports too, but still). If the guy did some PCP and murdered a bunch of fans in the lobby of a hotel or got caught burying a hooker, I get it. That's sensational. This just seems... pathetic. And not newsworthy.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 04:02:35 AM »
I've yet to hear anything about this outside of this thread, but then I watch almost no TV. What TV I do watch is online or downloaded, so heavily curated and no commercials. I still find this interesting. I didn't even hear his name once before the girlfriend turned out to be fake. I find it interesting though. This guy who could probably get any number of chicks, decided to make up a girlfriend, knowing that he had thousands of eyes on him. That's not typical behavior, and I'm curious about the reasons he would do it. Is he that unsure of himself? Super introverted and untrusting, but wanted to appear normal? Maybe he just wanted to "see the world burn" i.e. wanted to see how far he could take a lie.

My curiosity is related to the cause and effect of human behavior. This is not something the typical person does, so why did he decide to do it? I find it interesting.

Also, at one point while reading the article, when they started talking about the other guy who was operating the fake girlfriend's online accounts, I thought maybe the two are a gay couple and the one guy made a fake persona so they could interact online in the open. Not that you need to be so insecure and private about being gay these days, but I would imagine the world of a football player is surrounded by masculine showiness that might make him want to hide it. Also, a girlfriend is an excuse to not be banging random groupies during off time.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 05:50:14 AM »
According to a new interview, the guy lied about meeting this girl in person.  If that's credible, then it's possible he wasn't in on it.  It would mean he's dumb as a brick, though.  This bullshit went on for years?

Edit:  Que, my initial reaction was the same.  I had no idea who this guy was, and I didn't care.  The whole thing affected me about as much as kids pranking each other on Facebook, or whatever (i.e., not much at all).  It got more interesting as I learned more about it, particularly because of how much the fawning sports media was a key ingredient in the whole thing.  What it says about it is not too flattering.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #17 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 08:27:29 AM »
There's also the angle of how quickly Notre Dame jumped on it after the news broke. They're backing this guy's reputation (and, more importantly, theirs) up pretty hardcore with investigations and a crying coach. At the same time they let a rape allegation against a player linger to the point where one woman committed suicide and another stayed quiet because of half threats from other students.

Having seen the shit that went down at Penn State first hand over the past two years all I can say now is the culture surrounding big college football is just fucked up across the board. That says nothing really about the specifics of Te'o's case, but the stuff around it highlights many of the same things I saw here when folks dared to question Joe Paterno.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #18 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 09:07:17 AM »
That's the bigger story, of course.  On one hand, you have the protected, lucrative, "entitled" football juggernaut, and on the other you have the ever-growing militant-feminist juggernaut, waiting to pounce on the slightest suggestion of female abuse.  It's hard to know where the objective truth is.  There is no conversation, only impassioned shouting.

The Joe Paterno case is a tragedy.  I have a hard time with it because he did not commit the atrocious acts, or even condone them.  He tried to dodge the whole thing, and ultimately is responsible for the cover-up.  Bad judgement, about a subject where neutrality does not exist.  It cost him dearly.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #19 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 09:48:23 AM »
I don't think 99% of the people talking about any of those things have the least bit of objectivity nor any real reason to discuss whatever it is they're discussing. I don't understand why we feel we need to stick our fucking heads in every last case regarding every single thing that happens here or anywhere else. Leave it to the people who saw it, are connected to it, and whom it affects. But everyone wants to take these things collectively as though their opinion matters and as though the consequences must inevitably change the entire landscape of <whatever> and get new legislation passed, etc. etc., instead of just shrugging, admitting we live in an imperfect world where bad shit happens on a constant basis, and getting the fuck on with their lives. You give people power, eventually someone is going to abuse it, whether they're the boss at an office, a head chef at an Italian restaurant, or the manager of a program. It's just the way it is. Unless you plan to remove every single person's power to do anything at all, you'll never fix it, and that will never happen because there will still be a government overseeing the restriction of that power, which will itself inevitably lead to abuse. If we could all shut the fuck up and stop pretending we can use "justice" to fix evil, we'd be better off.

But I guess it's easier for me to say that since I give less than half a fuck about sports as an organization, and even less than that about those involved in it. Which isn't to say that I care that much about anyone's personal life. I know next to nothing about my favorite musicians, authors, actors, what have you, so it follows that this sort of thing mystifies me. If some guy went nuts on some kids and somebody covered it up, I'm not qualified to say anything about it. I refuse to speculate on second-hand evidence that I didn't follow with the dedication of a professional. I've never been to Penn State, I've never met anyone involved, and watching tiny bits of the trial on TV doesn't make me an expert or qualify me to make a judgment. If I cared, of course, human nature dictates I'd probably make a judgment anyway, but since I don't, I'd rather not. Same with dude and his magical not-girlfriend. Which I still just can't see as newsworthy without some sort of real effect other than people obsessing over it needlessly. If you want to talk about the organization going to crazy lengths to protect its own in public matters, that's sort of another discussion, which would warrant looking at these things individually, but I still don't see how it matters otherwise. It may be odd behavior, but so what? I see odd behavior that baffles me every time I leave the house. Hell, I live with a fucking nutcase. I don't even have to leave the house.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #20 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 11:20:23 AM »
Considering how drawn our society is to celebrity, gossip rags and site, and things like reality TV, I have an incredibly difficult time comprehending how you can't understand why this is such a huge story Que.

Your personal opinion of football, sports in general, defeatist attitude toward humanity, and your apathy toward stories like this is inconsequential to the fact that *everyone* knows our society loves train wrecks.  So why wouldn't people be all over this?

And yeah, Sy, Notre Dame's quick defense is baffling.  Either they chose that as the best option considering the situation, or they know something the general public doesn't.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #21 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 12:21:48 PM »
This has nothing to do with my personal opinion of football, sports in general, a realist view of humanity, or apathy toward stories like this. I get why most people find certain things interesting whether I see it or not. I don't understand this one. Okay, the guy made up a girlfriend. So what? What consequence is this to him, to us, to society, to the infantile, to the educated, to anyone? Did anything other than this discussion occur as a result of the revelation? Is his career in jeopardy? And if it is... why? I don't get it.

Jesus. Anyway, I wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it. My original comment stands, and was three short face-value sentences long. I'll let that suffice for the remainder of whatever discussion.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #22 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 01:09:00 PM »
The only thing that matters beyond his own personal world is what effect the fraud has on the school and on pro football.  That's it; not much at all.  I agree that in and of itself, the story is irrelevant.  I don't get the fascination with strangers' personal foibles either.  Honestly, the drama in this thread (why?) matters more, from my perspective.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #23 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 01:10:54 PM »
I started reading that article then realized I don't give a fuck. So I guess Go Team Que!??

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #24 on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 09:50:52 PM »

The Joe Paterno case is a tragedy.  I have a hard time with it because he did not commit the atrocious acts, or even condone them.  He tried to dodge the whole thing, and ultimately is responsible for the cover-up.  Bad judgement, about a subject where neutrality does not exist.  It cost him dearly.

Paterno is pretty interesting because he (as far as we know) just didn't do enough.  But it's also really fucking strange that he probably had a pretty good idea what was going on for a decade or so and really didn't do best.  At worst, he actively concealed the abuse WHILE it was going on. That said, he did get at least slightly railroaded by "The Board".

And yeah, this story isn't all that big of a deal, but it's interesting because "what the fuck?" and people like that.  Especially because it was a pretty well known story before the revelation came that she isn't real.

Not that you need to be so insecure and private about being gay these days, but I would imagine the world of a football player is surrounded by masculine showiness that might make him want to hide it. Also, a girlfriend is an excuse to not be banging random groupies during off time.

Being gay is a motherfucking huge deal in professional sports. Huge.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 05:44:15 AM »
Paterno is pretty interesting because he (as far as we know) just didn't do enough.  But it's also really fucking strange that he probably had a pretty good idea what was going on for a decade or so and really didn't do best.  At worst, he actively concealed the abuse WHILE it was going on. That said, he did get at least slightly railroaded by "The Board".

That's right.  It's a sin of omission.  With the hysteria surrounding sexual abuse, it's impossible for someone in that position to stay out of it when it happens on his watch.  He tried, failed, and got crucified as a result.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #26 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 06:34:31 AM »
Are you there Sav? It's me, God.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #27 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 08:36:49 AM »
This has nothing to do with my personal opinion of football, sports in general, a realist view of humanity, or apathy toward stories like this. I get why most people find certain things interesting whether I see it or not. I don't understand this one. Okay, the guy made up a girlfriend. So what? What consequence is this to him, to us, to society, to the infantile, to the educated, to anyone? Did anything other than this discussion occur as a result of the revelation? Is his career in jeopardy? And if it is... why? I don't get it.

Jesus. Anyway, I wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it. My original comment stands, and was three short face-value sentences long. I'll let that suffice for the remainder of whatever discussion.

I kind of agree with you but its not really about him just making up a girlfriend. The original story itself was about a football player that took a personal hit to his life but managed to persevere and come away with something positive out of it. It was a significant enough tale to take note of and many people flocked interest in it as inspiration.

For me other than the fact it is a giant lie, I kind of feel that there really isn't that much dirt to throw at the guy. The why is something we'll probably never know, but when you actually think out all possible reasons, I don't see anything truly insidious and terrible was at work behind the perpetrators minds. It was just something that got out of control and went too far. It reminds me of the guy that wrote A Million Little Pieces, I don't think anywhere in that story did the guy say it was complete truth, but people took it as such and Oprah called him on it and everyone got their pick axes and were ready to burn him down. I sort of feel sorry for the guy because it's going to follow him around like a life long illness, and undeservedly so.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #28 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 10:51:31 AM »
I'm not condoning the deceit surrounding this case however I feel the inspiration of the story is more important than any of the untruth of it. I mean, we can derive the same sort of inspiration from fictional stories. Still, this whole fiasco is pretty reprehensible.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #29 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 10:54:02 AM »
I kind of agree with you but its not really about him just making up a girlfriend. The original story itself was about a football player that took a personal hit to his life but managed to persevere and come away with something positive out of it. It was a significant enough tale to take note of and many people flocked interest in it as inspiration.

. . .

That would explain our differences of opinion here.  I had no idea who this guy was until the story became just about impossible to ignore.  As a result, I didn't participate in the long-playing fiction of his GF, her illness, death, etc.  Those who did get sucked into it would be affected a lot more than I was.  All I felt was mild amusement at the whole thing.  No betrayed sensibilities to nurse.  I assume Que is in the same boat.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #30 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 11:19:44 AM »
Pretty much. And I mean, I guess I can understand being a little peeved if dude made himself out to be some great strong guy persevering through tragedy, and was getting public sympathy and support from it. If you were following that, yeah, it would sort of suck to find out it was a hoax. But even then this is waaay overblown. One mention on the news stations, maybe, since it's an anomaly, and the sports guys could shake their heads a couple times and talk about dude abusing his platform, and that would have been plenty. And still probably more attention than it deserved.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #31 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 12:55:12 PM »
College football's fan base is one of the most frenzied, territorial, die hard, and obsessive in all of sports.  That alone amplifies the story by a factor of ten at least.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #32 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 01:44:26 PM »

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #33 on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 10:56:07 PM »
One mention on the news stations, maybe, since it's an anomaly, and the sports guys could shake their heads a couple times and talk about dude abusing his platform, and that would have been plenty. And still probably more attention than it deserved.

Well, it's funny because most of the exposure is coming from lighter news sources and the internet, rather than most sports journalists.  Jim Rome, for example, definitely spent some time on it when the story broke but quickly moved on.  Of course, he'll still be cracking jokes about it for the next four years, but that's what you're supposed to do I guess.  I don't know, but the Dallas Stars just did a really good job of poking fun at it.

It's also important to note that it's one of the slower periods for sports news.  The NFL playoffs are winding down and there's only SO much you can talk about four teams, Baseball is done, The NBA is in full swing, but I can't think of anything all that exciting that's happened recently other than the All Star Game roster announcement.  And that's pretty boring for the NBA. Hockey just started up again, but no one wants to talk about it because the lockout just fucking dragged. Honestly, peeps would probably jump on anything.

Really, the only time sports news is slower is generally early-mid July.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #34 on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 02:23:52 AM »
I stopped following this thread after Que's comment and K-Man's response.

Que, I understand this is pathetic and not newsworthy. I think it is making the news because of the emotional investment. When the story became popular fans probably started buying it. They identified this athlete with that piece of news, and sympathized with him.

When he performed better on the field, they thought it was because of what happened. Everyone loves a good yarn... especially when it is real.

I suppose people just feel lied to, that's all. And something that gripped the football public in general is a tale that reached the masses.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #35 on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 02:26:23 AM »
I've yet to hear anything about this outside of this thread, but then I watch almost no TV. What TV I do watch is online or downloaded, so heavily curated and no commercials. I still find this interesting. I didn't even hear his name once before the girlfriend turned out to be fake. I find it interesting though. This guy who could probably get any number of chicks, decided to make up a girlfriend, knowing that he had thousands of eyes on him. That's not typical behavior, and I'm curious about the reasons he would do it. Is he that unsure of himself? Super introverted and untrusting, but wanted to appear normal? Maybe he just wanted to "see the world burn" i.e. wanted to see how far he could take a lie.

My curiosity is related to the cause and effect of human behavior. This is not something the typical person does, so why did he decide to do it? I find it interesting.

Also, at one point while reading the article, when they started talking about the other guy who was operating the fake girlfriend's online accounts, I thought maybe the two are a gay couple and the one guy made a fake persona so they could interact online in the open. Not that you need to be so insecure and private about being gay these days, but I would imagine the world of a football player is surrounded by masculine showiness that might make him want to hide it. Also, a girlfriend is an excuse to not be banging random groupies during off time.

OK I am going through the read now. :P

Yes, I just find the whole thing fascinating too. It is a really interesting story. I think he may have been duped though. People have formed deep relationships with women they haven't met, except for on the internet.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #36 on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 02:31:56 AM »
The only thing that matters beyond his own personal world is what effect the fraud has on the school and on pro football.  That's it; not much at all.  I agree that in and of itself, the story is irrelevant.  I don't get the fascination with strangers' personal foibles either.  Honestly, the drama in this thread (why?) matters more, from my perspective.

Was there drama? I thought it was all a good natured discussion!

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #37 on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 10:22:53 AM »
Was there drama? I thought it was all a good natured discussion!

I'll let K-man and Que answer that question.  They know what they felt.  My impressions are second-hand.  I know how I would feel in Que's shoes, but I am not him.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #38 on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 07:11:06 AM »
A couple of you thought it was more heated than necessary but it all seemed good to me. You are right only the two can answer that question. Group hugs.

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Re: Savarian_Syan to a football player
« Reply #39 on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 07:21:33 AM »
It wasn't heated on my end in the slightest.  Just calling it like I see it.