Author Topic: Most uncharacteristic...  (Read 6885 times)

Offline Jedi

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Most uncharacteristic...
« on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 01:48:57 AM »
So I took the day off work today because I travelled all day yesterday in a car and came home really late. In the afternoon I went to the gym and decided to drop my bag off at work (I didn’t tell them I was sick or anything just that I would take some leave), when I was walking past the kitchen I saw the receptionist… I turned around and went in started up some polite conversation then the next thing I hear (coming out of my mouth) was “do you want to get some lunch tomorrow?”… To which she said yes – and she looked a little stunned

Now I’m the kind of idiot that likes a chick and never does anything about it, in fact I hope she does something because I never have the balls myself. Going back a bit I was thinking about asking her out for a coffee or something, then this weekend I spent two days just thinking about her and doing something about it… So I guess today I did  ???

Now I got that nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach, much like I used to get back in collage  ::)

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #1 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 01:59:03 AM »
That's awesome. I love stories like that.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #2 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 07:41:24 AM »
Awesome.  =)  That's happened to me a couple of times.  I remember once there was this gorgeous chick who managed a store in the mall I used to work at when I was at EB.  I worked up the courage to actually ask her out and we talked for probably an hour and had been getting along really well the times we'd talked and stuff... then she tells me she's about to be engaged.  I was about ready to hit somebody with a chair.

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #3 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 09:18:59 AM »
Sweet man! Good luck!

Reminds me of the butterflies feeling in my tummy :P Happens just before I jump in a swimming pool or when a girl takes my breath away ;D

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #4 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 09:20:06 AM »
... then she tells me she's about to be engaged.  I was about ready to hit somebody with a chair.

haha I hate it when that happens. And you try so hard not to let her on that you are disappointed.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #5 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 12:22:03 PM »
Good stuff.  I busted out of a slump recently, myself.  Slumpbuster was actually really hot, which by definition, a slumpbuster is not.  See, I have a few girls who I call "regulars."  Essentially, they are booty calls, because the point of them being around is for me to have sex with them when they come over.  It's pretty routine, though, and I hadn't hooked up with a new girl in almost 3 months.  I was starting to question my game, my looks, everything.  Fairly depressing.

Then this super hot chick comes along.  We're out drinking and such and I swear she keeps looking at me.  My buddy thinks she's looking at him, of course, and we argue like retards.  At this point I'm not drunk at all, and with my huge slump in effect, I've lost any confidence to go talk to this girl -- she was seriously gorgeous.  By some stroke of pure awesomeness she came to me.  That small boost of confidence is all I needed and I layed some serious A-game down.  I bought a couple rounds for us and from then on there was no stopping me.

Shes actually a really, really cool chick.  I'm glad I met her.

EDIT: And yeah, que, I've been there.  Of all the responses you expect from a chick after getting the courage to go up to her, you're never ready for that one.  Probably because it sucks so bad.

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #6 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 12:30:18 PM »
Haha some people say "Go up to her man, what's the worst she can say? No, not interested?" And as we all know there's way worse :P

Between a mild cock block and a violent rejection there are worlds of opportunities for comic scenarios :P ::)

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #7 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 12:38:07 PM »
Good stuff.  I busted out of a slump recently, myself.  Slumpbuster was actually really hot, which by definition, a slumpbuster is not.  See, I have a few girls who I call "regulars."  Essentially, they are booty calls, because the point of them being around is for me to have sex with them when they come over.  It's pretty routine, though, and I hadn't hooked up with a new girl in almost 3 months.  I was starting to question my game, my looks, everything.  Fairly depressing.

Then this super hot chick comes along.  We're out drinking and such and I swear she keeps looking at me.  My buddy thinks she's looking at him, of course, and we argue like retards.  At this point I'm not drunk at all, and with my huge slump in effect, I've lost any confidence to go talk to this girl -- she was seriously gorgeous.  By some stroke of pure awesomeness she came to me.  That small boost of confidence is all I needed and I layed some serious A-game down.  I bought a couple rounds for us and from then on there was no stopping me.

Shes actually a really, really cool chick.  I'm glad I met her.

EDIT: And yeah, que, I've been there.  Of all the responses you expect from a chick after getting the courage to go up to her, you're never ready for that one.  Probably because it sucks so bad.

hahaha I like how you turned a fairly sweet girl-story thread... into pimp master 3000.
« Last Edit: Monday, November 27, 2006, 01:45:20 PM by Pugnate »

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #8 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 01:10:56 PM »
Yeah, looking back, my post doesn't really have much to do with Jedi's  :P

I'm just pumped to be out of the slump!

Offline shock

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #9 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 02:21:39 PM »

My love life situation is getting quite complicated really quickly.  I went home for T-day and made the mistake of letting things go too far with the ex girlfriend.  We kissed and what not.  This was after she promised me that she understood that we couldn't have a relationship right then, and perhaps for a very long time.  But I still let my emotions get the best of me.

But then I have the girl that I remember telling you guys about a while ago coming to visit me in a few weeks.  I sort of lied to her and said that the ex and I just talked.  It would have complicated things hugely if I would have told her what really happened.

So blah.  I hate living in this web. I really wish I would have had more self control with the ex.  I guess I was just feeling really, really lonely and wanted to feel something good.

Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #10 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 02:29:08 PM »
It made more sense when I substituted 'lonely' with horny. :P

But I thought you were mad about that other girl?

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #11 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 02:32:15 PM »
Typical guy behavior.  I wouldn't worry about it, if you stick with the lie how would anybody ever find out?  I think that's my slogan or something.  Anyways, you only kissed her, it's not a huge deal.  I'd just keep it to myself and forget about it.  If this other girl is cute then why fuck it up?

Offline Jedi

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #12 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 02:40:24 PM »
Yeah, looking back, my post doesn't really have much to do with Jedi's  :P

I'm just pumped to be out of the slump!

But it was still a good read!

That feeling in my stomach hasn't left yet, I've spoken to her this morning but niether of us mentioned the lunch thing... sigh I'll have to ask her what time and such.
Just have to remember to be cool and be myself... don't try to be funny becuase I'll just end up looking like an ass.  ::)

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #13 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 02:56:21 PM »
Typical guy behavior.  I wouldn't worry about it, if you stick with the lie how would anybody ever find out?

Call me an idiot, but arn't we supposed to be working to be above that sort of behavior? Maybe that's just me.

Offline shock

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #14 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 03:05:48 PM »
It made more sense when I substituted 'lonely' with horny. :P

But I thought you were mad about that other girl?

I was, I was.  Those feelings are fading, though, as you would expect.  I still talk to her a ton and I love getting to know her, but that romantic passionate feeling has left.  I don't know what to make of it it all yet.  That is what I missed, and why I sort of lost it with the ex.  And bah, I really am not a horny guy, I just love that feeling of emotional closeness(for lack of a better word) which has been missing for such a long time.. ;)

I don't feel as bad about kissing the ex as I do about lying to the other girl.  The other girl and I aren't in any type of committed relationship.  I can't go back now, though.  I have a feeling that what I have with the new girl will fizzle once she comes to visit.  I am discovering that it is easy to put on a mask when you don't see someone in person all of the time.  I like what I am seeing in her, but I realize that we are both just putting our best sides forward.  I am thinking that the chemistry just won't be there when I see her again.

Haha, who knows.  All I know is this has become seriously complicated and it is all my fault.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #15 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 03:24:14 PM »
I'm all about lying still.  It makes the most people happy if you can live with it, just make sure she doesn't find out.  Maybe that's too low for you, but it suits me just fine, and it's the easiest way to smooth this all over.  If you were dating and kissed this other girl (or worse), then maybe it would be scummy to lie, but I don't really see that this is a huge, criminal thing.  Instead of making her upset over something silly, just let it be.  Like you said, you're not dating, so technically you can kiss whoever you want.

Also, I don't even really follow what the core issue is here?  You kissed a girl who you aren't dating anymore, and told a girl who you're also not dating that you didn't kiss her?  I'm not trying to downplay the problem, but I just think it's not a big deal and you don't really need to worry.  I guess it kinda sucks lying to this girl, but its a small lie to keep her from getting unreasonably upset as girls often do.

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #16 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 05:35:26 PM »
Well that wasn't so bad, she wasn't feeling very well and didn't want to eat anything so we just had some coffee. (i'm taking it as a good sign that she was still keen to go out!)
I'm not big on talking myself but there weren't long silences or anything and I know a lot more about her now. The other thing I was thinking about was how old she was, she can't be older than me I knew that much, but from what she was saying about jobs and school etc I reckon she's about... 23

But anyway... now I have to start thinking about the next step, the next coffee or lunch, hmmm.

Offline Antares

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #17 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 06:01:10 PM »
Don't wait too long to make the move to a more official date.  If not you're in danger of becomming "just friends"

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #18 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 06:40:30 PM »
Don't wait too long to make the move to a more official date.  If not you're in danger of becomming "just friends"

I know I need to follow this up, but I'm unsure if it should be something more offical or something much the same today. I'm keen to find out if she's keen... it'd be great if she suggest another lunch! I'm just not sure if she's interested.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #19 on: Monday, November 27, 2006, 08:46:53 PM »
Good luck, Jedi!  Keep at it.  Perseverance is a good thing.

But yeah... I do very much enjoy the sex and all, but even if I were single and available I don't think I could ever be "friends" with people whose sole reason for near proximity to me was sex.  And I am most definitely of the opinion that lying is wrong and will eventually find you lonely or, at the very least, feeling guilty.  Unless you're a sociopath with no regard for the shit you pull on other people.  But for most, it'll catch up to you when you actually learn to care about someone in a capacity beyond humping.  That isn't to say I've never lied, but I think it's something to work your way out of as much as is physically possible.  Truth is harder, but it's also more rewarding, just like real relationships are harder to take care of than fuck buddy relationships, but are also infinitely more rewarding over the long haul.

Anyway... yay womens.  All you damned single people.  You make me feel old.

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Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #20 on: Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 12:19:35 AM »
Good luck with the chick Jedi. I find the whole dating thing to be freaking nerve wracking, but thats because I'm a socio-phobe. I guess I can be outgoing and seem fine and dandy, and everyone assumes I'm a lady's man, but the truth is I get stressed out when I'm with a lot of people and I find I am very comfortable being in the peace of my lonesome. I am creepy. Anyhow, Danielle, the girl I went out with a couple times, have become pretty good friends, my whole romantic interest with her has faded, thank god. But shes trying to set me up with her friend, Jacki. I got to meet her, shes really cool, and just as cute as a button and we're kinda just talking. Now I'm on the border if I should pursue her or not. I just dont know, the whole thing turns my stomach into knots and will be a real challenge for me if I do pursue. Plus theres more things to her than meets the eye which can turn things really complicated, and being a person that keeps things as simple as possible, it scares me. Damn... I am not a man.   

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #21 on: Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 07:35:24 AM »
Heh, no, you're a total man.  That sounds pretty close to the usual if you ask me.  I mean, for a normal, honest guy like yourself.  Maybe not so much for a carousing party animal, but I don't think that describes you too well.  Don't sweat it too much, man.  Just see what happens, try not to let it worry you.

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Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #22 on: Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 08:06:21 AM »
Que's advice is some of the best you can give, if you're really looking for the long-term, i'm-done-fucking-around business.  That's what everybody should strive for.  I use my age as a complete cop-out with regards to these things.  As far as I'm concerned, I'm too young not to enjoy as many women as possible.  Like I said, though, it's not good by any means, which is why it's such a cop out to attribute wreckless behavior to being young and horny.  It's my excuse to myself...

I wrote this big post about my experiences with dating and such, but I decided it sucked so I'll just say try not to worry about any issues that may arise by seeing a girl and just dive right in.  Be confident and take control.  In turn, they'll be more attracted to you, and you'll find yourself with the power to decide whether or not the problems that may arise really bother you that much.  I don't know how well I can explain it, let's just say women like when the guy takes control.

Like pyro, for example, you said you like to keep things as simple as possible.  This is perfect.  Do just that.  Keep it simple and jump right in if you think you want to see this girl.  Don't worry about how things might get complicated down the road or something.  Just be this funny, confident guy and I guarantee she'll hang on everything you say.  Show her a good time, and when the time is right, decide at that point whether or not you want to be with her.  That way, you at least showed her a good time regardless of whether or not you end up together, rather than come off as a guy who is too unsure to take command.  I'm not trying to say this is how any of you are coming off, I'm just going off of personal experience here.

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #23 on: Wednesday, November 29, 2006, 05:42:14 AM »
Jedi, just ask her to lunch again or something.

that's funny Que.. well i don't think any of you would believe me but I've never dated.  Ever.
It's just not my thing i suppose.

But anyhow.. I'm still quite as single as single can be I suppose...  I've kept it at that for quite some time for sanity's sake!  I figure the next relationship should be for keeps.

Good luck guys!  Feel free to ask if you need advice from the girls' angle


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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #24 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 10:17:23 PM »
Well I asked her out for another lunch on Wednesday, but I got the "maybe next week" reply... and her attitude towards in the past week has been well I guess professional but cold at times.
So *sigh* and  :( I'll see what happens "next week" if she bugs me about lunch then I'll take it as an indication that she's keen, otherwise... I tried.

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #25 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 10:23:53 PM »
Sorry to hear that, man. At least you know what happened, as opposed to always wondering, "what if...".

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Re: Most uncharacteristic...
« Reply #26 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 10:45:50 PM »
Sorry to hear that Jedi.

My feelings have changed with the girl!  She is actually coming to visit on Monday and I am REALLY excited.  The more I talk to her, the more I like her.  I didn't post about this, but some other shit happened and I was honest with her about it.  She was hurt and what not, but the relationship is moving on.  She is pretty amazing, I am discovering.  I can't wait to hold her again.  Long distance sucks.
Suck it, Pugnate.