New Humble Weekly is Team 17 games. Get a whole bunch of Worms games for $1, and some other stuff. Steam keys only.
And that part just got interesting. You don't get bare Steam keys anymore. Instead, you link your Humble account to your Steam account and then you just click a button to have it applied to your Steam list. Saves you from having to copy and paste 7 game keys like before. The downside is you can no longer share those keys with others if you already happen to own one of the games.
There are a lot of people bitching about this and on one hand I understand why. If you already own the game then why can't you give it to someone else? I've done that a couple times. Of course we should probably ask why Steam doesn't let you do that in general (they do the exact same thing with their bundles and redeemed extra keys). But Humble Bundle always said that the keys were for your personal use. People have really abused it but spreading keys around (probably lowering sales of bundles) and some were scummy enough to sell the keys after the fact, going on ebay and selling them for much more than they paid. So now they have a system to eliminate that and...well, I guess its pretty good.
Of course it would be better if they would stick to DRM-free releases...but hey....