Author Topic: Evil Dead (2013)  (Read 8090 times)

Offline Xessive

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Evil Dead (2013)
« on: Tuesday, April 02, 2013, 10:44:53 PM »
Nerd Reactor Review

This bold and surprising film is a roller coaster ride with unexpected twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and neither will you. Watch as David, played by Shiloh Fernandez, tries to save his sister Mia, played by Jane Levy, who is now a deadite, without killing her as their possessed friends try and kill them. Sure the film has a few flaws in acting and story, but that is not what the movie is about or what it was made for. This isn’t Cabin in the Woods, this is Evil Dead, which proves that it stands out from other horror films while still paying homage to the original. Don’t call it a remake, call it a re-imagining since that is exactly what it is. Be ready for thrills, screaming, and have someone to cuddle with because you are going to need it. I would also bring an extra pair of Spider-Man underwear because you are going to need all the bravery you can get.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, April 02, 2013, 11:25:32 PM »
Yea positive reviews across the board.

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 06:25:31 AM »
Yeah, I've heard really good things. I wish I was more into horror movies, but I lost the taste for most long ago. Since I don't entirely know what's really special about this one, I just don't know if it's worth it for me.

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 06:41:16 AM »
Pug was my mentor in film appreciation. He got me into Sam Raimi films, particularly the original Evil Dead trilogy. Now that it's been re-imagined I'm very psyched to check it out.

The Sam Raimi approach to horror is a little different than most other horror films. There are elements of humour and occasionally some moments that break the fourth wall. It's very similar to his 'hero" films (Darkman, and even Spider-man) although drenched in truly horrifying situations. As a fan of Evil Dead I thoroughly enjoyed Drag Me To Hell, it was filled with references and the traditional Sam Raimi touch on the horror genre.

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #4 on: Friday, April 05, 2013, 06:50:33 PM »
Also, especially in Evil Dead 1, a lot of the camera angles are weird. They make scenes that would drag otherwise sort of interesting. I believe they were one of the first movies to do the view from the monster's eyes. I like the one shot where it's following Ash from above, and the rafters are between the actor and the camera, and there's a goofy noise as each beam passes by the camera.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, April 06, 2013, 03:25:09 AM »
The first Evil Dead was a thoroughly serious horror film. No humor.

The second was almost like a tongue-in-cheek humorous remake.

The third, Army of Darkness, wasn't a direct sequel, and some fans don't like it being referred to as "Evil Dead 3".

I don't know what motivated Raimi to make Evil Dead 1 and then remake it as a funnier pic. :)

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, April 06, 2013, 05:25:41 AM »
The third, Army of Darkness, wasn't a direct sequel, and some fans don't like it being referred to as "Evil Dead 3".

I guess you could label Army of Darkness as a separate movie but you can't argue that the beginning of the movie sums up the events of the passed two Evil Dead movies and picked up exactly where Evil Dead 2 left off with him being sucked into the vortex. It directly writes itself off as a sequel to me but whatever. 

Anyway, I saw it last night. I thought it was a great remake, super graphic and really intense. It still holds itself as a serious horror movie but there is still a sense of the violence being comical and there's some dialogue spoken from the possessed chick that's all explicit and silly like the old Evil Dead movies. If you're a fan of them at all I definitely recommend it.

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Re: Evil Dead (2013)
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, April 06, 2013, 12:02:25 PM »
I'm supposed to see this tomorrow, I've heard good things, but horror movies don't do it for me anymore.