Post just seemed in poor taste to me. "Hi vegan thread, just wanted to say for no apparent reason that I know this vegan chick who's a bitch, thus subtly implying that you are probably also a judgmental asshole who is likely to wind up in the hospital because of your stupid life choice. See ya."
It's easy to write off vegans as touchy if they respond poorly to something, but you guys don't see the other end of it. Neither did I until I switched, despite having been vegetarian for several long periods prior. I've gotten a metric fuckton of jokes, insults, "advice", and judgments from people over having gone vegan in a very short period of time, and it's grown more than a little tiresome, especially considering that most of the people it comes from are in far less than ideal shape or overall health, and most of them don't know dick about food or agriculture, nor ever claimed to until in they came to feel the need to defend their choices. I've basically given up corresponding with my uncle for now because in literally every single email he's decided it's necessary to make a joke about how many animals he's eaten in the last few days, how they were killed, and boy how tasty they were. And this guy has been on death's door for years, in large part due to his horrendous diet, and we've never even had a discussion about veganism, nor have I made even the slightest comment on the way he eats. But as soon as he heard about it, this is what he now feels the need to do, even though he's gay and has always been a die-hard liberal. You'd think he of all people would understand and have compassion for a choice outside the mainstream, but apparently not. Heather's also had at least 5 people who never before commented on anything she posts to Facebook all of a sudden feel the need to start commenting on any health or diet post she makes telling us how deluded we are, then start preaching about mankind's God-given right to kill anything that moves (this is the prevailing opinion in the south), or how they know it's wrong but they don't care, or even about how they like hurting animals because animals are so evolutionarily primitive they deserve it. So yeah, I'm pretty fucking tired of it, especially given that I don't tell anybody a damn thing unless they talk to me about it, and then all I do is just tell them what I like about it, not judge them for whatever their choices are.
Vegans aren't any touchier than anyone else. We just get substantially more shit about something it doesn't make sense that we get shit for to begin with. It's amazing that as a group we aren't more insular, because this seems to basically be the story I get from anybody I ask. It's almost always the same, with some variation in whether family members or close friends are being supportive or not.
I've actually been very grateful to the guys during the meet. We took them to our favorite vegan restaurant right when they got here (which everyone seemed quite pleased with, thankfully), nobody's poked fun or given me any shit, and they've even talked to me about it and let me ramble a little. I just bring my own dinner when they make their meals, and everybody's happy. It's been really refreshing considering the reception I've gotten in some other circles.