You have friends? 90% of your IRC conversation is bitching about the perceived inadequacies in the human beings around you with the explicit contention that you're better than all of them. And you talk to me about being judgmental? Jesus Christ. All I asked was for you to have some fucking tact, not change your mind.
That seems pretty harsh and personal, considering Cools didn't do anything you haven't done before many times before in video gaming threads. I am not condoning any baiting in this thread on your new lifestyle, but I feel you've reacted a little too strongly.
Anyway, no harm done. Let's not anyone do the "I am done with OW" thing. Think of the children.
Is it possible that you are feeling a bit sensitive because your body is finding the adjustment to a no meat lifestyle difficult? I am speaking from experience. I tried the no meat thing a few years ago, and it made me really cranky and moody. I didn't give myself a chance.
I have been thinking about the whole vegan thing. I wish I could go vegan, not because I don't like meat, but because the demand for meat from human beings has resulted in industries, that supply chicken, beef, mutton, and pork, which create a lot of suffering for animals only because it means a significantly higher profit margin.
Could the suffering be avoided?
Could the animals be kept in an environment where they are happy, have the freedom to move, live, and breathe? Yes.
Unfortunately, giving such an environment to the animals would result in costs rising to crazy levels. As of this moment, pigs are kept in farms which drive them crazy mentally and physically. These are intelligent beings which don't deserve to suffer. Chickens live in their own filth, and aren't treated like living creatures, stored in confined quarters like a non-living product such as a block of cheese, only given enough resources so that they can survive.
Competition for meat is tough as it is, so you can't have any business risk raising costs by improving conditions.
Why do we ignore these truths?
Because it helps us swallow our food better.
So while I think Cools deserves an apology, on an unrelated note, I can understand the self-righteous attitude of some vegans. I get it. By buying any product from the animal industry, we are adding to the evil. What is happening is just not natural.