It is not a good week. It appears the plant caught on fire and then exploded. And if you know fertilizer, you know that that shit was huge. The sad part is many firefighters and such were responding to the fire and were most likely killed.
I read estimates online of 60-70 dead. EDIT: No official death toll. Guess we'll know more by morning. Major damages to buildings within 5 blocks.
Registered as a
2.1 earthquake in Dallas....80 miles away.
Dude was filming the fire and caught...well, the first part of it. Warning: really scared girl, possibly injured. Shes not on camera.
Also, dudes in Texas, you better be checking the news. The cloud coming off this thing probably isn't the best thing to breathe.
From reddit:
Update (12:05): From D.L. Wilson (Dept. of Public Safety):
50-75 homes destroyed, as well as a 50 unit apartment building
All known injured have been treated or evacuated
8-10 block radius has been evacuated due to fumes
Possible additional evacuation if wind shifts
133 evacuated from nursing home
house by house searches will continue throughout night
firefighters are currently unable to battle fire at fertilizer plant due to fumes and explosion danger, area continues to smolder but fire is contained