SiteDemo available, can buy it drm-free and steam key for $9 right now as a preorder. You can also spend more on special editions if you like.
I just gave the demo a spin and its kind of a cool game. A 2D side scrolling sneaky spy game. There are 2 gimmicks in this one that makes it stand out a bit. First, you have this leap move that lets you jump across the screen and cling to walls. So you can climb walls and jump on guards to knock them out. Kind of ninja-ish, but also feels a little strange. The other thing is you pick up a tool that lets you rewire things in the building. So normally a guard has to press his hand on a panel to open a locked door, but you could rewire a light switch to the hand panel and unlock it yourself by hitting the light switch. Or wire it into a security camera, or...whatever. I bet the later levels get more interesting with this and the demo just sort of gives you a taste.
Anyway, its kinda neat. Maybe check it out.