Author Topic: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?  (Read 3697 times)

Offline MysterD

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E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 03:19:29 PM »
So, now that E3 2013 is over...
what games, consoles, accessories, trends, or whatever caught your eyes at E3 2013?

Here's what caught my eyes.
This list could be edited and add more stuff, if I do find more content and/or you guys point me to something I missed out on.

AAA Games:
The Division
The Crew
Murdered: Soul Suspects
Watch Dogs

Indie Games & Foreign Games:

PS4 -> that conference was awesome...and really stood up for gamers' rights and Indie games.

Annoying Trends/Things:
Number of games trying to push "always online" games and/or mix both SP & MP together (The Division, Watch Dogs, Titanfall, The Crew, Destiny, etc).
X360 pushing the the DRM and used-game restrictions very hard.

Offline idolminds

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #1 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 03:31:31 PM »
Mirrors Edge 2

Uh...thats it? Like I want to play Watch Dogs but I'm not super hyped for it or anything. Looking forward to playing Last of Us more.

Oh, I guess the Oddworld Abes Oddysee remake is something I want. And Assassins Creed Black Flag.

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #2 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 03:35:02 PM »
I'm most definitely looking forward to the new Mirror's Edge!
I wish we saw more than what we actually saw of it, though - of course.
Regardless - that trailer was awesome!

Surely, it wasn't much shown, when compared to other gameplay demos and stuff that was out there at E3 (that have like 10-20 minutes demos).

BTW, this made me smile:
GamesRadar -> If E3 2013 happened in 1983.
« Last Edit: Friday, June 14, 2013, 04:12:44 PM by MysterD »

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #3 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 04:14:48 PM »
Yeah. I don't know if I saw any games that really caught my eye. Some good looking games were shown but most of them had already been revealed and their E3 showing didn't do much for me that hadn't already been done. Transistor is already known to me. I'm not a huge Mirror's Edge fan, although I like the idea a lot and a second go might be exactly what is needed. Watch Dogs is a known quantity. Seeing more of Destiny was a good thing I guess.

Oh, I know. Puppeteer came away with some good press and I hadn't really paid much attention to it before. That seemed cool.

You know what was kinda surprising? GTA V was not at any of the major press conferences. I guess Rock Star is above all that?

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #4 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 04:36:36 PM »
Rockstar doesn't do E3 very often.
On NeoGAF, they said they believe their last booth was actually in 2005.

Does R* really even need E3 - especially for something as high-profile as GTA5?
That games' going to sell like crazy, no matter what.

Though, I can see Bungie showing-up for E3, though (which they did) - b/c they have a NEW IP here.
If they were doing a Halo-named title, they probably could've just stayed home - people buy Halo games.

Offline idolminds

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #5 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 04:51:49 PM »
You know what I should watch? A video of Tearaway. Some good buzz going for that. Too bad I'd need a Vita to play it...

Offline W7RE

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #6 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 05:13:37 PM »
The Division
The Evil Within
Dead Rising 3
Battlefield 4

Offline MysterD

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #7 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 06:01:03 PM »
The Division
The Evil Within
Dead Rising 3
Battlefield 4

Thanks for mentioning The Evil Within! I knew I'd have missed something that I wanted to see more about. Gonna have to poke around and see what's out there for footage, info, and whatnot!

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #8 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 10:05:37 PM »
Thanks for mentioning The Evil Within! I knew I'd have missed something that I wanted to see more about. Gonna have to poke around and see what's out there for footage, info, and whatnot!

There's not a lot of footage, but some. I saw some from 2-3 different sites, and I think it was all the same. I'd find it for you but my PC is sort of on the fritz. Shouldn't be hard to find.

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Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #9 on: Friday, June 14, 2013, 11:20:52 PM »
I didn't know E3 was happening right now.  Hahaha I guess I'm quite far removed from gaming.

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Re: Re: Re: E3 2013 --> so what really caught your eyes at E3?
« Reply #10 on: Sunday, June 16, 2013, 07:29:14 AM »
I didn't know E3 was happening right now.  Hahaha I guess I'm quite far removed from gaming.
Same here. Even after hearing you guys talk about some of the more anticipated games, I'm having a hard time getting interested at all. The chance of me buying a console game for myself is next to nil. I haven't turned on my Xbox 360 in over a year.

There are some things I'd like to check out on PS3 like Uncharted and this Last of Us, but I'm not about to go buy one for two games, especially with the PS4 right around the corner.