Author Topic: Steam Trading Cards  (Read 3771 times)

Offline MysterD

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Steam Trading Cards
« on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 06:15:46 AM »
So, I've been neglecting this for some time (since I was in Beta), but let's get a thread on it - this'll be the thread to discuss anything & everything about Steam Trading Cards.
Discuss your thoughts on Steam Trading Cards; post articles; opinions on the whole thing; posts on what games got added w/ Cards; whatever.

IGN -> "Why Steam Trading Cards Should Embarrass Microsoft & Sony"

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 06:39:03 AM »
Just more useless meta shit attached to my game. It annoys me to see the green box lit up all the time for useless crap in my Steam inventory.

At least achievements can give you some new ways to play games.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 08:06:55 AM »
Ugh!  Looks like one more reason to avoid Steam on my list.  That IGN article is praising it as better than the Xbox marketplace crap.  So it's better than completely unacceptable.  Big deal.  I have never spent any money on a single thing like avatar clothing, gamerpics or themes.  How anyone can fall for that crap makes me weep for the future.  This trading-card thing is in the same nonsense category if there is user cash involved in any way.  Extra bragging-rights trophies or other digital items are fine, as long as they fall naturally (and freely) from the process.  If you have to pay, or even have the option to pay, there goes the neighborhood.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 08:49:10 AM »
I don't get why they're called "trading cards" if I can't trade them for other cards.

I was honestly expecting Valve to make some sort of card-trading game by allowing people to build decks, trade cards, and compete Magic-The-Gathering-style. As it is they are completely useless unless some poor sap actually pays for a card you have, then you can accumulate Steam wallet credit. I just don't understand the value of these cards. They're more meaningless than TF2 hats.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 09:59:15 AM »
That article was funny.

My snap judgement was that these rewards were pretty lame. Emoticons? Wallpaper? Really? But then I remembered that Microsoft and Sony have been selling gamers UI skins and other virtual trinkets for years. Want that sweet Bikini Woman Waving an American Flag theme? Sure thing - just pay $2.99. The Xbox Avatar Marketplace will let you advertise Turbo Racing League on a T-Shirt for the low price of $1.00. Gross.

...but individual Borderlands 2 cards and items are also for sale, to let people fill gaps in their collection. Around 2,000 were sold yesterday alone, for around $0.30 each

I got all my BL2 card drops. 3 cards out of 6. One Handsome Jack and two Maya cards. Maybe I can trade one of the Maya cards for another I need, but the rest? I either have to play some other game and trade the cards I earn there (time consuming) or I have to jump on the marketplace and buy them. 4 cards at $0.30 each is $1.20. For emoticons and wallpapers? Gross.

I can whip out my iPod and buy an actual game for that.

And that's the problem I have with the system. It's not actually rewarding you for playing your games. Monaco, been playing it, got my card drops. 4 cards out of 8 Gentleman and three Mole cards. And that's all that will drop unless the random number generator decides to bless me with a booster pack. I'd need 2 booster packs to make a full set and that's if duplicates are kept to a minimum. I have yet to earn ANY booster packs. If I could just keep playing and keep earning drops and eventually get a full set of cards myself then it would be sorta cool. If I really love a game and play it long enough to get all the cards which then earns me some wallpaper or other customization then awesome! But as it is now I have to spend MY time to trade off these duplicates and track down people willing to trade for the cards I want. Either that or open my wallet.

Here, too, Valve’s new system wins out. If you have zero interest in Steam trading cards, you can keep playing PC games as you always have. When you earn one of the random card drops you can sell those cards for real money.
I found out there are limitations to this. The first is your account has to have Steam Guard turned on to be able to sell things. Blah, so I turned it on and waited the 2 week waiting period before it would let me sell. Then it turns out you also have to have bought a game, on Steam (bought a key somewhere else and registered it on Steam? Doesn't count), within the last year. Which I haven't done so I can't sell these cards. Great.

So I have cards but can't really do anything with them. I can't earn more and craft a badge myself, I can't sell them, and trading won't help (still can't make a full set unless I go earn cards in another game and trade all those away). To get some emoticons? Doesn't seem worth the effort. The only thing I could do at this point is the Steam Summer Sale badge. I have 5 of the 10 cards with a couple Prison Architect duplicates to trade. Steam shows me that you guys have all the other cards I would need to craft the badge. So we could do that but....why?

Offline W7RE

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 04:39:12 PM »
I... what? I don't understand the offense being taken over this. If people want to buy useless shit, let them. Profit from it if you can.

Sleeping Dogs
Mark of the Ninja
Deus Ex Human Revolution + Missing Link DLC
Super House of Dead Ninjas
System Shock 2

$18.87 in gaming purchases for idling/playing games I already owned. Oh and I spent 3 cents (earned from selling cards) on a Super Meat Boy background for my Steam profile.

Offline scottws

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Re: Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 06:33:27 PM »
I'm with you. One doesn't have to mess with the cards. I don't.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, July 25, 2013, 12:44:33 AM »
I just ignore them. I don't even know what they are, nor do I care so much.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, July 25, 2013, 04:49:33 AM »
I don't get why they're called "trading cards" if I can't trade them for other cards.

I was honestly expecting Valve to make some sort of card-trading game by allowing people to build decks, trade cards, and compete Magic-The-Gathering-style. As it is they are completely useless unless some poor sap actually pays for a card you have, then you can accumulate Steam wallet credit. I just don't understand the value of these cards. They're more meaningless than TF2 hats.
The thing was - in the Beta, normal cards and Foils were worth WAY more than....what they are now. Since cards came out of Beta and since tons more games have them, more or less, the economy crashed. Cards that people were buying for a few dollars - now you're only likely getting 10-30 cents for a regular card (that is not a Foil).
I been doing card-for-card 1:1 trades w/ other people for any of my duplicate cards - namely to try to craft more badges & to try to complete sets.

You guys can check my cards list, if you ever wanted to 1:1 trade your dupes w/ me (which I do constantly update):

Also, if I ain't doing anything on my PC - I just run a Card-supported game idle in the background and do whatever else, while on this PC. Why not? You can just do that to farm your cards drops, if you have games you don't feel like replaying or anything.

Offline K-man

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #9 on: Thursday, July 25, 2013, 06:27:42 AM »
I could see it being kind of fun if you were into it.  I'm not into it.

I've already been burned once with collecting cards.  Damn you late 80's/early 90's baseball card overproduction!

Offline gpw11

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Re: Steam Trading Cards
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 08:26:47 PM »
Damn you late 80's/early 90's baseball card overproduction!


Yeah, so I never did anything with cards or knew anything about them, but I just put all the ones I've earned while playing on the market and have like $12.00 in my Steam Wallet now.  I don't know why people are buying these, but sure...great.

And I put some TF2 hats/bobbles that I got as preorder bonuses for things like The Witcher up there...which should net me at least another $10.00  ... who are these people?