Author Topic: Comedy of Errors, or Comcast Sucks  (Read 3314 times)

Offline Cobra951

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Comedy of Errors, or Comcast Sucks
« on: Saturday, November 02, 2013, 09:47:40 AM »
Yesterday, I came to Sandy's new place around noon.  She was supposed to get cable, internet and a security system installed by Comcast.  She said the guy had been here, but he left unannounced.  She said she had driven to her other garage up the property here, and when she came back, the guy was gone.  I asked her why she would leave a stranger in her house alone while she drove off somewhere.  She said her other car, up in the distant garage, could charge her phone while it was turned off, but that the one at her house could not.  Turning off the car turns off the juice to the charger.  I asked why she needed the car to charge?  She couldn't find her regular charges.  She is terrible about losing stuff.  Loses keys, her wallet, jewelry--you name it--constantly.  So I guessed that the guy left because he needed her for something, realized she had left, and then stomped off himself.  I wasn't too far off.  After a runaround involving no less than a half-dozen calls and several hours, she found out the guy left because (he claims) the law compels him to, if the owner of the house leaves.  Great.  So that was yesterday, Friday.  No amount of coaxing would get them to reschedule the appointment for today.  We had to wait until this morning at 10:30 for them to call us back.

In the meantime, we decided to take the equipment I had just brought over from the old place--TV, cable modem, router, laptop--back to the old place.  I hooked it up, and it all worked--for about 2 hours.  Then the DVR stopped working, said it was unavailable.  I replaced that with a Comcast cheapo converter box for the secondary TVs, and that worked till 9 PM.  Then off it went too.  I figured the internet was next, so we packed up everything AGAIN, and came back to the new place.

In this day and age, no TV and no internet is like the pinball wizard.  We were deaf, dumb and blind.  And the new place still has very scant furniture or any other amenities.  So it was like the stone age.  We went to bed early, and since I can't sleep more than 6 hours, I was up in the dark around 5 AM, staring at the walls and the empty floors.  GAAAH!

So they call her, 1030 AM sharp, and basically want to go back to Square One--scheduling an appointment.  Damn them!  She tells them she'll settle for just TV and internet, and security can wait.  So they tell her they have to call her back about that yet again.  Eventually, that happens, but they're booked and can't come over.  I tell her to remind them that she is disconnected entirely, and can't even check her Comcast-based email.  That, finally got us a solution.  They transferred the account.  Cable is already physically set up here.  All they had to do is throw a switch.  I connected the cable modem, and immediately got the cable and online lights to come on.  YAAAAY!

Man, what an ordeal.  I still can't believe that fucker up and left without saying a word, leaving a note, or anything.  Then they want Sandy to go to the back of the queue line again.  Screw that noise.  Assholes!  I've hated Comcast for years, and now I have even better reasons.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Comedy of Errors, or Comcast Sucks
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, November 02, 2013, 11:01:38 AM »
Truly awful company. We had a lot of stories like that with them too.

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Offline idolminds

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Re: Comedy of Errors, or Comcast Sucks
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, November 02, 2013, 11:20:18 AM »
They won't even hook me up, so they aren't high on my list either.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Comedy of Errors, or Comcast Sucks
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, November 02, 2013, 06:46:32 PM »
It didn't end there after all.  Some time later, the TV boxes stopped working, just like they had at the old place.  More time on hold trying to get through on the phone.  So they ended up doing something which brought back TV, but screwed up the internet.  Now we had to activate it, and that took hours of wrangling with phone support.  Worst 2 days in recent memory.

Offline scottws

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« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 10:49:32 AM »
Comcast is in Cincy now?  I would never ever ever ever get Comcast.  They are by far the most consumer unfriendly service and content provider there is.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Comedy of Errors, or Comcast Sucks
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 07:48:42 PM »
No, not Cincy, thank God.  They are infesting Lawrewnceburg, IN, where Sandy lives.  This ordeal is all about her move from her old place there to her new one.