Author Topic: NYE  (Read 5287 times)

Offline Xessive

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« on: Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 03:22:29 PM »
Happy new year, everyone.. Though I believe NYE should be the last day of February. Reason to celebrate nonetheless! Enjoy!

Offline idolminds

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« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 05:04:10 PM »
Got a good number of hours to go here. But happy new year!

Offline Cools!

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« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 11:52:47 PM »
Happy New Year everyone!

Offline PyroMenace

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« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, January 01, 2014, 06:34:28 AM »
Rachel and I finished off watching Battlestar Galactica, it ended right as the clock turned midnight. That was my new year :-)

Offline K-man

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« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, January 01, 2014, 08:11:22 AM »
i stayed awake just long enough to see the ball drop, kiss beth, and pass out.  We were already in bed to expedite the process.

Offline Cobra951

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« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, January 01, 2014, 08:26:16 AM »
Went to a party with Sandy here in her neighborhood, but we left about a half hour early, and watched the ball drop at her place.  That was perfect.

Happy New Year, all!  2014 is a big milestone for me.  Let's see how it goes.

Offline Quemaqua

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« Reply #6 on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 01:05:11 AM »
We watched fireworks in SF from my mom's driveway. Was great to be back home and able to enjoy stuff. Chatted with mom a little after that and had some non-alcoholic bubbly (the heart condition and all), then played card games. We went to bed about 3 and got up late the following day. Fingers crossed for 2014!

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Offline W7RE

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« Reply #7 on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 01:38:34 AM »
I was playing WoW, grouping up with some friends about to go kill random people, and I heard someone on the Twitch stream I was watching say that the ball was dropping in NY (they were in California). I heard either fireworks or gunshots outside somewhere, it could have easily been either.

Offline gpw11

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« Reply #8 on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 08:00:06 PM »
Let me tell you motherfuckers about New Years and how I fucked up like a highschool kid:

I went to a keg party for some dude's birthday/new years where the only person I knew was my girlfriend.  It was alright, but not great. Night's going on, it's about 1:00am and I'm getting pretty drunk.  I'm thinking about pounding some Five Hour Energy like a champ, but pass it up, opting to take a small dose of MDA instead.  You know, because this is how 32 year olds behave.

Now, I don't really dabble in drugs at all anymore. I used to party fairly hard and have experience with most things: MDMA, Mushrooms, LSD, etc.  Most of that was university era and I'll I've really done in the past eight or so years is smoke pot very very occasionally, probably bumped coke a handful of times (not in the last five years probably), and MDMA once or twice (again, not in the last few years).  I drink a lot, but don't really fuck with drugs anymore.  I never had any sort of a problem with them, but hey...who needs to feel THAT bad the next day, right?

So, I get a small dose of MDA going in my beer and drink it.  This is a mistake for two reasons:

1.) I don't know what a small dose is
2.) I don't really know what MDA is.

See, I've done MDA once before, but as far as I know it's the exact same thing as MDMA.  Hell, I don't even know what that is, but I know what it does, so sure.  Here's the thing: it's totally not the same thing as MDMA.  Like, it's really close, except for a couple small things that differentiate it: You don't feel as rough the next day, you don't get as jittery, it doesn't last quite as long, and it has hallucinogenic properties. 

That last one...that would have been amazing to know.

I drink this shit and leave with my girlfriend to go home.  We luck out, get a ride to the train to take us back downtown and I'm feeling pretty good.  I have a feeling I may have taken to much but I figure I'll just pound beer to numb it.  I drink a beer outside of the station reeeeal fast and get on the train. 

Now I'm high as fuck: That wasn't a small dose at all, shit.  Whatever, ride it out until I can get more booze. 

Somewhere between thinking "ride it out" and getting home I LOST MY FUCKING MIND.  Like, I mentally time warped and came to outside the home station staring down at my legs amazed that they were there and I had the most vivid memory that I was just in a train bombing/derailment.   People were rushing all around me, there were cops and commotion because it was 2 am and apparently there was a fight in the station and I could not figure out how the fuck I had legs all of a sudden when 30 seconds ago I was in a pile of rubble bleeding out while my girlfriend held me, telling me it would be alright, not to look down, and that we were almost home.

I look over at my girlfriend, asked her what happened back there,  "Nothing happened". A cop runs by me and there's sirens...obviously something happened and she's just trying to make me feel better, that's the only plausible explanation, right?   All of a sudden I'm back and she's telling me "Nothing happened" while I'm bleeding out. 

Aaaaand I'm back. We're in an elevator, I'm checking my legs again and she's laughing. You see, I can't fucking figure it out because I have no idea that I'm tripping balls...I've done way too much LSD before and never even come close to hallucinating like this before: Just vivid intrusive thoughts. I'm literally like "Is this yesterday and my life is flashing before my eyes?" Because it's incomprehensible that I'd be hallucinating.

So, we get inside and I know have my wits about me enough to realize that there's some hallucinogenic properties going on here and I'm high as fuck, and really it's not BAD, I'm just freaked out because it's so vivid.   

I shotgunned two beers, drank a cider and pulled myself out.  Thank you booze, you've saved me for once.

But seriously, it was the weirdest shit ever and I think the only thing that saved me was that I had my wits about me enough to realize that my brain could not be trusted.


Offline PyroMenace

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« Reply #9 on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 08:18:05 PM »
Damn man, crazy stuff. Just be careful dude, hopefully you won't pull a beo and just disappear on us leaving everyone to think you're dead.

Offline Cools!

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« Reply #10 on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 11:19:21 PM »
Man, I wish was there to record that. Would've made one awesome short film. :P

Offline Quemaqua

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« Reply #11 on: Saturday, January 04, 2014, 12:02:39 AM »
I know who's starring in my next short story.

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Offline Cobra951

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« Reply #12 on: Saturday, January 04, 2014, 06:54:45 AM »
Methylenedioxyamphetamine.  Never heard of it until I looked it up.  I wonder if you OD'd, because the effects I read about are not nearly as severe as what you described.  Then again, you were mixing it with booze, so who knows about the interactions.  You couldn't have OD'd too much, because then I think you'd be really fucked up, physically, maybe even dead.  Damn, man.  Aren't you getting a bit old for this shit?  I was never into that scene, so I wouldn't understand the expectations or temptations.  Just saying.  Don't die before me!

Offline gpw11

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« Reply #13 on: Saturday, January 04, 2014, 04:07:38 PM »
Methylenedioxyamphetamine.  Never heard of it until I looked it up.  I wonder if you OD'd, because the effects I read about are not nearly as severe as what you described.  Then again, you were mixing it with booze, so who knows about the interactions.  You couldn't have OD'd too much, because then I think you'd be really fucked up, physically, maybe even dead.  Damn, man.  Aren't you getting a bit old for this shit?  I was never into that scene, so I wouldn't understand the expectations or temptations.  Just saying.  Don't die before me!

Waaaay too old for it.  But the expectations/temptations aren't really there.  I'm a big drinker but not really into the drug scene at all.  I've definitely dabbled in the past, but in the end the downsides of pretty much everything (feeling horrible the next day, less control) outweigh the up sides (for me, usually cutting the drunk a bit and giving you some more energy).  This was a really rare thing.

From the wikipedia: " It is mainly used as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and a tool in use to supplement various types of practices for transcendence, including in meditation, psychonautics, and as an agent in psychedelic psychotherapy"

Whatever the hell psychonautics is is probably the key here.  It also mentions the hallucinogenic properties later in the article, which I had no idea about.

I don't think it was an overdose at all, as I really didn't do enough to bring that about, but more of a mind fuck because I didn't really know what was going on and was experiencing effects I didn't expect.  The breakdown of what actually happened, near as I can tell:

-Got on train, tripping balls. "Ride it out"

-We overshot our stop and had to hop on another train. I was apparently pretty confused by this and I imagine it acted as a bit of a stress trigger.

-On second train, tripping balls but apparently totally fine.

-Exit the second train at our stop.  There are people all over the place, running around, wasted, yelling.  Ton of commotion.  I asked "If something bad happened back there".

-Got outside and there was just a fight so there are a couple cop cars, still people running about and yelling.  Lights and sirens. This was probably where I was 100% convinced that something bad happened and the switch was flipped in my head:  I instantly imagine the worst case scenario (obviously some sort of train derailment/bomb), everyone is rushing around in confusion and while my girlfriend is telling me nothing bad  went down and I'm fine, the only explanation that makes sense is things went horribly wrong and I'm dying.

-Girlfriend said I was completely fine, not in a bad place, visibly having a bad time, or freaking out, but was walking with her, kept looking back and down at my legs asking if something had happened.

-In the elevator, still just can't make sense of it at all.  Otherwise, feel great, although really high. checking my legs again.  I can still vividly see the "vision" or whatever and it's obviously heavily inspired from a movie or game or something.  It's literally me in a pile of rubble, people running around and yelling, girlfriend with me.  I'm asking what happened, she's telling me nothing, we're almost home, nothing happened and I'm fine.  As per usual, I'm suspicious as hell when people are really trying to convince me everything is fine (ESPECIALLY WOMEN), look down and yeah...legs blown off to waist, bleeding out.  View switches to third person, pulls out and the whole station is just fucked. THE END.

-Just as the elevator is ending, I'm getting inside I cut the confusion a bit by realizing third person views aren't really something that happens and my brain is just fucked. "Time to teach you, brain". Shotgun beers, drink ciders, end the night on a somewhat high note.

Girlfriend is amazed the next day that this was going on, as I was purely in my own world and she said apart from the whacked ass questions and a slight sign that I was worried about something she had no idea I was pretty much "freaking out".

I've heard stories (I'm sure we all have) about people freaking out on drugs and I can say that I totally understand it 100% now.  If she wasn't with me or I was just a bit further gone, to the point where I wasn't confused but actually convinced that this shit just happened, things could have gone very differently.

The golden rule with casually dabbiling in drugs is to be extremely careful with anything taken orally, because the delay between ingestion and effect can be all over the place and it can be hard to dose.  Also to be really careful when dealing with shit and you're not sure what it is.  I thought MDA was basically MDMA, which to me means, take a tiny bit while drinking and you gain some clarity, energy, feel good, and probably say stupid shit to people you like.  I didn't think this would be any different. WAY DIFFERENT, for at least the commute.


Offline Cobra951

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« Reply #14 on: Sunday, January 05, 2014, 06:58:28 AM »


And don't forget it, young man.

Offline beo

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« Reply #15 on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 03:20:52 PM »
Damn man, crazy stuff. Just be careful dude, hopefully you won't pull a beo and just disappear on us leaving everyone to think you're dead.

sorry about that... been busy.  :-[

Offline K-man

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« Reply #16 on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 09:07:13 AM »
Color me disappointed.  I saw you were the last person to post in this thread and had hyped myself up for reading about a night of debauchery.

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« Reply #17 on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 11:04:04 AM »
haha, no, not any more. got drunk, played cards against humanity - that was about it!

life's a bit more mundane now. i'm engaged, got a decent job in IT and haven't touched anything other than booze (and nowhere near as much as i used to) in a long while. i'm settled down and boring now - which isn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be.  :P

Offline K-man

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« Reply #18 on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 12:02:42 PM »
Certainly has its moments, doesn't it?

And man, CAH is so so great.  I bought the holiday bullshit thing and it was worth every penny. 

Offline Cools!

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« Reply #19 on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 01:35:22 PM »
...i'm engaged...

Wait... whaaa??? Congrats!