Author Topic: I play this game too much  (Read 20739 times)

Offline angrykeebler

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #40 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 01:45:41 PM »
Ugh.  Do we really need to continue this?  Obviously game input at this point is pretty much entirely based on punching fucking buttons, what kind of moron do you think I am?  That isn't the point I was trying to make and you damn well know it.  And if you don't, God help you.  The only thing at issue here is that competitive WoW isn't the kind of thing I like when compared to other competitive games, and I don't understand why this is a problem for you.  How is that hard to fucking understand?  I would much rather competitively play something like Quake where the playing field is entirely equal and the competition comes from using that single system to be the best of your ability.  Yes, I am aware this is *roughly* the same *overall* concept as WoW's pvp or any other competitive thing, but obviously you've got completely different animals when you get down to the mechanical details.  I don't consider the *kind* of teamwork that WoW's pvp presents to be fun when you're talking about something that's meant to be strictly competitive.  The gameplay there isn't even *that* mechanically different from the kind of shit you do in the game and I am aware of this, but when I'm looking for something *competitive*, that's not what I'm looking for.  I don't consider running around in tiny arbitrary circles to avoid getting hit to be fun.  I think it's fucking stupid.  Is that okay with you, or would you like to continue banging your head against the wall?

I am 100% convinced that I am not the one banging my head against the wall.

You want it to be competitive? Have you EVER stepped foot into a 60 Battleground with a guild on your side? Especially now that EVERYONE in BG's runs with a guild? I would say the majority of your matches are against evenly matched groups even if you are in Tier 1 or even ZG gear.

There is one thing that WoW pvp does NOT have. There is no rocket launcher in the middle of the map that gives you an instant advantage against your opponents who are packing crappy machine guns.
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #41 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 01:56:53 PM »
Keeb, I don't think his problem is with the gear or if he has a guild on his side. I don't think he's explaining his postion very well but basicaly - "...competitive WoW isn't the kind of thing I like when compared to other competitive games..." - I think that's all he has to say, he doesn't like it, so he doesn't like it.
When I first jumped into WoW PVP I wasn't too happy with it myself and it took me a while to get into it and I'm not talking about joining guilds or getting better gear or what not, just getting into or getting used to the style of play that is WoW PVP.
I'm happier with it now I don't know if its becuase I kept trying over and over again and got used to how I should play it, or if its a balancing thing and there's been changes.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #42 on: Thursday, December 14, 2006, 05:25:09 PM »
Made a troll shaman on Steamweedle Cartel (RP) server, just for fun. Name is Jakil.

Alright, I'm gonna make my warlock on there, but are we sure we want this server because Im itching to start a horde character and I dont want to switch servers and start over.

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #43 on: Thursday, December 14, 2006, 06:14:04 PM »
Dunno...maybe we should research servers. I just made that one there to see what a RP server might be like. So far its pretty much like every other server... I only got the shaman to level 7 or something.

Right now I havent been really concentrating on any one character. I'm trying out the classes I havent played before (got a priest to 10 today...its interesting.)

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #44 on: Thursday, December 14, 2006, 06:45:17 PM »
Alright, Im leveling my warlock now. So far I like the server, and yea, I havent run into any real RPers yet. If anything most of the people Im running into are relatively nice. So far so good.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #45 on: Thursday, December 14, 2006, 08:24:36 PM »
Whats your warlocks name? I'll add it to my list. Then we can form a guild and be the...uh...Somethings of the Something Things.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #46 on: Thursday, December 14, 2006, 08:29:16 PM »
I just saw you were on but I was minimized, name is Pyraith, get back on yous!

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #47 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 01:01:29 AM »
Idol and I got our characters up to 10 tonight. I think I'm back in for leveling this dude because I'm loving the warlock. So we need more of you to get started so we can do the instances and get cool shit.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #48 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 01:08:48 AM »
Join ussssss.....

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #49 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 08:09:27 AM »
Sorry, folks.  There's no way in hell I can participate right now.  I'm completely broke and starting to get into debt so I really need to make sure I chill on the expenses for a while, and I've got a load of personal family problems all of a sudden that are making gaming pretty much impossible.  No matter how much I want to, I just can't.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #50 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 08:58:11 AM »
So you guys are rolling horde on a RP server?  Which server is it(can't seem to find it anywhere in the thread)?

I doubt I can put any serious commitment into it right now, but I may try and play catch up after exams.  I am having a blast with my pally, mage, and druid at the moment.  Trying to get them up to 60.  Then again, I have never rolled horde before.

I should probably roll a Warrior or something if we have a healer and a lock already.  UD Rogue would be fun, too.  Never played a shaman..  Any suggestions?
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #51 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 09:17:08 AM »
Steamweedle Cartel is the server.

Just pick what you want to play.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #52 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 09:54:18 AM »
Woah... I just read through the whole discussion and I have to admit that my opinion on PVP was the same as Que's. I don't always agree with Que, but his is the exact same impression I had.

I always found PvP combat in RPGs to be without skill as well as pointless. I never understood why people enjoyed it since it is just about who has the better arsenal and more experience. Then you just stare each other like morons and keep hitting the attack button.

Having said that, I must admit I have never considered PvP when it is guild versus guild. I never found one on one PvP combat to be fun, but I can imagine a huge guild taking on another huge guild to be awesome. Especially if there is a captain on the field with a varied team to choose from. Depending on the map, the possibilities are endless.

But yea, I see where Que is coming from when it comes to one on one PvP, though I never considered PvP on such a grand scale. *considers WoW some more*.

I mean, it's fun just like when you're out in the world and stuff, but I don't get the CTF stuff and all that.

By CTF do you mean Capture the Flag? I had no idea WoW had that. That sounds like it has the potential to be fun, unlike 1 on 1. I mean you could have the elf archers and an orc tank guarding base. You could have a Rogue trying to steal the other team's flag using all sorts of skills. A mage can also be used in certain situations.

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #53 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 10:07:03 AM »
WoW has Battlegrounds, special areas where 2 teams of players will face off. One is Warsong Gulch, which is capture the flag. Then there Arathi Basin thats capture and hold, and Alterac Valley which I guess is supposed to simulate a large scale war or something (huge place, kill the enemy commander, complete mini-quests to further your side).

I think the BGs are pretty fun myself, though I havent played in quite a while. Now that they are the easiest way to get nice gear without raiding I might play them some more. Instead of raiding 4 hours a night 6 days a week hoping for my armor to drop and that I get it out of 39 other people, I can play BGs off and on for a month and just "buy" what I want.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #54 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 11:09:35 AM »
Just made Nomiki, UD Rogue.

I'll level him up in a bit.  Feel free to add him to your friends lists, though.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #55 on: Friday, December 15, 2006, 06:54:32 PM »
Added to buddy list. I got past my shaman fire totem quest...god what a huge pain in the ass.

Also, christmas stuff is out! woo! I'm going to have to play my druid a bit and do all the quests and junk at level 60.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #56 on: Saturday, December 16, 2006, 12:15:26 PM »
I am still contemplating whether or not I'll be joining you guys.  I'm busy with my Xbox360 so I don't know how much WoW I can get in... especially since I don't intend on becoming a hardcore player again in WoW.


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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #57 on: Saturday, December 16, 2006, 02:03:13 PM »
By CTF do you mean Capture the Flag? I had no idea WoW had that. That sounds like it has the potential to be fun, unlike 1 on 1. I mean you could have the elf archers and an orc tank guarding base. You could have a Rogue trying to steal the other team's flag using all sorts of skills. A mage can also be used in certain situations.

OK, don't get out of hand now. It's not THAT cool. It's usually like, both full teams of 10 people rush across the field toward the other team's base. They may or may not battle it out it the middle at the beginning. One team gets the other team's flag and has a warrior in full tanking gear with 10,000 armor and health carry it across the field, which 5 healers spam heals on him and the DPS classes attack anyone who gets close. While they do this the other team easily grabs the other flag and heads back to their base. Now you have both teams holding eachother's flags dug in on the roof of their own bases, using a full tanking gear warrior to hold it, and at least 5 healers spamming him with heals.

Oh and if you're horde, going against an alliance team, your opponenets healer are mostly paladins. This means if you stop attacking the tank and attack the healers, they go immune to your damage and keep healing.

No but really, I love warsong. I was exalted in warsong before the new honor system patch came out. It's just nowhere near as cool as people actually filling roles like what Pug was saying. Actually in most of the games I'm in it's a huge battle to get eachother's flags, then one solo druid grabs the flag and shapeshifts out of anything that tries to stop him.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #58 on: Saturday, December 16, 2006, 02:37:50 PM »

And here I was making it sound like World of Team Fortresscraft.


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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #59 on: Saturday, December 16, 2006, 03:18:48 PM »
Actually I guess I'm just bitter about Warsong as a whole, because I'm a rogue. I'm tier with a warrior for the most kiteable class in the game. I coudl say at least a warrior has intercept and berserker rage, but then I have vanish and sprint.

Warsong is mostly about grabbing the opponent's flag and getting away with it. Warsong is for mages, druids and hunter, because they have so many ways to kite you or get away from you. They grab your flag and you're left helplessly running across the map chasing them, sometimes with no hope of ever catching up. You can mount and chase them down, but they usually have support keeping you in combat, or they just turn and insta sheep you.

Arathi Basin on the other hand, is a blast. You're going after a stationary flag, and usually have to beat the other person down to get to it.

I'm one who actually enjoys 1v1 combat. I used to take down better geared players all the time when my gear wasn't so great, because there is in fact a degree of skill (or just intelligence I guess) required for pvp in WoW. Especially as a rogue. Maybe a warrior just pounds on people and a warlock dots and deathcoils/fears, but a rogue has to time stuns and such. We're one of the the squishiest classes in the game (locks and priests can easily have more armor than rogues at 60), and only rogues and warlocks are truly weak against our stunlock. (the rest have trinkets or skills to break it/prevent it)

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #60 on: Saturday, December 16, 2006, 03:42:33 PM »

And here I was making it sound like World of Team Fortresscraft.
Which I would LOVE for someone to do properly. A fantasy Team Fortress would kick ass. Its just Blizzard can't really balance the classes for that kind of thing directly. It works...but not in the way it really could to make it awesome.