Author Topic: I play this game too much  (Read 20765 times)

Offline angrykeebler

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I play this game too much
« on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 03:21:32 AM »
My 3rd level 60 dinged tonight! This was the warrior I started with JB after he got the game on his server, Kel'Thuzad. I transferred her to Tichondrius and I plan to make her my main when The Burning Crusade comes out.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 09:29:56 AM »
Congrats. My hunter is moving right along. Doubt I'll get her to 60 before BC, but I'm trying.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 10:35:52 AM »
What about your mage, Idol?  Abandoned already?
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 10:53:33 AM »
No, I'm going to play it too, but I wanted to play horde for a change of pace. And since I was doing that I figured might as well make it a hunter, since I hadn't played one of those much.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 11:42:46 AM »
Actually, now that I think about it I really want to be *close* to 60 for the expansion, but not 60 yet. Soon as BC drops everyone and their brother will be in the Outland starting area. It'll be chaos, taking forever to find and kill mobs because thats what 5,000 other people will be doing on every server.

If I hit 50 when BC hits, that'll be good. By the time I reach 60 the other people will have moved deeper into Outland and it wont be so crowded.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 12:27:26 PM »
Yeah, that's kinda' my thought.  That's why I'm not going to sign up again until the expansion hits.  That'll give me time to finish doing some of the shit I was doing and then move into Outland a bit later when things have hopefully settled down a bit.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 01:54:16 PM »
I've still yet to get even a second character to level 60. I did get a warlock to 57 once on Garithos, but when I transferred my rogue from there to Arthas I deleted the lock to make alliance on Garithos (which I never stuck with). I do however have a shitload of time put into my rogue. I'm at something like 202 days /played.

When TBC hits I'm gonna rush into Outlands head first. By then I should have full tier 3, and possibly be sporting dual 70+ DPS weapons. With that, and the fact that I'll be questing with friends at times, I plan on raping lots of alliance.  ;D

I just hope I don't get caught up in pvp and not leveling, like I did in beta. I'm still only level 66 because I keep finding myself PVPing instead of questing.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 02:04:04 PM »
I'm kinda' tempted to make a horde character when I get going again.  Sy, you be interested in joining idol in a little horde stuff?  And idol, did you make your hunter on Moonrunner?

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 02:16:40 PM »
Oh, Id soo be down with making a horde character.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 02:22:31 PM »
Hell yeah!  We should get some hordies going.  I've already got my alliance chick at like 53 or so, so I'll be doing expansion stuff with her most likely, but I never *really* got to see that much of the horde side of things because my UD lock just never took off.  I'd like to make a Tauren something.  Dunno' what yet.  Maybe a Shaman.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 03:20:21 PM »
Yeah, my hunter is on Moonrunner. Let me know if you guys make characters. If my hunter is too far ahead, I'll make another to play...maybe a priest or shaman or something. Ohhh...warlock...

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 04:16:44 PM »
Locks are sooo frickin overpowered
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 04:39:40 PM »
Perfect, warlock it is then :P

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 04:53:14 PM »
I have 3 60's too. I feel sad.

60 hunter = Main
60 priest = alt that i play fairly often.
60 Mage = dont even play him anymore

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 12:17:51 AM »
Every time the urge for WoW really hits me I play FFXII and am completely readdicted to it.  It's amazing.  It's like my anti-WoW.  I really, really wanted to sign up again this afternoon... then I played FFXII for like 6 hours.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #15 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 01:23:45 AM »
I got 2 60s, as indicated in my sig.

60 Mage
60 Priest
I'll probably work on my next 60 as a warrior or a rogue... haven't decided yet.

Anyway, I thought you were gonna keep her has a twink keeb.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #16 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 02:29:03 AM »
Damnit, I wanted to be a lock. Maybe I'll go druid.

Offline angrykeebler

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #17 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 05:10:04 AM »
I got 2 60s, as indicated in my sig.

60 Mage
60 Priest
I'll probably work on my next 60 as a warrior or a rogue... haven't decided yet.

Anyway, I thought you were gonna keep her has a twink keeb.

twinkings kind of useless when you are Exalted with everything..
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline idolminds

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #18 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 09:10:52 AM »
Well if pyro wants lock I could do...priest or warrior or something. Haven't played those. Undead priest might be fun, or maybe tauren shaman. I had started one way back but never made it past 20. Liked what I played, though.
« Last Edit: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 09:43:21 AM by idolminds »

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #19 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 10:21:04 AM »
I'll play anything (would be fine with just warrior or whatever too), so you guys go ahead and do whatever.. I'll figure out something after you guys get your first picks.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #20 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 01:50:13 PM »
Well, whenever you guys decide, I'll be playing my hunter for now. Moonrunner, Horde side, named Lodim.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #21 on: Sunday, December 03, 2006, 05:36:14 PM »
I'll join you guys if you have one more spot open (assuming you don't have 5 people).  I won't be playing for another 2 weeks or so though, until my final exams are over.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 08:20:18 PM »
Well I tried to make an undead Warlock but I can't. Character creation is disabled on Moonrunner because its soo full.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 08:41:20 PM »
Well...shit. I guess they recently had transfers to the server, now most nights theres a huge queue to get in.

Any newer low pop pve servers around?

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 08:51:22 PM »
That fucking sucks.  When did that happen?

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 09:03:24 PM »
Thrall is the server I play on.  It is pretty low pop.  I rarely play during prime time, but I have never seen a queue above about 50 people, so it usually takes a minute or two to get in.

Then again, all of my characters on alliance, so there wouldn't be any real incentive for you guys to play on it.

Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #26 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 09:34:11 PM »
Too bad Azjol is also high pop now, Ive got a high level horde druid that could buy bags for us...heh.

I know! Lets join a low pop RP server!

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #27 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 09:41:01 PM »
haha... that's not the worst idea, actually.  Those stay pretty low, I imagine, and if we play together we don't have to actually RP except when other people show up.  And then we can make fun of them in whispers.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #28 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 10:19:29 PM »
I prefer pvp :P

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #29 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 11:30:47 PM »
haha... that's not the worst idea, actually.  Those stay pretty low, I imagine, and if we play together we don't have to actually RP except when other people show up.  And then we can make fun of them in whispers.

That would be awesome!!

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #30 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 12:33:28 AM »
PVP in roleplaying games is boring as fuck.  It requires next to no skill (at least from what I've played) and has more to do with equipment and junk.  I don't get the appeal at all.  I mean, it's fun just like when you're out in the world and stuff, but I don't get the CTF stuff and all that.  No, for that, you need an even playing field so when I put your ass in the ground I know it's because I'm better than you, not because you spent 500 hours grinding mobs.  I do miss just being on a PVP server, though.  I used to really enjoy the thrill of ganking and getting ganked.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #31 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 01:41:03 AM »
PVP in roleplaying games is boring as fuck.  It requires next to no skill (at least from what I've played) and has more to do with equipment and junk.  I don't get the appeal at all.  I mean, it's fun just like when you're out in the world and stuff, but I don't get the CTF stuff and all that.  No, for that, you need an even playing field so when I put your ass in the ground I know it's because I'm better than you, not because you spent 500 hours grinding mobs.  I do miss just being on a PVP server, though.  I used to really enjoy the thrill of ganking and getting ganked.

Then you really haven't played much..have you? The very best Warsong Gulch team in my Battlegroup and quite possibly the world is a guild called T A O. They are undefeated in Battlegroup 9 AND the test server. They have never been beaten and here is the thing.. They don't PvE...ever. That means their gear is lacking compared to the huge raiding guils. Yeah, a bunch got GM gear but they go up against guilds that have AQ/Naxx gear with 95 dps weapons and shitloads of damge mages/locks and still they have never, ever lost.

The instanced PVP in WoW takes focus, communication and teamwork.

Back when I was in a huge raiding guild we took on T A O in Warsong Gulch. We had waaay better guild then they did. We had beaten BWL for a while now and had 2 Ashkandi's (Then the best 2 handed weapon in the game) and shitloads of spell damage. We got totally trounced 3-0 by this team. It was uncanny. PVP doesn't take skill? Their druid is the best flag runner in our Battlegroup. He KNEW exactly where and when we would show up and anticipated our movement. He had healers and dps warriors that timed their fears right after each other so they wouldnt waste one while we were blowing ours all over the place. We got stomped.
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #32 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 02:09:11 AM »
Yeah, see... you have no idea how boring that is to me.  "Teamwork" in that case means pressing buttons at precisely the right time at precisely the right targets to maximize offensive output from your whole team and such.  That's all fine... but you actually find that fun?  It might be fun if you were controlling every single character and trying to pull it off on your own in a frantic bid for the extraordinary, maybe for some finely balanced SP game or something, but you pair that up with being one cog in a big machine and all you end up with is a big heaping pile of boredom in my book.  I don't get it.  If I'm going to bother being competitive, I want it to be competitive.  Even if I lose, I feel like I lost for a reason, not because some chump next to me hit the 5 key on his keypad too fast.

I don't know.  Whatever the reason, this aspect of the game doesn't appeal to me one iota.  I'm there for the ability to do something fun with other people I don't hate, and for the fiction.  That's about where it ends.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #33 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 02:16:54 AM »
I'm astounded that you find this boring when you like Elder Scrolls.... I do not mean that in a snide manner in anyway. Seriously. Completely speechless.
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #34 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 08:39:46 AM »
Again, for the reason that I'm controlling everything myself, not participating in a group button pressing frenzy, or facing off against other people in what I consider to be artificial matches that don't have *enough* to do with skill (sure there's some, just not enough for my tastes).  And there's all the fiction to consider, which again is one of my bigger reasons for playing WoW.  That and I think most people who enjoy TES games still have no idea why it is you find them boring.  You have to realize you're part of a very small minority on that one.  I'm not saying your opinion is invalid on that issue (there are times when I'm in no mood for any of those games), just pointing out that most folks *don't* find them boring... hence your surprise there probably comes mostly just as a surprise to you and not too many others.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #35 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 11:41:29 AM »
Are you serious? Cause I've never met a single person irl who has finished an Elder Scrolls game and I used to work in a Gamestop.

Here is an interesting note. TES: Morrowind for the Xbox has the dubious honor of being the most traded-in game at Gamestop. Yes, when I worked there we got an e-mail about how we could take no more of them because we were giving $3 trade-in credit for it and people were STILL trading them in.
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #36 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 05:00:10 PM »
Made a troll shaman on Steamweedle Cartel (RP) server, just for fun. Name is Jakil.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #37 on: Monday, December 11, 2006, 06:45:25 PM »
Are you serious? Cause I've never met a single person irl who has finished an Elder Scrolls game and I used to work in a Gamestop.

Here is an interesting note. TES: Morrowind for the Xbox has the dubious honor of being the most traded-in game at Gamestop. Yes, when I worked there we got an e-mail about how we could take no more of them because we were giving $3 trade-in credit for it and people were STILL trading them in.

Why do you bother to argue this?  I worked at an EB too and was friends with two assistant managers, a manager, and a GM for several years after my departure.  I've had plenty of ties to the retail side of games for years and I'm quite sure I follow the industry as close or closer than you do.  This is one of my biggest hobbies.  Okay, so you got a lot of trade-ins.  Do you have any idea how many *other* popular money making games see tons of trade-ins?  I don't care if Morrowind was the most traded-in game of all time, that doesn't mean anything at all.  It's also the most heavily modded game of all time, more than likely, it still has a ridiculously huge user base, it got critical acclaim pretty much across the board, and four years after its release (which is the last time I checked) it was *still* in the top 25 best selling PC games according to NPD.  So really, you can keep arguing this until you're blue in the face, but you're never going to change the reality that people like the game.  Nobody really cares that you don't.

And I am aware that nobody gives a shit that I don't like WoW's pvp.  That's perfectly fine.  I'm not asking anybody to change it or say that it should be catered to me, because I don't think it should.  I'm just saying I don't really like it all that much and was trying to explain why the fundamental concepts there don't really grab me.  That's all.  I had no intention of starting some kind of WoW vs. TES war, because I don't even consider the games comparable.  I don't even know how this got started.  This is pretty much the dumbest fucking argument I've ever had.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #38 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 10:01:43 AM »
Why do you bother to argue this?  I worked at an EB too and was friends with two assistant managers, a manager, and a GM for several years after my departure.  I've had plenty of ties to the retail side of games for years and I'm quite sure I follow the industry as close or closer than you do.  This is one of my biggest hobbies.  Okay, so you got a lot of trade-ins.  Do you have any idea how many *other* popular money making games see tons of trade-ins?  I don't care if Morrowind was the most traded-in game of all time, that doesn't mean anything at all.  It's also the most heavily modded game of all time, more than likely, it still has a ridiculously huge user base, it got critical acclaim pretty much across the board, and four years after its release (which is the last time I checked) it was *still* in the top 25 best selling PC games according to NPD.  So really, you can keep arguing this until you're blue in the face, but you're never going to change the reality that people like the game.  Nobody really cares that you don't.

And I am aware that nobody gives a shit that I don't like WoW's pvp.  That's perfectly fine.  I'm not asking anybody to change it or say that it should be catered to me, because I don't think it should.  I'm just saying I don't really like it all that much and was trying to explain why the fundamental concepts there don't really grab me.  That's all.  I had no intention of starting some kind of WoW vs. TES war, because I don't even consider the games comparable.  I don't even know how this got started.  This is pretty much the dumbest fucking argument I've ever had.

You are right. You make the most retarded argument against WoW's pvp ever. It has its problem but yours is by far the worst I've ever seen.

" "Teamwork" in that case means pressing buttons at precisely the right time at precisely the right targets to maximize offensive output from your whole team and such.  That's all fine... but you actually find that fun?  "

Yeah.... I went back and re-read that. Que, do you have any idea how completely fucking stupid that sounds?

See, most of us on the board all have the same hobby. It requires us to pick up a controller/keyboard/mouse and press buttons at precisely the right time at precisely the right target to maximize output for your team whether it be A.I or humans or even just for yourself.

Just just described what you do in every video game ever and said it sounded boring.

Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: I play this game too much
« Reply #39 on: Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 10:21:48 AM »
Ugh.  Do we really need to continue this?  Obviously game input at this point is pretty much entirely based on punching fucking buttons, what kind of moron do you think I am?  That isn't the point I was trying to make and you damn well know it.  And if you don't, God help you.  The only thing at issue here is that competitive WoW isn't the kind of thing I like when compared to other competitive games, and I don't understand why this is a problem for you.  How is that hard to fucking understand?  I would much rather competitively play something like Quake where the playing field is entirely equal and the competition comes from using that single system to be the best of your ability.  Yes, I am aware this is *roughly* the same *overall* concept as WoW's pvp or any other competitive thing, but obviously you've got completely different animals when you get down to the mechanical details.  I don't consider the *kind* of teamwork that WoW's pvp presents to be fun when you're talking about something that's meant to be strictly competitive.  The gameplay there isn't even *that* mechanically different from the kind of shit you do in the game and I am aware of this, but when I'm looking for something *competitive*, that's not what I'm looking for.  I don't consider running around in tiny arbitrary circles to avoid getting hit to be fun.  I think it's fucking stupid.  Is that okay with you, or would you like to continue banging your head against the wall?

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