I always thought the more "racecar" Batmobiles were pretty stupid, actually (especially the Burton Batmobile ... to be honest, I hated basically everything about those films). The Tumbler was the first concept that actually made any real sense to me, even if I have grown exceedingly tired of the Nolan films, so I disagree with this dude's assertion from the ground up. Either way, I do wish the new game didn't spend so much time and attention on the car ... but I guess maybe it'll end up being a good thing since there are 2 other Rocksteady Arkham games and the WB Arkham game which already have you spending the whole time on foot.
I haven't picked this up yet, but just watching a video of it made me want to play the others again. I never could get into City the first time around, so I decided to replay Asylum and then try City again. I think I'll have better luck this time, as while I'm thoroughly enjoying Asylum again, I'm definitely ready to take Batman into the bigger context now. I even ordered a cheap copy of Origins because I heard the story is actually quite good ... so I may just try to rush through that one to see the story stuff. If and when I actually complete all this (yeah, right), maybe Arkham Knight will be cheap enough for me to bite.