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Ananova: Boy, 4, attacks armed robber with toy swordA four-year-old changed into his Power Ranger costume and attacked when his family were held up by an armed robber.Stevie Long sneaked out of the room while a robber was pointing a gun at his five-year-old sister Mary and mum Jennifer.Minutes later, he leapt back into the room dressed as a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, reports the News and Observer."Get away from my family," he shouted, swinging his plastic sword and shouting "yah, yah."The robber and his accomplice, who was waiting outside the apartment, fled with credit cards, jewellery, and cash."I scared the bad guys away," Stevie said later at the apartment in Durham, North Carolina.Police say the two armed men had approached Jennifer Long's boyfriend and his son outside the apartment.One of them pushed the son back into the apartment where he forced Jennifer, Stevie and Mary, a cousin and two other children to the floor at gunpoint.Relatives said the robber abandoned plans to take Stevie's mother to a cashpoint to withdraw money when he saw Stevie.Stevie's aunt, Heather Evans, said a counsellor had suggested Stevie needs to improve his distinction between fantasy and reality: "He fully believed he morphed," she added.
Don't think he would have been shot unless those guys are psychos.