Author Topic: Been off my meds for about 6 months now  (Read 5745 times)

Offline PyroMenace

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Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 02:43:57 PM »
So I've been on mood stabilizing medication for almost a decade, one of which I wasn't supposed to be taking for as long as I did. Antidepressant use have almost become a norm in America now and even been over prescribed in a lot of cases, anyway I don't want go into the politics of it. I had stopped working almost a year ago and been back as a full time student. One could recommend not getting off of them at this time, haha. But I did it partly because of financial reasons and another being that... after almost a decade, my head is in a very different place than where it was back then. I spoke to a professional about it, and he agreed it's something I should do when I found the right time, so I started waning myself off shortly after that appointment. After a couple more weeks I had stopped completely. I will say the 2nd week of going off I could definitely feel it. Just my mind coping and feeling the withdrawals. Just walking through campus and feeling something was definitely off, it was a little rough, but I soon got over it a couple days later. There were a few more waves of mood swings but I finally started to level out. I actually took the summer off, the very end of the spring semester actually fairly rough. My level of anxiety was definitely hitting its limits and I almost failed one of my courses, but I was generally surprised at how I pulled off decent grades in the rest of them. Anyway I had the summer off and an open schedule of pretty much doing anything I wanted for the first time since I graduated high school. I know rarely anybody gets to have this kind of free time at my age so I was very grateful I had this opportunity, and frankly, I hardly deserved any of it. But over those three months things were starting to click more in my head, I guess the most apt yet cliched comparison is I felt less cloudy. It wasn't happiness, but definitely a greater understanding and easy processing of old emotional struggles in my head. Even when I communicate with people I feel like I read everything they are saying more efficiently. I know... a lot of what I'm saying sounds stupid (fuck this almost reads like that Tarvuism video) or that I'm just thinking too much... but I guess the point of it is that I actually don't think too much anymore because I get it. Also my appetite went waaaay the fuck down. Holy shit what a difference, I don't even crave sweets anymore which thinking back I had a vicious sweet tooth. I still enjoy those things but I don't have any appeal to eat it anymore. Even my thirst for heavy drinking has greatly diminished, I still can put away a whole lot of booze but I can walk away from it much more easily. I lost some weight... but I gained a lot during my last relationship and would like to lose more. I honestly thought that maybe it was just the fact that I currently had no pressure from any job or work or relationship was relating to my mental state, but even coming back to classes again the last couple months, I still feel more clear headed. Being a returning student I definitely learned that I still feel anxiety the same way I did back then.. but how I deal with it has changed some.

Anyway this is getting too long, point is I honestly don't see myself needing the meds like I used to. I will say they helped for that period of life I was in, but definitely was not a cure all. So yea, Ive been wanting to write this down in some way so figured I would just do it here. I also want to apologize to you all for being a little overly hostile in a handful of threads, to Cobra because I was being a jackass. I'm in my 30s now and I really should tone that shit down like a decent individual. So yea... that's it... and I'm out!

Offline idolminds

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 03:34:28 PM »
Sounds good man.

(this is the lamest response but I cant come up with anything else)

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 05:46:23 PM »
Aw, jeez, man.  Now I'm the one feeling like a heel.  I went through the same thing, except in my case, I cold-turkeyed out.  It was financially impossible for me to get more pills, having lost the job and the health insurance, and I wanted off of them anyway.  They were hundreds of dollars per prescription fill without the insurance.  I got these brain zaps for weeks afterward.  They felt like mini-short circuits, which would make me lose a split second each time.  I found listening to music continuously (Marvin Gaye, of all things) would keep them at bay.  So I was plugged in with headphones or loud speakers on the PC, or these earcaps on a PDA, for weeks.  (Yeah--PDA, a Dell Axim.  That dates the events pretty well.)  Eventually, they went away, and I was glad to be off the chem dependency.  But I was not a happy camper during the withdrawal.

I'm glad you're through it now.  Time for a clean slate.  And at 60, I definitely could use your parting advice myself.  Damn emotions get in the way, though, don't they?

Edit:  I found my thread on this.  Effexor--I had totally forgotten the name of the drug.  I had also forgotten the tinnitus brought on by the zaps.  Man, over 9 years ago . . .

Quote from: Cobra 9 years younger
Edit: Oh, and before I forget, anyone who I piss off before I stop feeling weird has a blanket apology. I've noticed I've been kind of a prick in some replies, and more brusque in general.

« Last Edit: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 06:18:20 PM by Cobra951 »

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 05:48:45 PM »
That's awesome, man. I'm proud of you, and glad you've been able to stick with it and feel better for it. Been wondering since I haven't seen you around much lately, so really glad to hear that you're doing well. School still going pretty good this semester then?

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Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 07:44:13 PM »
I got these brain zaps for weeks afterward.  They felt like mini-short circuits, which would make me lose a split second each time.   

Man so I wasn't crazy... I had that similar feeling too. If I missed taking my meds for about 2 days I would feel something like that. Though mine may have been more mild but I had this feeling like some sort of mini spasm in my head. Felt so weird. I didn't experience any tinnitus though.

School seems to be going fine Que. If everything goes according to plan, I'll finally be finished classes and moving into clinicals after next fall.

Offline K-man

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 08:56:48 PM »

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 09:17:35 PM »
I was wondering where you disappeared to lately. I'm happy to hear you're feeling better and that school is going well.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, November 02, 2014, 08:45:53 PM »
Aw, jeez, man.  Now I'm the one feeling like a heel.  I went through the same thing, except in my case, I cold-turkeyed out.  It was financially impossible for me to get more pills, having lost the job and the health insurance, and I wanted off of them anyway.  They were hundreds of dollars per prescription fill without the insurance.  I got these brain zaps for weeks afterward.  They felt like mini-short circuits, which would make me lose a split second each time.  I found listening to music continuously (Marvin Gaye, of all things) would keep them at bay.  So I was plugged in with headphones or loud speakers on the PC, or these earcaps on a PDA, for weeks.  (Yeah--PDA, a Dell Axim.  That dates the events pretty well.)  Eventually, they went away, and I was glad to be off the chem dependency.  But I was not a happy camper during the withdrawal.

I'm glad you're through it now.  Time for a clean slate.  And at 60, I definitely could use your parting advice myself.  Damn emotions get in the way, though, don't they?

Edit:  I found my thread on this.  Effexor--I had totally forgotten the name of the drug.  I had also forgotten the tinnitus brought on by the zaps.  Man, over 9 years ago . . .


I had a girlfriend for a while there who was on Effexor for anxiety or something.  It was a pretty dumb situation because I don't believe she was ever prescribed to take it by a professional but once she was on it she'd just get the prescription renewed no problems.  Whatever, she was trying to get off of it (don't know if she ever fully did) but the withdrawal sounded terrible.   She said it was like a random second of the world going static - like from a tv, visually and audibly, and then everything would just go back to normal.  Crazy.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #9 on: Monday, March 30, 2015, 06:31:15 AM »
Meds are what's been keeping me alive!! But I want off.. But we'll see how the heart responds.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #10 on: Monday, March 30, 2015, 08:24:26 AM »
You having physical issues because of the pregnancies and deliveries?  You're too young to have to worry about your heart.  I hope that all gets sorted quickly.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 05:05:10 AM »
Cobra, yes. I shouldn't have had the second one but the first was begging. I did look into adoption but that is kinda scary in itself.


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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 05:10:09 AM »
That's great to hear, Pyro.  No one should have to take drugs their entire lives just to live a relatively normal life.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Been off my meds for about 6 months now
« Reply #13 on: Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 09:39:09 AM »
I am glad you are doing well Pyro.