I don't recall having talked about it all that much. I'm not really even that big a Star Wars fan to begin with. Regardless, I was just trying to give the thread a comment.
Truth be told, it isn't the last three movies that killed it for me so much as it was those piled beneath the mountain of other crap. I just feel like they went off the deep end with all this Star Wars-branded stuff (90% of the games but for the few good ones, that god-awful Clone Wars cartoon, etc. etc.) and just ran the thing into the ground. It's a cool universe with neat stuff, but they cheapened it so much. Feels like the core elements of what made Star Wars cool got watered down to the point where it became a bit meaningless, which is a shame.
I didn't actually see the new Trek movies and don't know much about Abrams. The movies seemed way too flashy for Star Trek to me, so ... I won't say I avoided them per se, I just didn't go see them and haven't had any interest in rentals or whatever. I can't really get a sense of anything real from this trailer other than that the tone seems better than the new trilogy. Like maybe it might have some more grit. That would be a welcome change, as the last movies were so toothless.