Thanks, Cobra, I appreciate that. I hope so too.
It's been a strangely instructive time for me. Even with the "noise" of staying at my mom's place temporarily while things got worked out here, I was able to take a lot of time for self-reflection and to both think about my situation and all its implications, and to stop thinking about my situation and all its implications. I feel like I've learned a lot about myself in that short time, and hopefully will continue to here. Hitting the gym three times a week (at least was before, and will be again when I'm done getting the house mostly set up), working on clearing my head and focusing on my spiritual health, and hopefully going to make a hardcore push at downsizing my junk collection again. I've actually got a little side workshop room here that'll basically be an eBay assembly line, and someone in town here offers better than average prices for used movies, so I'll be dumping a huge load of lesser films on her. Books ... well, I'm still working on learning to part with those, but I dumped about 10 or 12 paper bags of stuff on Half Price Books in Texas before I moved back, so hopefully I can continue the trend and let go of some more. Especially since I have so little time to read.
Anyway, it's great to be back. I haven't really "missed the internet", but at the same time, it's nice to finally get to catch up on some news, both just games-wise and with you guys. I've been so out of the loop!