Had much better luck last night. Ended up playing for almost 5 hours straight. So whatever that tutorial crash bug, everything's been solid and stable so far. I haven't even had any performance gripes. There are the little pauses between actions and enemy reactions, which sucks, but that's just the game thinking or whatever. Everything has felt great for me so far other than the early frustrations with the tutorial crashing. You do miss a bit not being able to do the tutorial. There's a basic mission you get with a bit of story (that much I played), then a separate mission where you retrieve something, and I couldn't do that part. You also miss a little moment with Bradford in the command center. But otherwise you get everything else, including the introductions of Tygan and Shen, so it's not really a huge deal. I just watched those on youtube and started a new game sans tutorial, and things have been smooth sailing since.
Just the FEEL of the game is so great. The fluidity and speed increase is so welcome, and everything looks good in the same fluid way. Just feels looser, less like a game. I'm absolutely loving it so far. Have only had a couple deaths, which weren't tremendously heartbreaking, but I'm making some fun characters as I go (more than I thought I would), and have made I think 5 goofy characters for the pool. It's all great stuff and I'm really happy with how the game turned out, by and large.
So I've got a playlist going here:
I really wish more of you guys streamed stuff. I'd love to just hang out and watch my friends play a little here and there. Listening to Sy talk about the game made me want to see his setup and approach.
EDIT x2 -
Man, is nobody else playing this? Having such a great time with it. I lost my first campaign and have started another, this one going much better so far. Though I'm about to hit the blacksite and take the real first test. Definitely still a little rough around the edges, which is a shame, but I haven't had any issues with performance or with any big bugs. Mostly just piddly stuff for the time being. Even though I've been playing steadily I wish I had more time to play.