Author Topic: Well, I don't like having to make this decision  (Read 4938 times)

Offline gpw11

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Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« on: Wednesday, December 06, 2006, 11:34:31 PM »
Oh hey, me again.  I'm still on my mission so to speak, but thought I'd drop in.  Actually, I figured I'd ask you all a question of what I should do in a certain situation, because I'm really not too sure and I don't want to talk to anyone I actually know face to face about it.  Obviously, it has to do with a girl...because these things usually do.

See, there's this girl that my a few of my friends (specifically, their girlfriends...her friends) have been telling me liked me a lot.  For maybe three weeks straight they'd all be trying to get me to hook up with her, but I wanted none of it because, quite frankly I found the whole situation to be awkward.  Well, that and I really didn't even know who she was except that I had talked to her a few times that I don't even remember (binge drinking.....woo!).  In fact, when someone told us we met on Halloween I thought it was someone else completely (and I wasn't even that drunk).

Anyways, long story short, I was at the bar a few weeks ago and actually started talking to her and honestly, I was pretty impressed.  Apart from the fact that she doesn't drink enough and dances too much she turned out to be really cool.  She does  humanitarian stuff and for some reason I don't think she's as self-righteous as most people when they talk about it, she's damn funny, more interesting than most people, and well....cooler than most chicks you haven't known forever.  So, I end up talking to her for a while, don't even try to go for the pickup, and just get the number.  Here's where it kind of gets fucked up in my mind.  She makes a big deal to check to make sure I saved it correctly, and that I'll actually call.  She tells me her schedule for the following week, and pretty much sets up a day to meet up.  Great.

At this point I'm again kind of reluctant, because I can't do any of the things I usually try to get away with seeing as she's a.) really nice and b.) a good friend of mine's roommate.  Yet, the next day her roommate comes over, seems really pumped, doesn't bring it up with me but tells my roommate that this girl really likes me and is a bit worried I won't call.  So a few days later I call, mainly because I forgot what days she was going to be out of town.  She's gone, but she'll call me when she gets back.  She gets back, calls, but I can't make it.  She works out of town quite a bit and our schedules don't really line up on the weekend for a few weeks.  Either way, the point is that this isn't really working out.  While all this is going on, I'm slowly getting more and more used to the idea of actually going out with this girl, so it's kind of frustrating when this happens for some reason.

Anyways, I was talking to her friend tonight about a fund raiser/party thing we're doing tomorrow and I basically ask if I should bother calling her anymore.  The answer is where my question lies;  Apparently, this girl has 'kind of been on a couple dates with someone' she met right before I got her number and started to talk to her (I use 'talk' loosely since I'm not a huge phone talker) and 'it's not much at all, but she feels kind of awkward about the whole thing.  Apparently, she's 'stoked' to hang out, and she commented about how it's just 'bad timing'.  She then goes on to say how we'd really get along very well, and should 'try the friend thing' and 'we'll all hang out'. 

So, this is my dilemma;  my natural instinct is to just say fuck it and not hang out with her.  If I'm somewhere and she's there, I'll talk to her, but I might even try to avoid her for a while.  The other option would be to hang out with her, which could be entertaining for both parties, but will probably leave me feeling bitter, passively aggressively trying to sleep with her, or something like that.  I would have definitely been able to hand just hanging out with this chick and being friends a couple of weeks ago, but somewhere along the line an idea has been formed in my head, and I won't be able to pull it off now without some ulterior motive for a while.

So the real question is if I should just cut her loose completely or perhaps hang out with her (keep her in the wings so to speak), in hopes of maybe forming more something down the road.  I wouldn't count or wait on it at all (or so I say now), but chances are that would be why I'd be hanging out with her at this point; putting in time.  I really don't know what to do because on one hand, I have pride and my distaste for awkward moments that aren't going to turn funny in a week, yet on the other it's very rare that I find a chick that I'd actually want to hang out with ....and sleep with, and in the end an investment now could pay off huge...and honestly I think that's what her roommate is going for (assuming she's being honest).

Sorry for the long ass post, but I figured it'd be best to get some advice since I respect all your opinions (except ren's).  And to be perfectly honest, I haven't been banking on this at all.  I've been seeing another girl for a month or two, but she's batshit insane and I really need a good reason not to call her when drunk...which is probably a large portion of how this idea of me and the other girl formed in my head.  I don't know if that means anything.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, December 06, 2006, 11:54:15 PM »
I'm in a similar situation as you actually. Well just at a similar decision prospect. I wanted to hang out with this chick, I met her and she seems really cool and I know she digs me but shes hung up on her last ex and doesnt want a relationship. The main problem is that I met her through one of her best friends whom I'm good friends with, but she keeps on fucking the hangout thing up because she is trying to push us to be together. I'm not even sure if I want that yet cause I dont really know her and plus I hate dating people I dont know well. She keeps on pushing her about it and its pissing her off and I really hate coming off looking like some desperate ass. I'm wondering whether I should keep trying to get to know her better and maybe something could happen in the future, but usually shit like that doesnt happen so should I just save the stress and say fuck it. I don't know.

As for your problem, I'd say give it time, but it seems like something like that would fizzle out kinda like what would probably happen in my situation, but if thats the case theres nothing really to lose. Tell you what, whatever decision you come up with, I'll try the same, lets make it an experiment.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 12:04:13 AM »
I have no relationship advice. Just get pics.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 12:13:59 AM »
Well figure out what you want from her. Once you get that clear in your head, the answer should be pretty obvious.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 12:21:05 AM »
Uh.... flip a coin?  Seriously, I don't know.  All I can say is that when I find a chick I really like, I go after her.  If there's competition (reasonable competition -- I won't try to steal a guy's girl or anything), then they'd better bring their A game.  I'm no lady's man, but if I think a girl is really something special, that's that.  If you really think she's great, give it a shot.  *Shrug*  I don't know.  Everybody's different, I guess.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 01:00:55 AM »
"Well figure out what you want from her. Once you get that clear in your head, the answer should be pretty obvious."

Well, I definitly know what I want, it's more about how much I want to invest in it given the chance of return.

As for the rest, one of my main problems is I never take anything girls say at face value with things like this, so no matter what her friend tells me, I always second guess it.  Is she saying I should hang out with her because she doesn't want to tell me I somehow fucked it up?  Or maybe she just doesn't like the other guy?  Who knows?

Actually, that's just an excuse.  I don't really care about that.  I guess the only issue is I don't want to invest time into somethng like this when there's the chance that I'll just end up losing out because it's already set that way from the start.   As for the other guy, I'm not worried about him at all.  If there is any indecision on her part, I'm pretty sure I'd win out....because I'm pretty awesome and girls love me.  Unless he doesn't drink...and he dances....and he ldoes charity work.  That's probably more in tune with what she does than my drinking, making fun of people dancing, and figuring out how to set up fake charities (step three: profit).

I've been in a situation like this before sort of, except it started as a drunken hook up and a friend told me straight up right away that the girl was still in love with a friend of hers.  I ended up talking to her a couple times, meeting with her once, and then avoiding her.  I didn't want to wait on someone else making a decision.  Yet, in retrospect, that chick sucked (total hippie that wore stupid hats) and the only benefits were that she did a really good Stewie impression, she was really hot, and she was a bit of a freak.  Nevertheless, in the end I guess I always regreted not putting any real effort in.

So, I guess that makes my decision for me.  I'll treat it like I treat talking to girls in bars:  as much as I don't really want to do it, I will because I'd rather regret failing than regret not trying.   So that's my decision in?

Now, lets all wait for the inevitable post I make where I get shitfaced, bitter, and start drunk dialing girls in front of her.

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 01:11:00 AM »
Haha I just laughed as soona s I read "...she's batshit insane..." Among the myriad of hilarious thoughts that fluttered through my mind as I read that was good ol' Guano. Naturally followed by flashbacks of Ace Venture 2: When Nature Calls.

Back to the primary topic, go for it man. You can do eeet!

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 07:26:09 AM »
Depends on how much you want to hook-up with her/see her.  It seems like it is absolutely 100% doable, and if you do "hang out" with her and "do the friend thing,"  it's most likely going to evolve into something, provided you want it to.  Basically, the ball is in your court right now.  If you want her, then hang out with her and you're in -- it seems like the "friend" thing is a way of her wanting to try it out but also wanting to keep it from being awkward, or a way of her inadvertently trying to see if you're into her.  If you don't feel like dealing with a chick whos looking for that kind of validation, then you can easily pass on it, since it is so early.

Offline shock

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, December 07, 2006, 08:09:08 AM »
Call me a romantic, but I would always say give it a shot.  When you are starting a relationship, the chances of it working out in the long run are slim, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put your feet in.  It is obvious that there are feelings there, so I would say go for it.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #9 on: Friday, December 08, 2006, 02:24:08 AM »
Update: tonight didn't go very well at all.  There was this cancer fund raiser/party we were both at.  When I first got there she came over and talked to me for a few min.  I didn't have much to say because there was like 4 people staring at us and I felt weird for some reason.  And then I didn't really get a chance to talk to her for the rest of the night. 

After leaving, I decided to go back and do so, but she had already left*.  The bad news is that I had to call my friend, her roomate, to see if they were still there.  May have been transparent...I don't care.  So, I probably look like kind of a dick.  Whatever, I may not be happy with my performance tonight, but I'm now determined to put a solid effort in on the weekend, and if that doesn't work out at all then I'm just going to leave it be.  I already have enough on my plate as it is, including one crazy broad and one girl that keeps calling me but I try to avoid because we're totally not looking for the same thing, and I can't pull the stuff I used to and feel okay about it.  That's pretty much that.  I'll put in the effort, and if that doesn't work out then that's just how it played out.  No use worrying about it or draging it out over a month or so.  I can't handle that at all right now.

*I took so long because I lost my car for an hour.  I knew exactly where I parked it, but I just couldn't find it.  This kind of thing will happen maybe once or twice a year for me since I had those concussions and subsequent PCS. Every time it does I have anxiety for weeks and worry about what kind of damage I've done to myself.  In all honesty that's why I went back to the bar; whatever happend there would be better then sitting at home, not sleeping, and worrying about it. 

Well, I guess I'll figure this out on the weekend.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #10 on: Friday, December 08, 2006, 11:28:20 PM »
Give it time and attention if it's something you want to last a while. 

If this girl is serious about you or getting to know you, it'll happen.  AT this point, it sounds like she's trying to have "backup" in case the dating she's going on now doesnt' work out. 

I think the best thing at this point would be to talk things over with her and go from there and stop going with what friends say.  It's going to seem more awkward when you start talking, but you'll get things a lot clearer.  You can still listen to the friends and go with what they say she says or feels.  But I swear, going direct is sometimes best.

Offline ren

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, December 09, 2006, 01:51:52 AM »
you think too much. you seem to want her so just make a move, there really isn't as much drama as you think there is. and if there is, just ignore it, it doesn't matter.

oh, and I appreciate the shoutout. your advice means a lot to me as well.

Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, December 09, 2006, 11:30:44 AM »
you think too much. you seem to want her so just make a move, there really isn't as much drama as you think there is. and if there is, just ignore it, it doesn't matter.

Ah, genius.  One of the biggest problems men have with women is the drama, but like 90% of the time, there is no drama at all really.  Rens right, just jump right in if you feel it, and if you don't feel it then walk away -- it's really that simple.

in other news, ren is a player.

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, December 09, 2006, 02:11:11 PM »
That wasn't ren, it was all Emilio.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, December 09, 2006, 03:47:22 PM »

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #15 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 01:03:21 AM »
I'm in a massively drama filled situation and just took my own advice with astounding success. I have a feeling that the next few days will turn that astounding success into a crash and burn. That's fine though, at least I went for it....

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Well, I don't like having to make this decision
« Reply #16 on: Sunday, December 10, 2006, 03:13:29 AM »
poor frog

Offline Pugnate

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