Author Topic: My New Rig (2015)  (Read 10607 times)

Offline Xessive

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My New Rig (2015)
« on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 10:34:01 AM »
It's been a couple of months since the first components arrived but I finally got everything together, up and running.

I put this baby together during a period in which I was the perfect balance between technological excitement and depression.

On to the exciting part, the specs:

CPU: Intel Core i7 5930 (5th Gen)
CPU Cooling: CoolerMaster Seidon 240M Hybrid Liquid Cooling
GPU: Nvidia Titan X 12GB GDDR5
PSU: CoolerMaster M2 1500W
Mobo: Asus Rampage V Extreme Edition (X99)
RAM: 48GB DDR4 2800 MHz (32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 + 16 GB Adata DDR4)
Case: SilverStone TJ10 Temjin

I actually got 64GB of RAM but the last 16GB dimms turned out damaged, so I set them aside until the store can replace them.

Titan X arriving:

Lights on:

Lights off:

I feel an explanation is necessary, particularly for some of the overkill parts (namely the Titan X). I was toying around with the idea of building a new machine and initially I was planning on setting up a gaming rig with the GeForce 980 or 980 Ti in mind. Now, this was during the time I was courting this girl whom I had been planning to marry. I use the term courting because technically that's precisely what we were doing, we were both in it for the win inevitable marriage. She was a very traditional, conservative Egyptian woman, with a lot to frown about in my comparatively outlandish lifestyle. Naturally, during such a time I dropped these thoughts of technological whimsy to the back of my mind because, hey, I had to save for a wedding! I saved like a squirrel saves for the winter.

I was deeply in love and ready to face my destiny. It seems fate had other plans because it all fell apart one piece at a time. She insisted that a lot of what I considered normal was frowned upon in her family and society. Merely having female friends was a slap in the face of the institution of marriage. Staying out late with friends was discouraged but permissible given an appropriate occasion. I felt like I was trying to acclimate to living in the town from Footloose.

As the rose-colored glasses I wore began to fade, so did the the fiery love I had for the woman with whom I intended to spend the rest of my life. I persevered, assuming it was a natural phenomenon; nothing can stay exciting forever, right? I stuck with it. I did everything like I was supposed to, as any gentleman would. But I was changing. I was "becoming a man" I uttered to myself convincingly.

Despite all the expectations, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right. While in my mind I believed I was becoming a better "me" everyone around seemed concerned. My family would often ask if "things are alright" or if "this is what I want." It was clear that I wasn't myself. I was apathetic, demoralized, often appearing somewhat sickly or exhausted. I shrugged it off as lack of sleep or general pre-marital stress. I was delusional.

I decided to analyze what was happening to me objectively (or at least as objective as it possibly can be, given the personal nature of the relationship and how deep in I was). Gradually, I began to notice all the things that I consciously and subconsciously put in place to enact the radical changes in my personality and my overall state. I was sacrificing a very large chunk of who I am to make it work. To cut it short, I was bending over backwards for this woman to make the relationship happen. As I later uncovered, she felt she was sacrificing a lot by accepting me despite my sinful lifestyle; she was going to change me to be a better man, a God-fearing man.

I'm already a God-fearing man, so this notion struck a chord with me. I don't consider myself particularly religious but much of what I do often involves thoughts of God and love. I respect God and I understand the guilt I feel when I do something selfish. I don't act with the thought that God will throw me into Hell with every action I take. My religion is positive attitude, not fear. With that in mind, how far into Hell was I willing to go for this woman? No further. I had to talk to her. I had to put a stop to the madness. She took in the information about how I was feeling and then she snapped at me. She may have been going through what I was experiencing as well, because she went for the gold with the cussing, followed by an Emmy award-winning emotional collapse. We argued and then left. It was over.

Unexpectedly, I felt no remorse. I didn't fall into a depressed state. I felt liberated. I was surprised by my own emotional reaction. I went home to sleep on it. I woke up the next morning feeling like a weight had been lifted off me and I was ready to right the wrongs. I took a chunk of what I had saved and promised myself a new rig. The best part? I followed through on that promise and I put in the extra to go all out, going so far as to get a frickin' $999 USD graphics card, the Titan X. No regrets.

A couple of days later she called, apologetic, and wanting to get back together. I accepted her apology but I told her there was no way I was going back. If she wants me she can move forward with me and lose the judgemental attitude because I am not allowing that shit back into my life.

This particular incident helped reflect and realize that almost every major purchase I've ever made was immediately following a break-up. First big screen TV, first gaming laptop, first home entertainment center, damn. When I'm depressed I go shopping.

Offline gpw11

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 11:29:27 AM »
Soooooooo I should break up with my girlfriend, move out, and then buy a way nicer computer?  I'M FUCKING IN!!!!

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 11:37:55 AM »
Haha, damn man. That was not the story I expected to see coming into this thread. But it sounds like you made some sound realizations, and if you want to build a monster rig just because, more power to you. You're a working stiff ... why not?

My single question is on that insane amount of RAM. Like holy shit dude! I was under the impression that anything over 16GB was a stupendous luxury, and anything over 32 was probably just completely useless. Has it gotten so cheap at this point it doesn't even matter? Are you assuming future growth? Has RAM become more valuable in larger quantities than the last time I read up on stuff? (Entirely possible.)

Regardless, that thing is a beast. I'm sure you'll enjoy the hell out of it.

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Offline MysterD

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 12:30:49 PM »
Sorry things didn't work out w/ you and your lady, X. :(

But, damn - I'm so jealous at that Titan X. And I'm already pretty damn happy w/ my 4GB 960 over here... :-X

Offline MysterD

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 12:32:01 PM »
My single question is on that insane amount of RAM. Like holy shit dude! I was under the impression that anything over 16GB was a stupendous luxury, and anything over 32 was probably just completely useless. Has it gotten so cheap at this point it doesn't even matter? Are you assuming future growth? Has RAM become more valuable in larger quantities than the last time I read up on stuff? (Entirely possible.)
Nothing wrong w/ future-proofing; especially if you're willing to throw down the $ for it.

Also, the new upcoming DICE-made Star Wars: Battlefront PC version actually recommends 16 GB of RAM.

Also, who knows how long until we see more un-optimized and/or very stiff system-requiring/recommending PC versions. Seems to be a growing trend of late w/ the new consoles (PS4 + XB1) here and all; and less games not even having a PS3 + XB360 version.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 01:32:25 PM »
At least she was honest, or maybe you just figured it out from her signals.  Most of the time, you end up trapped in a marriage you initially feel great about, then the woman reveals her true colors, and tries to mold you in her image.  Narrow escape.  Way to go.

As for the rig, jeebus!  What a powerhouse.  That ridiculous amount of RAM--how are you going to set it up.  Can you use 32 GB for a RAM drive, and the other 16 GB to still make everyone jealous?

Offline Xessive

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 02:05:31 PM »
I'm counting my blessings for dodging that bullet. Seriously, it could have been a lot worse, devastating, if we came to this realization a year down the road.

Yeah, the RAM is overkill. Honestly, even the highest recommended requirements on high end games will say 8GB. I went for the massive amount for the bundled savings: 16GB DDR4 was going for about $350 but 32GB was going for $600. Anticipating that I would likely upgrade in the near future I figured I'd go for it now and save $100.

I know 48GB is an odd number, I actually wound up with all that RAM due to inventory issues with the shop. I originally wanted 32GB (which is still a massive amount) they only had 16GB of DDR4 at the time, so I grabbed it. Later they had a lot of trouble getting more 16GB packs, they only got packs of 32GB sets and would not open them to sell individual dimms. So I figured I'd trade in the 16GB for a total of 32GB but that was an issue for that particular shop (unfortunately no other shop in the country does trade-ins either). So I wound up with the 16GB plus the 32GB. I might just go ahead and sell the extra 16GB independently on eBay or something.

Since I started out with 16GB (while the shop was getting more inventory) I managed to run some tests. Oddly enough, when the system had 16GB (Adata) it was scoring better than the total 48GB (32GB of which are the Corsair). Just to give you an idea, on 3DMark's Fire Strike benchmark with 16GB I scored 14776 but with 48GB I scored 13682. Kinda weird, I'm investigating what could be contributing to reduced performance with more RAM.

I gotta say, having a sweet rig does help with the depression :P


Just to be clear, a lot of the specs are massive overkill. I would not recommend the Titan X for anyone unless you have money to throw around (which I did thanks to the marriage failure to launch). You can get pretty damn good results with the 980 Ti at a fraction of the cost. The excess RAM is another massive expenditure. The CPU is the only thing I really held back on just because it made no sense to spend $1000 on the Core i7 5960X Extreme Edition when I could get great results from the Core i7 5930 for about $550. I don't know why my senses only kicked in when it came to the CPU.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 02:17:30 PM »
I so didn't expect to see that relationship stuff in this thread.  I loved reading it.  In some ways, it reminded me of some of the things that I unwound after the fact related to my previous situation.

Good for you!  People should accept you for who you are.  You shouldn't have to change for anyone, or you clearly aren't the right person for them in the first place.

Rig looks like a beast!  I'm jealous.  My only computer now is a mid-2009 13" MacBook Pro.

Offline Xessive

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 02:28:28 PM »
Haha thanks guys, I thought I'd throw in a story twist to spice up the sterility of a spec thread :P

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 03:16:38 PM »
Best of luck to you going forward. Like everyone else said, you made the right call. I'm sure there'll be a little lingering unpleasantness, but that won't last too long, especially for someone as social as you.

The one thing with all that RAM is that you could have a bunch of better-than-average virtual machines going any time you wanted. THAT would be pretty effing cool. Throw a few cores at those and give them a nice hunk of RAM to play with, you could have some fun.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 08:03:34 PM »
I'm counting my blessings for dodging that bullet. Seriously, it could have been a lot worse, devastating, if we came to this realization a year down the road.

Yeah, the RAM is overkill. Honestly, even the highest recommended requirements on high end games will say 8GB.

Star Wars: Battlefront PC wants to have a talk with you, since it recommends a whole 16 GB of RAM.
Open Beta test starts up tomorrow - you can add it via Origin.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 04:35:35 AM »
Star Wars: Battlefront PC wants to have a talk with you, since it recommends a whole 16 GB of RAM.
Open Beta test starts up tomorrow - you can add it via Origin.
Yeah, it's the first game with a high ram recommendation.

Already preloaded the beta ;D

Offline MysterD

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Re: Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #12 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 06:18:03 AM »
Yeah, it's the first game with a high ram recommendation.

Already preloaded the beta ;D

I got the Beta pre-loaded too.

Did you already install the new NVidia SW:BF Drivers?
I put them in last night.

I'm sure your insanely super-monster PC won't even break a sweat trying to run this game. :)

Offline Xessive

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Re: Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #13 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 07:11:28 AM »
I got the Beta pre-loaded too.

Did you already install the new NVidia SW:BF Drivers?
I put them in last night.

I'm sure your insanely super-monster PC won't even break a sweat trying to run this game. :)
Yeah, the driver is updated.

I'm so psyched for this!

I love having that sense of security about running a game and never wondering "will it run?" :P I'll at least be able to enjoy that until the technology becomes obsolete in a few years.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #14 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 10:50:03 AM »

Since I started out with 16GB (while the shop was getting more inventory) I managed to run some tests. Oddly enough, when the system had 16GB (Adata) it was scoring better than the total 48GB (32GB of which are the Corsair). Just to give you an idea, on 3DMark's Fire Strike benchmark with 16GB I scored 14776 but with 48GB I scored 13682. Kinda weird, I'm investigating what could be contributing to reduced performance with more RAM.

DON'T.  If I've learned anything from my years with PCs and smart phones, don't start looking into marginal losses in performance.  It always ends up with me spending at least four hours tinkering around, never accomplishing anything, and then just giving up - frustrated.  When I think about it, I don't think I ever would have noticed a difference without benchmarks.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #15 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 12:03:32 PM »
DON'T.  If I've learned anything from my years with PCs and smart phones, don't start looking into marginal losses in performance.  It always ends up with me spending at least four hours tinkering around, never accomplishing anything, and then just giving up - frustrated.  When I think about it, I don't think I ever would have noticed a difference without benchmarks.
That's what I thought at first. I figured a marginal difference could be neglected, until I ran Batman Arkham Knight.

BAK has been running beautifully since the September update. That was with the Adata 16GB DDR4 installed. But with the total 48GB the game is broken again! The batmobile segments are choppy, I fall through the geometry, and the framerate in general dropped to well below 30 fps. It completely baffled me.

Then something occurred to me. Both brands are DDR4 @ 2800MHz and all dimms are 8GB each. What if there's a compatibility issue? I removed the Adata 16GB and kept the Corsair 32GB, lo and behold the system performance is back. The 3DMark score jumped back up and BAK is running flawlessly again. WTF?!

I never thought the brand made a difference. I always assumed that as long as the RAM is the same it would be compatible.

To the research chamber!!

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #16 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 12:35:00 PM »
You know, I had a similar problem years ago with my old core2duo system.  I had something like two sticks of 1GB DDR and 2 sticks of 2GB DDR, both from G.Skill.   I had planned on buying the 2GB as an upgarde and rolling with 6GB total, but for whatever reason, mixing the two caused all sort of problems so I ended up just having 4 GB total.

Who knows?  Anandtech forums, that's who.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #17 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 12:46:27 PM »
I experimented with switching slots. I plugged all 4 Corsairs together in the left most dimm slots and the 2 Adata sticks in alternating slots on the right side of the mobo, no go, the benchmarks started scoring low and BAK's framerate dropped again.

Then I tried sticking the Adata in the two remaining slots just for a "3rd time's the charm" sake and for some reason the benchmarks are now scoring high again and BAK is running smooth.

While that's all good and dandy I'm now concerned about the health of the two slots that seem to cause performance drops when the RAM is plugged into them. I'll run some tests with only the Corsairs just to eliminate any possibility that the damage is somehow on the motherboard.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #18 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 01:10:37 PM »
Wow. The videocard alone is clsoe to what I built my entire last/current system. But that was years and years ago.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 02:46:20 PM »
Wow. The videocard alone is clsoe to what I built my entire last/current system. But that was years and years ago.
Haha yep, the times they are-a-changin' :P

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 03:54:26 PM »
This is the best 'My New Rig' thread ever.

On a side note... people do change a little to match their partners. But should not to the point of changing who they are.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #21 on: Friday, October 09, 2015, 01:44:55 AM »
This is the best 'My New Rig' thread ever.

On a side note... people do change a little to match their partners. But should not to the point of changing who they are.

Haha thanks, man.

It's true. Everyone has to make compromises to make relationships work; it's all about give'n'take. With this particular situation it almost didn't matter who I really was, she was intent on molding me into her ideal mate. If it makes me a better person I'm willing to entertain the thought but the changes were becoming unwelcome, to the point where my body was physically rejecting them.

Either way, if I had to do it all again I probably wouldn't change a thing. It was a learning experience. I learned more about people, how to handle these situations, and, most importantly, I learned more about me.

Plus all those savings went into something productive :P

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #22 on: Friday, October 09, 2015, 09:02:32 AM »
Plus all those savings went into something productive :P
Xessive can run SW:BF Beta at Max without the rig even breaking a sweat. :P

Offline Xessive

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #23 on: Friday, October 09, 2015, 09:37:32 AM »
Xessive can run SW:BF Beta at Max without the rig even breaking a sweat. :P
I can confirm that ;D

By the way, I ran the beta on my old system and even on medium settings the beta looks and runs great. It's the Ultra settings that squeeze out the extra resources for additional enhanced visuals e.g. more detailed lighting and ambient occlusion, FSAA, etc. If your system can run Battlefield 4 on medium to high settings then you're good to go with Star Wars Battlefront.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #24 on: Friday, October 09, 2015, 01:03:21 PM »
I can confirm that ;D

By the way, I ran the beta on my old system and even on medium settings the beta looks and runs great. It's the Ultra settings that squeeze out the extra resources for additional enhanced visuals e.g. more detailed lighting and ambient occlusion, FSAA, etc. If your system can run Battlefield 4 on medium to high settings then you're good to go with Star Wars Battlefront.

Game looks technically amazing w/ most stuff on Ultra here. I am usually in 1080p w/ 50-60 FPS on the regular with some drops to 40's sometimes.
I have V Sync Off, though.

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, October 11, 2015, 03:36:58 PM »
So, besides Batman AK and SW:BF (DICE), what other games have you benchmark-thrown at your monster rig to eat for breakfast? :P

Offline Xessive

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #26 on: Monday, October 12, 2015, 07:01:22 AM »
So, besides Batman AK and SW:BF (DICE), what other games have you benchmark-thrown at your monster rig to eat for breakfast? :P
Oh ho ho ho! haha

I had some fun with big graphics-savvy titles, particularly the heavy-hitters of yesteryear.

Here's a list:
Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed Unity
CoD: Advanced Warfare
Company of Heroes 2
Dead Rising 3
Dead Space 3
Dragon Age Inquisition
Ryse: Sone of Rome
Dreamfall Chapters
Dying Light
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Lords of The Fallen
Mad Max
Metro Redux (2033 & last Light)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Mortal Kombat X
Shadow Warrior
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishment
Sniper Elite 3
Zombie Army Trilogy
The Talos Principle
The Witcher 3
Wolfensetin: The Old Blood

And yes, these are all installed currently on my new massive 2TB 7200 RPM drive. I got really excited to try them :D

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Re: My New Rig (2015)
« Reply #27 on: Monday, October 12, 2015, 10:22:41 AM »
Oh ho ho ho! haha

I had some fun with big graphics-savvy titles, particularly the heavy-hitters of yesteryear.

Here's a list:
Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed Unity
CoD: Advanced Warfare
Company of Heroes 2
Dead Rising 3
Dead Space 3
Dragon Age Inquisition
Ryse: Sone of Rome
Dreamfall Chapters
Dying Light
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Lords of The Fallen
Mad Max
Metro Redux (2033 & last Light)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Mortal Kombat X
Shadow Warrior
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishment
Sniper Elite 3
Zombie Army Trilogy
The Talos Principle
The Witcher 3
Wolfensetin: The Old Blood

And yes, these are all installed currently on my new massive 2TB 7200 RPM drive. I got really excited to try them :D

Awesome!!! :)

BTW, I have 3 WD Black HDD @ 7200 RPM.
3 of them are each 1 TB; and the last one is 2TB.
So, yeah 5 TB in total :-X

The above doesn't include the 2 external HDD that I have hooked-up to my PC - which has some of my Steam game back-ups; game back-ups from other services; game installs + patches; etc etc.

Have you run Shadows of Mordor yet at the max 6GB VRAM graphical settings?

I'm also betting that GTA5, Ryse, Mad Max [game], ACU must look & run amazing at max.