My roommate is a waitress at Outback and while the money is good and makes me plenty jealous, the shit she has the deal with pretty much makes up for that. Today she had a bunch of stiff tips and tables that told her how awful of a waitress she is. I think shes been crying all day. I got home from work and she was in bed, but she just got up and her eyes and nose are all red. I offered to console her but she wanted to be kept alone. Makes me sad, I love her to death, and this isnt the first time its happened. In fact there was a time where it got so bad she had a hysterical reaction and I ended up having to take her to the hospital. I sometimes worry about her, she works soo freaking hard everyday, with her job, her classes, and a bazillion other little jobs she does for her teachers and everything, she piles on alot of stress, makes me look like chicken shit. Anyhow, people are fucking dicks, ya know.