So far it's VR is wild. It's definitely something you have to experience to be able to judge.
I'll keep my first impressions in a brief "Yay" and Nay" list:
- Extremely accurate tracking
- Innovative implementation possibilities
- Shooting like a frickin' pro! Aiming a gun or bow feels unbelievably natural. I was almost surprised that I could close one eye and aim down a gun sight too!
- A lot of fun with the right games
- You can switch between Room-scale VR and seated VR (a la Oculus Rift)
- Resolution is less than stellar plus there's a screen-door effect (I was expecting it but I didn't think it would be this visible)
- Set up is kind of a chore, especially with the base stations (lighthouses)
- Headset camera is hit or miss; even the manual states that activating the camera can cause issues with tracking and recommends disabling it
- The game selection is still sparse
I've tried both seated and room-scale VR and I firmly believe that the VR experience is best when you can immerse yourself in it physically. Seated VR is alright for select experiences like a flight-sim or a space-sim but even then the visual fidelity (lower resolution, screen-door effect, etc.) doesn't feel worth it to me.
I've tried
Elite: Dangerous(E:D), which I was super psyched to try in VR, and frankly it is better on the screen. Since the control scheme is the same (gamepad or KB+mouse), the VR experience doesn't add much more than being able to control the camera with you head. Text is practically unreadable in E:D using a VR headset unless it's large enough. These could all be flaws on this particular game. I've been reading rumours that
EVE: Valkyrie is coming to the Vive so I'll be able to compare when/if that comes around.
The Lab is an excellent demo of VR goodness. It really showcases how VR can be a lot of fun.
Anyway, I'll dive back into VR and let you know how my opinion develops.