Author Topic: Hexcells  (Read 2417 times)

Offline idolminds

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« on: Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 08:04:16 PM »
I got these as part of the current Humble Indie Bundle and would say they are worth that middle tier all by themselves (even considering some of the other games in the bundle its a crazy good deal). They are logic puzzle games and just simply fantastic.

I have only played the first one so I don't know what twists appear in the later games (there are 3 total, all come with the bundle), but I'll describe what I've played so far. Each puzzle is set on a hex grid with a pattern. At first it plays a bit like Minesweeper: some of the hexes have numbers on them indicating that they touch that many "filled" hexes. So if it has a 1 on it and its already touching a filled hex that means you can clear all the other ones it touches. Simple.

Then the game starts layering on new twists. So in addition to the above, maybe the filled hexes are consecutive. Maybe there is a gap. Then they start adding in numbers outside the grid referring to the column of hexes, much like Picross. So maybe this column only has 3 filled consecutive hexes, if you have 1 hex marked then you can work out which ones you might be able to remove.

It's really really good and I am so looking forward to playing the other games (already 100% the first one). There isn't any guesswork, I was able to work out exactly which ones to fill or not based on the clues the board provides. I got stumped on one that looked like I had to guess but I thought about it long enough and realized there was only one way to do it. Felt so good to work that out.

If you don't want the humble bundle it looks like these could go for pretty cheap in Steam sales. I highly recommend these if you like puzzle games. Also your clicks kind of add to the music that's playing so it's really relaxing and nice even though you're going to stress your brain a bit.

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Re: Hexcells
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:13:47 PM »
That sounds great. I'll totally keep an eye out for those.

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