Author Topic: Diablo 1 & Hellfire - Update: Hellfire added to GOG version (Reply 22)  (Read 7665 times)

Offline MysterD

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Diablo 1 & Hellfire - Update: Hellfire added to GOG version (Reply 22)
« on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 06:00:53 AM »
So, w/ nostalgia of D1 thrown into D3 by Blizz patch, I did experiment a bit.
I did get Diablo 1 going on modern OS's. I'm dedicating a whole thread to this, since we do have D2+D3 threads dedicated to just those games.
And since D1 can be a real pain to run on modern OS's, too.
I'm going to chuck all kinds of resources, source ports, links, and other stuff in here on how to relive the original classic on your modern PC's.

Lurker Lounge - Diablo 1 Backwards Compatibility Guide.
« Last Edit: Friday, July 19, 2019, 06:29:39 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 06:36:24 AM »
MysterD's Installation Instructions for...
Diablo 1 (without Hellfire) via Belzebub Source Port:

1. If you still have your retail copy and a CD/DVD/BR drive, then install the Diablo off the CD. Should take no time.
If installing on newer Windows OS's (i.e. W7 and above), don't put it in protected folders - i.e. C:\Program Files (regular) or C:\Program Files x86. Anywhere but those.
Try elsewhere - i.e. C:\Games\Diablo; C:\Diablo; or anywhere else that isn't protected folders.

2. Copy DIABDAT.MPQ file from your CD over to your Diablo folder where Diablo.EXE resides.
You'll need this to run the game without the disc, whether natively or via Belzebub.

3. Patch it up to 1.09 (regular) - these files should be on Battle.Net or Lurker Lounge.
Battle-Net Link for Retail version patch -
Lurker Lounge link -
Download the patch from one of those places and install it.

4. Patch it up to 1.09B - these files should be on Battle.Net or Lurker Lounge.
Lurker Lounge link -
Download the patch and install it.

5. Grab Belzebub Source Port (i.e. Diablo 1 HD Mod) and download it.
Get it here -
This Source Port can only be played Offline in Single Player Mode.
This Source Port also includes also extra classes, unused content/quests, zoom in/zoom out features while playing (roll mouse-wheel up+down), high resolution support (including 4K, if you want to go that high), FPS caps up to 60FPS, etc etc.

6. Unzip and dump Belzebub's folder contents right into the main Diablo 1 folder (where Diablo.EXE is).
All new files here (except README.TXT), so it shouldn't over-write anything.

7. Boot game-up from running Belzebub.EXE.
Also, you might want to create a shortcut for Belzebub.exe and throw that on the desktop.

8. Enjoy D1 at High Res + on modern systems!!!
« Last Edit: Thursday, March 07, 2019, 04:16:55 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 11:55:46 AM »
I actually reinstalled the game yesterday and am currently on Level 8.  I hadn't bothered to patch up.  Thanks for the tutorial.  I'm not going to install the source port just yet.  I've never actually completed a play through of the game, and I'd like to experience it at least once how the developer intended.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 12:44:43 PM »
Nice. I will happily install a source port. Game is just too wonky on modern displays. The mouse feels completely wrong in widescreen, and the one update I found for custom resolutions did some weird things with the mouse, especially in inventory management, that just made it a chore. If this works, I'm all about it.

Though the 2nd patch doesn't seem to be necessary. It just complains and tells me it has something to do with and doesn't need to be run.

EDIT - Really wish there was a way to get this working in multiplayer. It doesn't even let you select multiplayer with the port, so even LAN emulation isn't an option, I guess. Which is a bummer. I also wish I could selectively choose which bells and whistles to turn on, as some of the stuff feels just a little too modern. Ultimately, though, the game seems playable, and the hour and change I spent with it vanilla last night was a bit rough. Just some of the interface lessons that hadn't yet been learned, like a show items key, being able to hold down the mouse button to attack rather than having to endlessly wear out the mouse with clicks. Stuff like that is very welcome. A stash and waypoint system probably don't need to be there, but inventory management was a relentless pain in this game, and not especially fun, so I'm going to call that a win also.

It feels a touch wrong that the townspeople wander around and stuff, but it's not a big deal. Just to have it run well, without having to do a bunch of weird crap, and having the mouse and menu stuff feel correct makes this more than worth it.
« Last Edit: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 01:11:18 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 06:05:12 PM »
Nice. I will happily install a source port. Game is just too wonky on modern displays. The mouse feels completely wrong in widescreen, and the one update I found for custom resolutions did some weird things with the mouse, especially in inventory management, that just made it a chore. If this works, I'm all about it.

Though the 2nd patch doesn't seem to be necessary. It just complains and tells me it has something to do with and doesn't need to be run.

EDIT - Really wish there was a way to get this working in multiplayer. It doesn't even let you select multiplayer with the port, so even LAN emulation isn't an option, I guess. Which is a bummer. I also wish I could selectively choose which bells and whistles to turn on, as some of the stuff feels just a little too modern. Ultimately, though, the game seems playable, and the hour and change I spent with it vanilla last night was a bit rough. Just some of the interface lessons that hadn't yet been learned, like a show items key, being able to hold down the mouse button to attack rather than having to endlessly wear out the mouse with clicks. Stuff like that is very welcome. A stash and waypoint system probably don't need to be there, but inventory management was a relentless pain in this game, and not especially fun, so I'm going to call that a win also.

It feels a touch wrong that the townspeople wander around and stuff, but it's not a big deal. Just to have it run well, without having to do a bunch of weird crap, and having the mouse and menu stuff feel correct makes this more than worth it.

Yeah, out-the-box w/ original Diablo.EXE - had all kinds of issues. Version 1.00 would boot-up fine, though.

But, with it patched-up to 1.09b - nope. Got the "CD Error", even CD was in the drive.
Even moved the MPQ to the game-folder - nope, still same issue.
It's just not friendly out-the-gate w/ most modern OS's.

Oh, yeah - I forgot to note that the Source Port is only for Offline Single Player. I should have mentioned that. Let me add that in there, in my post.

I really love the zoom-in/zoom-out feature w/ this Source Port. I wish the Source Ports out there for D2 had that.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 06:10:16 PM »
I actually reinstalled the game yesterday and am currently on Level 8.  I hadn't bothered to patch up.  Thanks for the tutorial.  I'm not going to install the source port just yet.  I've never actually completed a play through of the game, and I'd like to experience it at least once how the developer intended.

Understandable. I did play it back in the day + finished it w/ both offline + online characters - so yeah, I'm fine w/ Source Ports and all.
Plus, this game can be a real pain in the ass to get going, on Modern OS's - especially if you try to patch it up and then run it.

This Source Port's the easy way to really get this going and running well on Modern OS's.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, January 08, 2017, 06:32:32 PM »
OG Diablo is one of the first games I played heavily online. Was in a clan, made a ton of friends. I have no idea how many hours I logged. It probably wasn't half as many as it feels like, because I don't think I leveled THAT many characters, but man did I have a good time. I miss those times. I was like 14/15.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #7 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 07:41:41 AM »
I ended last night on the final floor.  I've cleared out the hallways and pulled a switch that opened a previously walled off area.  looks like there's two more after that.  Despite the age and inefficiencies in design it has been a very enjoyable experience.  I've only run into a handful of things that were anything more than a minor annoyance.  The main one though is that it is to your disadvantage to have a ton of gold.  It only stacks in amounts up to 5k and takes one inventory slot each.  So by the end of the game, if you're a frugal spender, 2/3 of your inventory is gold.  Unfortunately Neither Wirt or Griswold had much in the way of beneficial equipment to spend money on. 

The other thing I found annoying were the enemy types that would run away from you.  As a warrior you have no reliable way to counter this, so you spend an inordinate amount of time chasing enemies down or trying to catch them in a corner.  Fire wall helps, but the warrior class doesn't really focus on mana, so at best I can cast it twice before I'm eating a potion.  The final few levels have been a grind.  I was in dire need of some resistance gear, and fortunately a quest answered that need.  I feel like I am fairly well equipped to handle Diablo.  Guess I'll find out tonight!

The original has a grittiness that was somewhat lost in Diablo 2.  Unfortunately it was INCREDIBLY lost in Diablo 3.  I believe it has to do with the more personal nature of the combat.  You can't go in guns blazing.  Getting surrounded is death.  You absolutely must use the environment to your advantage.  And, honestly, I kind of like it.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #8 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 10:10:09 AM »
I'd agree with your assessment there. Even though I loved D2 for all of its many improvements to gameplay, it still lost something the original had, both in terms of gameplay and in terms of atmosphere. It's clearly the best game in the series, but there remains something special about OG Diablo that I don't feel like anything has ever quite replicated. It was a simple idea that stuck to its guns and didn't suffer from bloat. D3 is a prime example of how to deviate from that formula. It's by all means a good game at this point, and one I enjoyed and continue to enjoy, but it's a textbook illustration of "more is less". The stupid story that doesn't work, the weak characters, the stupid demons that turned into cartoons, the colossal dumptruck of lore that actually only serves to weaken and cheapen the gameworld rather than add value because none of it has much imagination, the fact that death is basically meaningless. All of these things, despite a good game markedly improved since its launch, make it less than its predecessors. Some of that additive-creep began in D2, and while it never truly became egregious, you can see the shift from the first game, which is in so many ways a purer and better thing.

That said, we've learned a lot about interface and usability since then. The stuff that source port adds is all very welcome to me, and made it easier to go back. I made it to the catacombs last night with a rogue. Even with the new additions like a personal stash and trade stash, things like inventory remain a nightmare. Made like 4 trips up and down from Leoric's tomb to carry back items. Total slog.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #9 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 04:33:15 PM »
When sequels do "more of the same", of course it's going to lose something. It's going to lose the freshness that made the original so great in the first place. The problem w/ Diablo 1 was....well, it was great. There really wasn't much wrong w/ it, when it came out. It wasn't like Assassin's Creed 1, which had a tons of problems + issues - but AC2 was so much better than it couldn't be denied which was the better game.

Also, D2 is a much BIGGER game. More towns; more different locations/are; and well....basically it's "more-more-more." If you loved D1, it should be right up most gamers' alley. Only thing really missing here was - well, no....D2 also dropped the kitchen sink.
Best game in the series, if you ask me.

D3 basically...streamlined everything. Can't improve stats of your characters (it's gone), more "consolized" (less hot-keys), skills just unlock at level-up. It makes it impossible for most to screw their build-up, which is good for no0bs. I did like the "fluff" D3 added w/ optional Lore audio + stuff, even though it wasn't anything special - but it added some flavor + personality to a series that lacked it, in previous titles. Previous games felt more game-y, straight-forward and to the point, TBH. But, Loot tables sucked until the revamped Loot 2.0 patch.

And RoS fixed the game, taking a good game (Diablo 3) w/ its awesome last act + especially w/ opening the game-world up w/ Adventure Mode, turning it finally into something great. Mind you, it isn't D1+D2 - but this is a different kind of great.

Now...if D3 ever loses its player-base severely on PC, I would so love for the game to get an offline mode.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #10 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 05:06:57 PM »

. . . D2 is a much BIGGER game. More towns; more different locations/are; and well....basically it's "more-more-more." If you loved D1, it should be right up most gamers' alley. Only thing really missing here was - well, no....D2 also dropped the kitchen sink.
Best game in the series, if you ask me.

I'd answer the same, if I were asked.  The problem with D1 is D2.  I see no reason to revisit D1, just like I feel no compunction to revisit Zelda 1.  Both were superseded spectacularly (though it took one more iteration for Zelda to really leave its primitive roots behind).  I'd enjoy playing both D2 and ALttP today, probably as much as many modern games.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #11 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 05:44:51 PM »
Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. I think Diablo 2 is a better game, but primarily because of the interface modernizations and improvements to character building, not because there's more of it. The story stuff was largely forgettable, where the original had more charm and gravitas, but it didn't take it so far that it became a useless distraction like D3. And the atmosphere was still there, where it really wasn't in D3 at all. But I contest that D3 is "consolized" at all. Streamlining and improving is a necessary thing if you're going to make a sequel, otherwise you're just making the same game. It takes a different look at character building that's more fluid (primarily just not locking you into a skill tree), but this is to its advantage, I think, and the facets of character creation are every bit as deep.

D3 fails in storytelling, world-building, atmosphere, and difficulty. It's a complex and rewarding game, just one that doesn't have the weight its predecessors did, because it spends far too much time up its own ass.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #12 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 05:52:03 PM »
Can I run the game with Belzebub without the CD in the drive?
edit: you can, if you copy the mpq file from the CD into the game folder.

I honestly think D2 and D3 are much closer to eachother than D1. D1 was concentrated in one dungeon, was a slow and deliberate dungeon crawl, and the loot all felt more valuable. In D2 and 3 you're fighting more enemies, going after unique or set pieces for gear, and globetrotting around seeing the sights of the world. It sort of reminds me of Dead Space. With the sequel they ramped things up and put in a bunch of setpieces, and some of the purity of it was sort of lost. Don't get me wrong, I like D2 and D3 a lot, but they have a different feel from D1. I almost feel like the feel and flow of D1 is closer to something like Legend of Grimrock.
« Last Edit: Monday, January 09, 2017, 06:26:14 PM by W7RE »

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #13 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 06:06:09 PM »
I finished up a few minutes ago.  For a game that's 20 years old it really was a great experience.

Diablo certainly feels more deliberate in its flow.  It's a self-contained instance, and you make do with what you can scrape together.  And there's something very charming about that.  I think D2 is the better game by far, but I'm sure glad to have finally completed a play of D1.  D2 is more of a diluted experience, though I'd wager a single player play through would at least approximate the feel of Diablo 1 (I, like most others I'd guess, went directly to multi and never looked back). 

Diablo 3 caters to the lowest common denominator, for better or worse.  It's a great game now that it's been fixed.  But they just went way wrong with the tone.  It's even more evident now that I've played through the first game.  How did they miss the mark so badly? 

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #14 on: Monday, January 09, 2017, 10:45:39 PM »
This is why so many of us kicked and screamed about the art style. And everyone was like, "shut up, stop being annoying," but they really did miss the mark completely. And as it turned out, I think Diablo 3 is a beautiful game. I really enjoy the way it looks and animates, by and large. But it still doesn't look like Diablo. It just doesn't. This was indicative of tonal problems from the start, and I think all of those concerns were justified because the end product was a Saturday morning cartoon after two games that actually had some teeth. Just listen to Diablo and the rest of the demons talk. They're cartoons. They don't shut up. There was a real sense of menace to those fights in the first two games, and that is very much lost in 3.

This was floating around for a while, and I believe was linked here during discussions about this before the game launched. It was actually hard to find, but I did manage to track down a copy:

Not perfect, as it's just someone doing postprocessing on existing screenshots, but it's clearly a more appropriate look. And again, it's not that D3 looks bad. It really doesn't. Once I saw it in motion when we actually got it I was like yeah, okay, this game really does look good, and I wasn't (and still am not) mad about it. But that said, I think it showed that from the start they just had their tonal trajectory way off.

There's a mod you can use (at your own risk, though the consensus seems to be that it's safe) to do some cosmetic tweaks to make D3 feel a little more visually appropriate (actually had to search quite a bit for this as the original website has vanished ... I've never used it, but it doesn't modify game files, and supposedly Jay Wilson gave it a tentative thumbs up on Twitter saying it wasn't a cheat, so they didn't expect to issue any bans over it unless it became one):

EDIT - Oops, sorry. Thought those links were valid and they were not. Apparently this is just as good:

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 06:22:19 AM »
Yeah, I certainly found the art direction a problem from the beginning.  My experiences with Diablo just underscored how badly they whiffed on this game.  I mean you had two games' worth of excellent source material to work with. 

Anyway, this thread isn't about Diablo 3's shortcomings. 

One thing I legitimately wonder about is why Blizz hasn't put their classic titles up for sale.  This event obviously drummed up some interest in the original title, and it would have been relatively easy money to put a digital version up for sale.

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 07:07:37 AM »
Diablo certainly feels more deliberate in its flow.  It's a self-contained instance, and you make do with what you can scrape together.  And there's something very charming about that.  I think D2 is the better game by far, but I'm sure glad to have finally completed a play of D1.  D2 is more of a diluted experience, though I'd wager a single player play through would at least approximate the feel of Diablo 1 (I, like most others I'd guess, went directly to multi and never looked back).

I guess that's it, then.  I never went multiplayer.  D1 felt archaic and limited after playing D2.  The second was simply bigger and better in every respect (in SP).

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #17 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 04:27:41 PM »
For anyone complaining about D3's art style - the original core crew quit Blizzard North, that were involved w/ D1+D2, when making the original version of Diablo 3.
They didn't like how things were going w/ demands from their parent company (Vivendi), left, went Indie & formed Flagship. Flagship developed (the underrated) Hellgate: London.
Flagship went out of business.
Then, they formed Runic. Runic developed Torchlight 1+2.

The other Blizzard studio restarted the D3 game, did their own thing w/ it, and developed the version that we know as Diablo 3 that's on the market at stores now.

More on the original Blizzard North Diablo 3 w/ screens (it looks a lot like Diablo 2, TBH) here:
Kotaku -
Forbes -

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 04:40:36 PM »
Yeah, I certainly found the art direction a problem from the beginning.  My experiences with Diablo just underscored how badly they whiffed on this game.  I mean you had two games' worth of excellent source material to work with. 

Anyway, this thread isn't about Diablo 3's shortcomings. 

One thing I legitimately wonder about is why Blizz hasn't put their classic titles up for sale.  This event obviously drummed up some interest in the original title, and it would have been relatively easy money to put a digital version up for sale.

Problem is - if they did re-release Diablo 1, they might actually have to + want to officially patch the original Diablo 1.
With all its issues + whatnot, it really is a pain in the ass to get going + running natively properly on modern OS's.

If they re-released the original game basically "as is", they'd probably have to drop a warning that "you might have to mod it" to get it to work properly.
Belzebub's probably the best + easiest way to get D1 going anyways.

Can I run the game with Belzebub without the CD in the drive?
edit: you can, if you copy the mpq file from the CD into the game folder.
I forgot to add that step!
Let me add that to the steps of installing process.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 06:48:09 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Diablo 1 - How to get it going on modern OS's and whatnot.
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, March 07, 2019, 04:14:50 PM »
Diablo 1 (GOG's most-wishlisted game of all time) joins GOG and is now DRM-FREE at $9.99:

Things to note:
GOG version ships w/ 2 versions of the game:
1. The original authentic 20FPS version of Diablo 1 w/ SVGA graphics & you can also match-make online via Battle.Net.
2. And an updated version w/ modern high-res' support, W10 support, and bug-fixes.

Also, expect more Blizzard games to join GOG, such as Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft 2:

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Re: Diablo 1 - Update: D1 joins GOG (Reply 19)
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, March 07, 2019, 08:34:16 PM »
Thats pretty awesome.

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Re: Diablo 1 - Update: D1 joins GOG (Reply 19)
« Reply #21 on: Saturday, March 09, 2019, 07:13:03 AM »

Yes, I thought so myself. :)

Glad to see Diablo 1 hit GOG. It's a royal pain to run natively, if you have a retail copy. Good luck - unless you use a source port.

And nice to see both GOG and Blizzard work together, offering up a DRM-FREE OG version of the game and also even a 2nd version updating the game for modern high-res's and some fixes.

This above-mentioned stuff is the kind of stuff, that makes me want to re-buy a classic, even if I wait for it to get a lot cheaper. ;)

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Re: Diablo 1 - Update: D1 joins GOG (Reply 19)
« Reply #22 on: Friday, July 19, 2019, 06:27:22 PM »
Don't think I ever mentioned it...

...but after fans been asking so much for it over on GOG, a few months back Blizzard gave GOG permission to add Hellfire expansion to GOG version of Diablo 1:

Link from Polygon -

ICYMI, way back in the day, Blizzard didn't develop this expansion (Synergistic Software did), but they (Blizzard) do own the rights to it and they don't consider it canon.