Cools! was here...
Solipsism Warning: The consumer should be aware that he or she may be the only entity inthe universe, and therefore that any perceived defects in productquality are the consumer's own fault.Determinism Safety Advisory:Every citizen be advised that despite the possibility that his or heracts are all entirely predetermined by the blind mechanical nature ofthe universe and are therefore unavoidable and inescapable, he or shewill still incur a legal responsibility and liability for any torts,violations, misdemeanors, or felonies he or she commits.Epistemological Denotation Warning:The consumer must understand that due to the a-priori impossibilityof assuring a shared denotation amongst independent agents, none ofthe advertising material, product literature, instructions, or safetywarnings (including this one), associated with this product maycontain what the consumer perceives to be factual information.
Cartesian Evil Genius Alert:The reader is advised that he or she may be subject to an illusiongenerated by an evil genius, and that his or her "sensory fibers" maybe falsely manipulated at any time with neither advance warning norany possible legal remedy.